Greetings everyone! Thank you so much for all the love and affection that you all have been showering on my stories! Happy reading!
Twinj: When I Fell For You: Season 2 Episode 23
A quick recap: Twinkle and Simmi move to the Taneja mansion, where Kunj drops by a lot, exactly like Rahul had predicted he would. While Simmi totally enjoys her stay owing to getting to play with Pari and Pihu all day long, Twinkle spends time with her parents.
Kunj accompanied Twinkle as she was taken on a stretcher to the operation theatre. He asked her to keep breathing deeply as she writhed in pain, grabbing his hand firmly. “Hey, you ready?” He asked, leaning close to her as they approached the doors. She nodded hesitantly, forcing a smile. “You can do this! I love you!” He whispered just as the doors were shut in front of him. He had been by Twinkle’s side for three days now, knowing that the baby was expected soon, and had just rushed her to the hospital with Yuvi’s help. Although he had already been through the anxiety of waiting outside those very doors before as well, his heart was beating frantically as he recalled how worn out Twinkle had looked a few minutes ago. He felt Yuvi put his hand on his shoulder to support him and smiled gratefully. “I just called up Ma. They’re on their way already.” Yuvi informed and Kunj nodded, realising that Simmi would be coming along too, since it was a holiday for her, which meant she would ask hundreds of curious, worried questions and he had to be prepared for it. He was glad Simmi was asleep when they had left the house, for had she seen Twinkle in that state she would have become impossible to handle. He smiled as he recalled the first time he had seen Simmi when the doctor had brought her out, he had been so excited that he didn’t know what he had to do. He couldn’t wait to hold his other baby in his arms anymore.
Kunj had been right about Simmi, for she wouldn’t stop chattering at all. She had already told everyone that she wanted to be the first one to see the baby, and had asked Amaya to help her learn how to hold babies so that she could be a good older sister. She would jump up excitedly every time the doors opened, and gave up after some time, tired of waiting quietly. She then went and sat down beside Kunj, nudging him playfully, wondering why he looked so tensed. She realised that he was in no mood to speak and frowned, shifting uncomfortably in her chair, pulling Kunj’s arms around her and turned towards him. He patted her gently and sighed when she fell asleep in minutes; he had figured that it was better that way. Leela smiled at the sight from the chair opposite to them, and then turned to look at Pari and Pihu huddled up with Amaya, unable to believe how quickly time had passed by, for to her, it seemed like just yesterday when she had welcomed Amaya home as her daughter in law and in a blink of an eye she was already a grandmother, though she was very glad about that. Simmi’s excitement had reminded her of Yuvi when he had seen his baby sister for the first time, it all felt surreal to her.
Simmi’s nap was disrupted when she heard a small baby crying. She opened her eyes and looked around confusedly, bothered that Kunj was trying to wake her up. “Baby!” She said excitedly when she spotted a doctor walk out with a tiny baby in her arms. She held Kunj’s hand as he led her towards the doctor, looking up curiously at her sibling. “It’s a boy! Congratulations!” The doctor spoke, which made everyone cheer excitedly. Kunj was elated at the sight of his little prince, who seemed so dear to him already. “Is Twinkle alright?” Kunj asked the doctor, who assured him that she was fine and would be shifted out real soon. The doctor then bent towards Simmi and told her, “Look, it’s your baby brother! Your Mumma told us to show him to you first!” Simmi clapped her hands and gently touched the baby, giggling at how he strained his eyes as he tried to get used to the bright lights. The doctor told her she would bring back the baby after a quick bath to which Simmi nodded with a smile. She then jumped into Kunj’s arms while all the others joined them for a group hug. Simmi excitement knew no bounds for she couldn’t stop talking about how cute she thought her brother looked, despite all the others telling her that they had seen the baby too and they knew.
