Friday, 8 May 2020

Ishq-E-Kismat Episode 33 – A New FF Tashan-e-Ishq

Hello My Dear Readers,
Thanks alot for reading and also for your kind words

Manohar-I suggest u and twinkle work from same cabin as twinkle will need guidance.And pls prepare the presentation and invite orlaem resort members

Kunj-Yes dad.

Twinkle once again thanks manohar

Twinj enter their cabin

Again it is a very systematic place

Kunj makes her to sit on his chair

Twinkle-It feels like a dream come true.Thank u kunj

Kunj-My pleasure

A knock at door is heard

(Walks in one more new character

Rishi -It will be played by my one of favourite tellystar jay bhanusali-He is kunj’s colleague and best friend)

Rishi-ohhh my god Bhabhi welcome welcome
U are so so pretty Kunj was so right
I have heard so many things about u from u
Seems like know u from ages

Rishi gives her some flowers to welcome
N goes on n on
Kunj feels helpless as he gestures him to stay quiet
But he goes on

Rishi-so u like panipuris ,u love small things u get scared of dogs ,u love greenery

Twinkle is speechless

She looks at kunj in a surprised manner

Rishi-By the way i forgot to introduce myself I am Rishi Wadhwa Ur hubby’s best friend

Twinkle greets him

Twinkle-U know alot about me

Rishi-Aree talk to kunj about his college days n he would just talk about u

Kunj-Rishi enough Pls get back to work

Rishi-ohhoooo trying to boss over me chalo no problem i am going u enjoy time with bhabhi

Rishi leaves winking at kunj

Kunj feels embarrassed as twinkle looks at him.

Twinkle- u remember everything??
U would miss me so much

Kunj-i missed u beyond words can describe

Twinkle looks intensely at him

Ram chachu comes there

Ram-ohhooo sorry to disturb u love birds but kadhoos bhaiyaa has send this list
Invite them for today’s seminar
N yes kunj great job of getting twinkle here

Twinkle smiles at him

Ram-Good luck my girl Keep shining like a star always

Ram leaves

Twinkle(emotionally)-Is this love affection that I am getting for real I mean cannot believe it

Kunj will i be able to do good job???

Kunj-ofcourse I guarantee within some days u will become dad’s favourite Chalo lets start
I will dictate u U type emails of invitation for clients


Twinkle immediately gets to work

Kunj smiles

He keeps dictating

She keeps typing

Suddenly her system hangs

Kunj explains her something

But she is unable to get

Kunj goes behind her

Holds her hand

He is very close to her

He helps her scroll through
But twinkle seems to be lost in his presence

Twinj together are shown working for long time.

Scene shifts

Bebe is very excited after talking to ram on phone

Usha-kya hua bebe any good news

Bebe-yes our twinkle has also joined our company So good both will be together n …….

Usha-but bebe will twinkle be able to manage i mean this work n all she seems very childlike
Bebe-So what??kunj is there na together they will rock I am so sure.

Usha nods

Scene shifts

Twinkle is drinking water
She seems nervous
Kunj-Heyy are u alright

Twinkle-hmmmm yes Actually i never met big ppl I mean these resort ppl I donot know how to talk to them N then…….

Kunj-Twinkle relax.They are very friendly and warm Just greet them casually N donot worry I should be nervous as i have to give presentation convince them to sign contract
U just have to attend the seminar

Twinkle-Aree you are my mr perfectionist U will excel in everything u do

Kunj feels all euphoric listening to words my mr perfectionist
His heart beats faster
N he is all happy

Scene shifts

Twinj enter seminar hall

Kunj introduces twinkle to clients

She greets them

Presentation starts

Kunj confidently explains slide by slide

Twinkle is in awe of him

As he is speaking in a very professional manner

She listens attentively

As the presentation comes to an end

Twinkle starts clapping loudly

All look at her surprised

Manohar seems unpleased with her reaction

Twinkle-sorry I guess was too loud.

Kunj- no problem Thank u my dear wife.

Clients clap too

Client-Mr kunj I have one major question.

Kunj-yes sir

Client-See i donot understand what sense would it make if we sign a contract with an Indian company .We have so many offers from our Canadian companies plus their corporate events are pretty huge and we earn alot of commission plus we get good name in market.

Before kunj could answer

Twinkle interrupts-Sir i donot know much about ur commission about different profits etc but i would just like to say one thing
In canada there are so many resorts
Almost all big and famous resorts host events of big canadian companies
Everybody doing same thing
Why not ur resort tries something different
Something unique
U will attract indian crowd.

Manohar is very displeased His pov-What crap she is talking Why cannot she stay silent.clients need strong stats not this layman logics

Client seems impressed-you make sense lady.

Twinkle smiles

Kunj is happy too.

Client-Mr kunj ur wife is so spontaneous and frank no manipulations so tall claims just sweet simple logic
We will sign the contract Mr Manohar

All feel happy

Clients sign contract n leave

Ram-lucky charm she entered our office today n we got such a huge contract

Manohar-yes lucky clients got convinced by logic for a change

Manohar leaves

Ram-He is so kadhoos Twinkle so so proud of u my shining star

He hugs her n leaves

Twinkle looks at kunj

In excitement gives him warm hug

He congratulates her

Scene shifts

Twinj are talking to leela through webchat
Twinkle is happily narrating everything
Kunj also praises twinkle alot
Leela’s eyes are filled with pride

Precap-Twinj are cooking together
Twinkle cuts her finger
It bleeds
Kunj immediately makes her wash it with cold water
N gently dresses it
He scolds her
Twinkle seems to be getting attracted to him

Thanks for reading
Take care
Stay safe💐💐💐💐

The post Ishq-E-Kismat Episode 33 – A New FF Tashan-e-Ishq appeared first on Telly Updates.

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