Friday, 17 April 2020

Twinj ff – Woh Mera Dil Tha (Episode #06)

hello every one…. how are you all. Thanks for the comments. Before starting the story I tell you a big twist is coming leap of twenty five years but please don’t mad at me. I had written this story on wattpad also but I have deleted my account there…. 


Kunj usha manohar was shocked seeing twinkle’s state. While bebe rushed towards twinkle who was screaming in pain clutching her stomach. Bebe was patting her on her cheeks in worry in order to make sure Twinkle was in her senses because she was getting unconscious.

Manohar seeing twinkle s condition get angry and about to slap Kunj but usha come in between.

Kunj what is this. Are you in your senses do you even know what have you done…. manohar spoke angrily.
Kunj too angrily narrated everything to them listening this they were also shocked.

Bebe : usha manohar call the ambulance fast… but no one moved a bit because they were already in deep shocked. Manohar was coming downstairs.

Bebe : you people are so selfish let it be I will only do it.

Bebe anyhow take twinkle to hospital with the help of servants because kunj was still somewhere angry at twinkle and didn’t even see her. After sometime they arrived hospital usha and manohar also reached there. Doctor was operating twinkle. Outside Bebe was continuously crying seeing twinkle condition and praying for twinkle. Bebe always consider Twinkle as her daughter a lot more than leela bebe loves her.

After sometime doctor come out.

Bebe : doctor how is my twinkle.

Doctor : twinkle is fine by God’s grace but there is bad news. We are sorry …. we couldn’t save the child…

All were shocked listening doctor.

Ushar : whatt…. they are deeply shocked..

Bebe : no this can’t be… my twinkle…. she will shatter after listening this.

Manohar : I’m sure there is some major misunderstanding. Twinkle is not like this.

Usha : but who is this siya… Twinkle taken her name.

Bebe : this all because of siya. But Kunj is solely responsible for all this….. crying bitterly.

Manohar : what do you mean bebe.

Then bebe narrated them whole matter siya and kunj relationship her plan to make twinj one in that hotel Twinkle’s love for Kunj each and everything. Usha was shocked while manohar was hell angry on Kunj.

Manohar : it means Kunj have affair with that girl…. are you  listening usha what bebe has said just now… how many times I told him that girl was not good for him she is a cheap girl… but no… that’s why I choose twinkle for him. I agree I always strict with twinkle but that doesn’t mean I will not trust her…

Usha : yes you are right…. we should ask Twinkle first what’s the actual matter.

While bebe was crying vigorously praying for twinkle welfare…

Usha : bebe handle yourself… don’t know why leela ji hasn’t come yet I have already informed her…

Bebe : why will she come… her work is more important than twinkle… don’t know what type of mother she is…. my twinkle…. chocked…. what would goes on her  heart when she will know that….

Manohar : don’t worry bebe… everything will be fine…

Bebe : what will be fine manohar… already she suffered with so much pain…

Doctor : Mr sarna…

All look towards doctor.

Bebe : doctor my twinkle…

Doctor : patient has gained conscious… But please take care of her she is weak internally… otherwise she is fine… and one more thing avoid her for walking because she has fallen from stairs then her miscarriage.

Bebe usha manohar entered in room. Tears were continuously flowing from bebe eyes seeing twinkle this much vulnerable.

Bebe kissed twinkle head affectionately. Feeling the touch Twinkle open her eyes slowly firstly her vision got blurred but slowly she opened her eyes fully.

Tw : be… b.. be..

Bebe : shh you just take rest Twinkle…

Seeing bebe strained face automatically tears escapes from twinkle eyes… Feeling pain in her lower abdomen… fear engulfed in her.

Tw : be.. be my ch.. il.. dd … putting her hand on her stomach…

Bebe nods in no… she was crying.
Tw : nn… oooo ppl…eeeaase…. my child noooo…. clutching her stomach tightly…. Twinkle started crying hardly shouting…

Usha : twinkle handle yourself….

Manohar : doctor…. dotorrr…. calling.

Twinkle please you are not fully fine. Handle your self.

Just then doctor entered.

Doctor with nurse all were trying to calm her but twinkle was devastated shouting and crying.

Tw : please let me go…. aaah…
My child please please please… bebe…. hiccups.. breathing heavily…

Bebe : twinkle shhh calm down I’m here only… caressing her hairs.

Tw : please bebe tell them bring my baby back please bebe…. this all lie… my child is fit.. nothing happened to my child.

Doctor pricked injection on her arms Twinkle gets unconscious immediately.

Kunj was sitting in his room. But he was feeling restless.

Ku : why I’m feeling this uneasiness as if I have lost something this heaviness in my heart….. urggghh I’m thinking too much…

Twinkle why you did this with me. I considered you as my companion but what you did… I’ll never forgive you for this infidelity of yours never ever…

Other side in hospital.

After sometime when Twinkle gets conscious again. Usha and manohar was talking to doctor about when Will Twinkle be discharged while Twinkle was traumatized completely numb. She was sitting like body without soul.

Bebe : twinkle my child… eat something you will get ill otherwise.

Tw : please bebe I’m not willing to eat right now… please take me home.

Bebe caressing her cheeks. After a lot of insisting bebe make twinkle eats fruits.

At night bebe returned home with twinkle. Twinkle insisted so much she didn’t wanted to be at hospital that’s why after a lot of insisting bebe took Twinkle home but bebe assured doctor that she will take complete care of twinkle.
Usha and manohar went to guruji s ashram from hospital.

Bebe holding twinkle from shoulder for support because twinkle is still very week she is not completely cure. As soon as they stepped in sarna mansion. Kunj and uv was fighting with each Other punching and kicking. Twinkle and bebe shocked to see this.

Bebe separated them immediately.

Bebe : stop it…. both of you stop. What has gotten to both of your brain… have you lost your minds.
Ku : this question asked him only bebe he is breaking all relations with me… why because of twinkle.

Uv : I have to Kunj… I have never seen cheap man like you in my whole life.

Bebe : uv what are you saying.

Uv : I’m saying right bebe he stoop so low that he killed his child just because that blo*dy wh**e filled his ears against twinkle.

Ku : uvvv….. mind your tongue… shouted angrily.

Uv : no I’ll not today I wish I would be at your place but I would trust her love her give her respect which she deserved not like you blo*dy opportunist.

Kunj grabs his collar… bebe free him from Kunj.

Ku : what you want man. Why are you getting so aggressive it’s my life and it’s our personal matter don’t poke your nose in between.

Uv : today I will…… shouted angrily.

Ku : whyyy… who the hell are you.


Bebe Kunj and twinkle was in deep shocked.

Tw : uvv…… gasped.

Uv : yes twinkle I love you not today from the day when I saw you first time at park.

Screen splits into four…… Kunj bebe and twinkle who was shocked and uv who was looking at twinkle with hope….


Hope you all like today’s episode.

Please don’t get mad at me….

New drastic twist is coming… leap of long twenty five years…I know it’s long. But it will be interesting. I already told that it’s not have soon a happy lovely scene. This story is in twinj older version. It’s full a emotional journey. 


ZINDAGI KA EK NAYA MORH… New life. Her present connected with past. Conclusion her three lives her reason to live her strengths.

The post Twinj ff – Woh Mera Dil Tha (Episode #06) appeared first on Telly Updates.

4/17/2020 11:58:00 pmFilmSchoolWTFNo comments

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