Wednesday, 22 April 2020

TWINJ Unknown to Destiny chapter ~1



A huge mansion is shown. There a name plate Sarna Mansion. Then a beautiful room is shown. A handsome boy wearing three piece suit looking dashing standing in front of mirror wearing his watch with no smile on his face. He entered in another room and saw a boy sleeping shirtless on his stomach sheets covering till his waist looking hot. He smiled and walked towards him sits beside him and shaked him.

Boy : kunj… wake up.

Kunj : hmm… stirring in his sleep.

Boy : kunj…

Kunj : what… opening his eyes… UV you…

Uv : yes me… now wake up fast… we are getting late for office.

Saying this uv went from there… kunj got up… and get angry…

Kunj : how can you act like you didn’t deceive me uv…..

All sarna family having breakfast silently..

Manohar : kunj uv you both are leaving for U.S tomorrow for the deal… and usha bebe is coming tomorrow you prepare everything.

Usha : you don’t worry. I’ll ready everything for her.

Kunj : wohoo bebe is coming… I’ll go to pick her up papa.

UV : I’ll also come with you. After all our lovely is coming after so long… I’m so excited…

Kunj : I’m leaving for office… ignoring uv words.

UV : I’m also coming…. Kunj looked at uv.

Kunj and yuvi both left to office… usha looked at manohar…

Usha : what are you thinking?

Manohar : my uv has lost his smile usha because of HER… and this Kunj don’t know when he will settle in his life.

Usha : you leave everything on God. Besides bebe is coming tomorrow we will find best girl for our kunj.

Manohar : I don’t want best usha. I want perfect girl for both kunj and yuvi who would be able to understand them make them a perfect man who would be matured and gathered our family in one knot whether she has our status or not I just want a simple and innocent girl.

Scene shifts to other side…
A simple double story house is shown… a man is shouting sitting on dinning table chair…

Man : twinkle… Twinkle what the hell took you so long…

Twinkle came with breakfast and keep it on table…

Twinkle : papa so sorry… I was…

Man : how many times i told you don’t call me papa….

Twinkle bow down her head tears flowing from her eyes…

So the man is soyansh Chandra. Twinkle step father. After rts death leela married soyansh. He married leela for money. After marrying leela he got to know leela is orphan and she had not much property. He torchered leela mentally and physically daily. Seeing her mother like this twinkle daily cried in her room. After twinkle turned fifteen leela accident happened and she died leaving poor twinkle in this devil’s den. From then only soyansh torches increasing day by day on twinkle. Soyansh and leela had no kid. Doctors said that leela can’t conceive more… that pissed him more…

After twinkle and soyansh had their breakfast…
Twinkle is in her room wore her uniform. Getting ready she looked at side drawer and opened it she took out white envelope. Tears flowing from her eyes she immediately wiped them. Just then she heard soyansh calling her… she went down…

Twinkle : yes… you called me… bow down her head.

Soyansh : where is your salary of this month.

Twinkle passed the same white envelope to him. Soyansh snatched it…

Soyansh : is it all the money…

Twinkle nods…. complete four lakh..

Soyansh : good… now leave for your job… when will you be back..

Twinkle : at night.

Soyansh : be ready… my friend is coming to see you for his son and one more thing if he would be good or no you have to marry him… saying this he walked out of there… Twinkle fell on her knees palmed her face and cried bitterly…

Sarna industries…

UV was sitting in his cabin lost in his thoughts. And Kunj listening music with sitting in his cabin. Manohar entered in kunj cabin and give him voice but he didn’t listen because of head phones in his ears… Kunj was swaying his head left and right. Manohar again n again calling him… he throwed file on his face. Kunj opened his eyes.

Kunj : what the hell… remove file papers from his face…. and looked up to find manohar there.
Kunj : huhh… papa you…

Manohar : yes me… concentrate on your work kunj instead of bullshit life of yours….. angrily.

Kunj : papa… why are you getting angry… innocently.

Manohar : just learn something from uv… Kunj snapped his head and looked at manohar

Kunj : my bad days hasn’t arrived yet that i would learn anything from him.

Manohar heaved a frustrated sigh…

Manohar : whatever… just complete this file… and this time without and fault… sternly.

Kunj : papa I’m happy in life. And I don’t like these business responsibilities n all… that’s why many times i told you I don’t wanted to join business… please.

Manohar : kunj by spending nights with girls by using them this is your life… seriously kunj… mocking him… can anyone say that you and uv are brothers…

Kunj : papa you are forgetting something uv also my brother he has spent nights with girls. Like me… rolling his eyes.

Manohar : no kunj you are wrong. He is doing in his pain unlike you.

Kunj : yeah only he is in pain as if I didn’t go through any pain… sarcastically.

Manohar : do whatever you want to do… saying this manohar stormed out of there… and entered uv’s cabin…

Manohar : uv… uv was lost  in his thoughts and gripped paper weight in his hand… listening manohar voice he came back in his senses…

Uv : papa…. come…

Manohar : what happened son…

Uv : nothing papa…

Manohar : is that project done…

UV : yes papa…

Manohar patted uv cheeks and went from there having sad smile on his face.

At night… in some bar club…

Uv was sitting in side taking sip of his drink… his expression was blank… other hand in same club kunj drinking like a mad man dancing with girls… all girls drooling over him… he looked at a girl sitting in corner who looked at him with lusty smile. . his friend arman came to him.

Arman : kunj why are you staring at her… don’t tell me you are in love…. jokingly..

Kunj : is it a joke arman then hell it was bad. Love is not in my dictionary I hate girls all are gold diggers…. with anger in his voice…. no girl can enter in my heart…

Other side….

On airport twinkle walking in hustle bustle…. she was just praying that she reached her home soon….

Again scene shifts to club…

Arman : okay okay… now don’t get angry… but if you want her then take her… smirked. Kunj smirked back and walked towards that girl.

UV was drinking just then a girl in one piece sit beside him and caressing his thighs…

Girl : why are you sitting here alone… can I accompany you handsome… UV looked at her and thought…
Don’t know why fate had done this with me. What was my fault… don’t I deserve to be loved… can any girl enters in my life who would love me accept me. And could vanish my pain.

Other side…
Twinkle standing out of airport she was in so hurry that she turned and collided with old lady.

Twinkle : ohh aunty so sorry… I’m really really so sorry….. picked up her bags and other stuff… aunty do I hurt you
.. are you okay…

Lady smiled at her care….

Lady : I’m okay my child don’t worry…. God bless you… carressing her cheeks…

Twinkle took a cab sits and went from there… that lady kept looking at her smilingly…

Lady : she would be perfect for my kunj…. hey babaji I forget to ask about her name or anything… looked up at sky… make her bride for my kunj…

In club….

Both uv and kunj went in private room with their girls…
Kunj was with his girl kissing her lips both fell on bed….
Other girl dragged uv to another room and throw him on bed and stripping her clothes…..

Screen freezes…

Chapter 1 ends here.


Helloo friends… how are you all….

So how was today’s chapter….

Do tell me through your comments….

Thanks a lot for liking this story… and your precious comments… I’m first time writing this type of story. So i just hope you all will like further too…

Stay safe and be healthy…

The post TWINJ Unknown to Destiny chapter ~1 appeared first on Telly Updates.

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