When Twinkle opened her eyes a couple of hours later, she realised that she had been shifted to a ward and Kunj had dozed off on the stool beside the bed with his head propped up by his elbows. She turned to look at the little angelic soul in the cradle on the other side and smiled, her eyes welling up. Although the doctors had shown her the baby earlier, she had probably been too tired to even keep her eyes open and didn’t remember much. She wished she could get off the bed and pick him up, but couldn’t, so she chose to wake Kunj up instead. She gently ran her hands through his hair, making him sit up immediately. “Hi!” Twinkle said cheerfully, smiling brightly at him. He pecked her forehead gently, but she couldn’t wait any longer. “Bring him here!” she demanded impatiently and Kunj nodded, picking the fragment of his own soul from the cradle and bringing him to Twinkle. She held the baby close to herself as Kunj looked on, feeling overwhelmed. “Our little boy!” She exclaimed as Kunj sat down beside her, putting his arms around her and their new born whom they couldn’t stop admiring. She rested her shoulder on Kunj’s and he gave her a gentle squeeze on her shoulder, knowing that she probably had run out of words to speak. “Oh look, he’s looking at us!” Kunj said delightedly as the baby opened its eyes and blinked at them. “He thinks he has the best Mumma in the world!” Kunj said, suddenly feeling proud of his little boy. “Also a moderately good Papa.” Twinkle teased, giggling at Kunj who definitely didn’t like the joke. “Come on, Kunj! You can’t go around getting miffed at little things anymore, you have two little kids now!” She criticised, making him laugh as he leaned in and kissed the baby on his forehead.
“Has Simmi seen him yet?” Twinkle asked, and Kunj nodded, both of them giggling as he described how thrilled she had been. “Mumma!” They heard Simmi’s voice and turned to look at her come running towards them. Kunj picked her up and made her sit on his lap as she ranted on and on about the sweets that Leela had promised her that she would make until she noticed the baby in Twinkle’s arms. “Mumma, meet my baby brother!” She said, surprising both Twinkle and Kunj. “Mumma knows that already, Simmi. She’s his mother too, remember?” Kunj asked, even as he tried to figure out what she meant. “I know, Papa! I won’t share him with you two though. He’s only mine!” She replied, making them smile. Simmi then asked to hold the baby and pretended to be annoyed when Twinkle tried to reason with her that he was too tiny for her, so they let Kunj hold the baby on Simmi’s lap, making her think that she was actually the one holding the baby. “He likes me!” Simmi said happily, and as if on cue, the baby began to cry, making her scowl. “That doesn’t mean he doesn’t like you, Simmi! He is just not used to you yet!” Twinkle explained, wiping away the tiny tears that rolled down Simmi’s cheek and took the baby back into her arms. As she managed to quieten him down, she heard Simmi whisper to Kunj, “He’s going to be in Mumma’s team, Papa! I thought he would be in our team too!” Kunj whispered back, “We’ll pull him into our team, don’t worry!” She nodded gladly and had just jumped off his lap when the others came in to see Twinkle and the baby.
Twinkle was allowed to go home after a couple of days, and Kunj had pleaded to Leela and insisted that he be allowed to take her to the Sarna mansion first, and then she could go back to live at her mother’s place for a month or so like previously planned. Giving in to Kunj’s stubbornness, Leela had agreed and thus, currently, everyone had gathered at the Sarna mansion. Twinkle and Kunj stood in the corridor directly above the hall, watching the small celebration going on below with a content smile. Kunj gently put his arms around Twinkle from behind and hugged her, while she leaned back into him. They stayed in silence for a while, their hands entwined, when suddenly Kunj twirled her, making her face him. She looked at him questioningly with widened eyes and he simply winked at her, pulling her closer to himself. She smiled gladly and placed a peck on his forehead by raising herself on her toes. He responded with a kiss on her cheek, as he whispered “I don’t even know what to say anymore! I’m so grateful that you are mine, and we have the most beautiful kids and the perfect family!” She sighed and replied, “It’s like the best dream come true ever!” “Happy with your dream come true, Siyappa Queen?” He asked fondly and she nodded, replying, “Couldn’t get any better!” And then they lived happily ever after!
Okay, the last line might sound really cheesy, but since I get to choose what happens in this story, I choose eternal happiness for them, and you guys ahve no other choice than to believe this way! I want to thank all of you, even those readers who were around during the previous season but are no longer around, and especially those who have been there all along, right from the first time we saw Twinkle on that cliff (I don’t know how many of you know or remember that scene) to when we bid farewell to the mature, proud mother that she’s become as the story draws to its end, for being so supportive and encouraging to this story, right from season 1, when I had no idea this would be such a huge success that I would end up writing a season 2, which did pretty well too. I find it really hard to bid adieu to this story, for it was the very first one that I wrote. I sincerely hoped you all loved the story as much as you claimed, and that it was successful in all ways that there could be. Gosh, I had no idea it was such a difficult task to end this story that I had grown so attached to. Thank you all again! Lots of love!
The post Twinj: When I Fell For You: Season 2 Episode 23 appeared first on Telly Updates.
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