Saaya (Shadow)Part 1
Dedicated to Saniya Fathima who wants a horror FF from me.
A beautiful area which was decorated with lights.The lights looked like the glittering stars in the sky since it was a dark evening.Aman came there.A smile appeared on his face.
Aman:I am sure that it’s done by Maya.She is very romantic.
Aman looked for Maya.He walked while his eyes were searching for Maya.
A beautiful girl embraced him from behind.
Maya:How did you recognize me?
Aman:Who else has the guts to hug me?
Maya:Why not?After all you are a rock star.You have so many female fans.
Aman:But I have not given them the right to hug me.The whole world knows that I am committed to you.Our marriage is fixed.
Maya:I have no problem if your female fans are mad about you.Because you are very attractive.But you are only mine.
Aman:Don’t worry about that.
She smiled.
Maya:By the way how did you like the decoration?
Aman:It looks beautiful.This whole area is glowing.
Maya:It is my love which is glowing for you Aman.
He smiled.
Aman:By the way Maya..I want to tell you one thing.I got transferred to Ooty.
Maya was shocked.
Maya:Ooty?So far…
Aman:Ya.I have to leave in 2 weeks.
Maya became upset.Her pain turned into irritation.
Maya:Why are you going Aman…?
Aman:It’s my job Maya.I have to go.
Maya:Why do you need this job?You are a rock star.You are earning very well.Then why do you need a government job which gives you transfer to many places?
Aman:Maya…I love singing..it is my hobby.But I love my job.It is a part of my life.I can’t leave my job.
Maya:But this job is taking you away from me.
Aman:Maya..it’s not like that.
Maya:It is like that Aman.I can’t imagine being away from you.
Maya embraces him emotionally.
Suddenly somebody came with a smile.
“What if I get you both married?Then you can stay with your Aman always”.
Both of them looked at that person.It was Veer who is Aman’s best friend.
Veer is Maya’s brother also.
Veer patted Maya’s shoulder:Don’t worry Maya.Let Aman settle down there with his job.Within 3 months I will conduct your wedding.Right Aman?
Aman smiled.
Maya:Still 3 months…
Veer:Oh Maya…3 months will fly fast.Chill.
Maya tried to smile slightly.
Maya:Where will Aman stay?
Aman:You know that a few months back I bought a house in Ooty.I will stay there.
Maya:But is that house in a condition to stay?We have to clean that house,buy furniture..
Aman:Remember Veer went for an official tour 2 weeks back?After the trip he went there and bought everything which was needed for that house.
Veer:Yes.I even arranged a house maid.
Maya’s face became dull:House maid?
Veer giggled:Don’t be nervous Maya.It’s a middle aged woman.
Maya was relieved.
Aman held her hand:Are you that insecure Maya?Even if that maid is young do you think that my heart will get diverted from you?
Maya:No Aman.I trust you.But I don’t trust any other woman.I am scared.
Aman’s face became dull.
Maya:My dad was also nice.Still when one dirty woman entered his life he left our mom.Mom was so broken that depression took her life also.
Her eyes got filled up with tears.Veer also got emotional.
Aman wiped her tears.
Aman:All men are not like your dad.I promise you that I will not cheat you.
Maya smiled tearfully and embraced him.
Veer smiled.
Aman:Veer…I want to check my Ooty house.But right now I am so busy with my work that I can’t go there.
Veer:Don’t worry Aman.I will go and check if your house is well maintained by the care taker Nirmalaji.
Aman:Thank you Veer.I am lucky to have a friend like you.
Veer:Hey..who will thank the friend?
They both hugged.
Veer went to the Ooty house.He went to each and every room.Nirmala came with a cup of tea.
Veer took the cup and starting sipping the tea.
Veer:In this cold climate it’s so nice to have hot tea.
Nirmala:That is true Sir.I will make hot tea for the other Sir Aman Mehra also.Every Malkin says that my tea is special.
Veer smiled.
Veer:By the way you have maintained the house very well.
Nirmala:Thank you Sir.I always do my job sincerely.
Veer:Good.This night I will be staying here.Tomorrow morning I will leave.
Nirmala:Ok Sir.I will prepare dinner.
After dinner,Veer went to the bedroom.Suddenly he heard a dog moaning.He opened the window.He saw a dog staring at him.Suddenly it started barking at him.
Veer:Why is this street dog here?Why is it barking at me?
Suddenly the eyes of the dog turned white.It’s eyes started glittering like stars.
Veer got shocked.
Immediately he closed the window due to fear.He opened the door and went out.
Nirmala came out of her room:Yes Sir…
Veer:I saw a dog there.
Veer:In our compound.
Nirmala:Oh..that one?It’s a stray dog.It comes here sometime and I give left over food.Poor dog comes here when it is hungry.I gave some chicken bones now.
Veer:But that stray dog looks scary.It’s eyes were shining.
Nirmala:It’s night time Sir.Animals’ eyes shine in darkness.Nothing to be scared.
Veer thought:But why did I feel that the dog’s eyes were looking different?
Veer went inside the bedroom.He took a book and started reading.Suddenly he heard somebody’s foot steps and got up from the bed.He turned around.He saw a woman standing there.Her face was covered with hair strands.He was shocked.
Veer:Who are you and why are you here?
The woman removed her hair strands from her face revealing her face to him.Her face was completely burnt.
Veer screamed in fear and ran out of the room.
Nirmala came:What Sir?
Veer:Who is that lady?I saw a lady in my room.
Nirmala:Lady?There is no lady here.
Veer:I will show you.Come with me.
Nirmala followed him to his room.No one was there.
Nirmala:No one is here.
Veer:But I had seen a lady with a scary burnt face here.
