Friday, 17 April 2020

The Mysterious forest and the revengeful ghost (Episode 4)

The fourth epidode update of my fan-fiction is here. The episiode starts with,

Jagmohan Pandit reaches the house at early morning. The girls took him little far from the house. Jagmohan Pandit says, “Dear I have come here only for your sake. I have to leave soon as my niece attained puberty. Do say about your needs?” Bela narrates the whole happening.

Bela: Uncle, please give us a solution.
Jagmohan: Dear, Take these leaves with you. These leaves helps you to locate the ghost. Return as soon as possible after returning the pearl.
Shivanya: Is it not harmful?
Jagmohan: Yes it is, until you have more than three of these leaves in your palm. Otherwise you could lose the control.
Brinda: When shall we do this ?
Jagmohan: Do it before 6PM without fail. But take care of yourselves too.

Jagmohan Pandit blesses them and leaves the venue

The Morning,
Manyata: Come on, dear children. Have your tasty breakfast

The girls come,

Shreya: Shall we go outside and play, grandma?
Manyata: No, dear. Its safe outside. I can’t risk your privacy
Bela: Don’t worry. We don’t go to that Haunted forest or not play with ghost. I wish to check whether really there is a ghost.Haaa
Manyata in anger: Bela, mind your words. Don’t play with people’s beliefs. Also, don’t be silly. These things are very serious. And don’t speak of going there.
Bela: Cool Grandma. I say just for fun that also for the sake of teasing you. But it seems ghosts are real.
(Manyata gets guilt of revealing the truth but somehow manage to hide that feeling)
Manyata: No dear. Its not true. I don’t like speaking negative things in morning. Sorry for scolding you.
Bela: No sorry No thanks as we are buddies (both hugs)
Brinda: Leave your drama side. Have you bought a cycle for us? All my friends had it.
Manyata: Yeah, Brinda. It is in car shed. After breakfast, you can ride but you should not go to town.

The girls nod their heads. Breakfast is over. The girls packed their food, required things and pearl with them.

Shivanya: After our dadi’s stern warning, are you interested in going there?
Brinda: Not really. But its a compulsion. Whatever can happen if we didn’t return the pearl.
Bela: Of course, its not a big deal to console dadi. Shall we go?

Shreya takes cycles from the shed.
Shreya: These cycles are gorgeous like our dadi. Let me take violet colour. Shivanya can take blue. Bela can take white and Brinda takes green.

The girls shout and rides. Manyata says, “Beautiful girls. No one should cast evil eyes on them” and she enters inside.

By 3PM, they return to the forest. The girld take three auspicious leaves for each given by Pandit, in her hands. Shreya, Shivanya and Brinda accompanies her. Bela senses the way. They approximately round the forest. And finally they reach a small the rock.

Bela: It is the place I should place the blue pearl. Your highness, this precious pearl is just stuck in our car. Please forgive us for this misunderstanding. Please accept the apologies.

They place the pearl in that very ordinary rock and leaves the rock. The girls forgot their ways. Somehow they manages to find the exit of the forest. The time is 5.58PM. The girls managed to run fast. Bela puts both leaves in handbag and unfortunately she all four leaves together. She turns back. Shreya, Shivanya and Brinda came out. But Bela stands there. Bela moves a step towards the forest.

Precap: Shreya rings Jagmohan Pandit and asks remedy. Jagmohan Pandit says, “The only remedy is that other than human some animal should bite her hand”

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4/17/2020 11:58:00 pmFilmSchoolWTFNo comments

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