Suddenly Nirmala’s eyes fell on the book on the bed.The book’s cover had a scary picture.
Nirmala:Sir…were you reading a horror book?
Nirmala:That’s why you are imagining a scary woman here.You know Sir….when I watch horror movies on TV I also hallucinate ghosts.Pray and sleep Sir.
Nirmala went out with a smile.
Veer:Was I hallucinating that woman?But I have never had such hallucinations before while reading horror novels.
Suddenly the lights went off.
Veer:Oh no…
He went out of the room.
Veer:Nirmalaji..candles and match sticks please…
Suddenly he saw Nirmala in a different look.Her grey hair was flying in breeze.She was staring at him.
She looked scary.
Her legs were floating in the air.
Veer screamed:Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Suddenly he heard a voice:What happened Sir?
It was Nirmala who was holding a lit candle.She was looking normal.Veer was stunned.
Nirmala:Why are you screaming Sir?
He thought:A few seconds back Nirmalaji was looking like a ghost.Suddenly how come she is normal?I was simply imagining her as a ghost?Must be.How can Nirmalaji be a ghost?She is a simple maid.
Nirmala:What happened Sir?
Nirmala:Guess you are scared of darkness.
She giggled.
Veer:No need of teasing me.
He took the candle from her.
Nirmala:Sorry Sir.
Veer:Ok.You go.
The next day Veer travelled back to his house.Aman was waiting there along with Maya.
Aman:How is the condition of that house?
Veer:It is fine.
Aman:I knew that the maid you chose will be perfect.
Suddenly Veer was reminded of Nirmala’s scary look.
Veer:But Aman…I don’t think that house is good enough to stay.
Veer:I faced some strange incidents there.
Veer explained everything.
Aman started laughing.
Aman:Do you believe in ghosts?After reading a lot of horror novels you lost your senses.
Maya was feeling scared.
Maya:Aman..don’t go to that ghost house.
Aman:Come on Maya..don’t tell me that you are also obsessed with ghosts.
Veer:I am confused.
Aman:No need to be confused.It is only your stupid hallucination.Chill.Ok I am leaving.I have an important meeting.
Aman left.
Maya looked at Veer:Bhai..I am worried.Ghosts are there or not?
Veer:I don’t know.But since Aman does’nt believe in it,we cannot stop him from going there.
Maya was upset:I hope Aman will be safe there.
He held her chin cutely:Nothing will happen to Aman.So my little sis …be cool.
Maya smiled slightly.
Aman was ready to travel to Ooty.
Maya:I will miss you Aman.
Aman:Don’t worry Maya.We will keep in touch.We can see daily online.
Maya was silent.
Veer:Aman…take care.
Aman:Sure buddy.Don’t worry.I will be so friendly with the ghosts that they will not even think of harming me.
Aman giggled while Veer and Maya smiled palely.
Aman reached the Ooty house.He became friendly with Nirmala also.
After the office hour at night Aman was travelling back home.Suddenly he saw a beautiful girl waving her hand at his car.He stopped the car.She came near the car:Can you please give me a lift?
Aman:Ok sure.But I am not that familiar with this place.
She:I will guide you to reach my house.
Aman:Ok..get in.
She:Thank you.
She got inside the car.
Aman:Why are you alone on the road at this time?
She:Actually I work in an office near by.Today the work got over late.After that I realized that my scooty is not working.I did’nt get any bus or auto.
She:Well…I am Roshni Arora.
Aman:I am…
Roshni:Aman Mehra.
Aman was surprised:You know me?
Roshni:Who does’nt know you?You are a rock star.In fact I have seen you directly when you came to perform in my college.
Aman:Really?But I have not come to Ooty to perform.
Roshni:I studied in Mumbai college.I was staying in a hostel there.After college I came back to Ooty.
Now I live with my parents here.
As Roshni guided Aman drove the car and reached the destination.
Roshni:This is my house.
Aman smiled.
Roshni:Once again Thanks for dropping me here.
Roshni walked towards her house.Suddenly Aman noticed her hand bag on the seat.
Aman:Oh no.She forgot to take her hand bag with her.I have to return it.
Aman walked towards her house with the hand bag and rang the bell.
One middle aged woman opened the door.
She:Who are you?
One middle aged man also came:Who is it Sarla?
Sarla:I don’t know Raghuveerji.
Aman:You both are Roshni’s parents.Right?
Aman:I am…
Suddenly Aman’s eyes fell on the framed photograph on the wall.It was Roshni’s photograph with a garland on it.Aman was shocked.
Raghuveer and Sarla were in tears.
Raghuveer:6 months back she passed away in an accident.
Aman was shocked.He started sweating,
Raghuveer:Who are you?
Aman lied:I am Roshni’s old friend.
Raghu:Ok.Guess you did’nt know what happened to Roshni.Come inside.
Aman:I will come later.Bye.
He rushed to his car.
He drove back home.He saw a dog on the compound staring at him.It’s eyes were sparkling.
Aman got scared.He was reminded of Veer telling him about the scary dog he saw here.
Aman:Was Veer right?
The dog was wagging it’s tail as if it’s friendly with Aman.
It’s eyes became normal.Aman was relieved.
Aman:I think I misunderstood.This is an ordinary dog.
Suddenly the atmosphere changed due to the sudden thunder.
The sound caused by the thunder was unbearable.Aman to the veranda and rang the bell.Nirmala opened the door.
Nirmala:Come Aman Sir..dinner is ready.
Aman:I don’t want it.I am not hungry.
He walked to his room.
Aman was feeling restless.
Aman:There is no rain.Why this much of thunder?And that Roshni…if she is no more how did I see her?Was she a ghost?
Heavy wind was coming inside and Aman was even struggling hard to stand.He moved towards the window to close it.Suddenly he saw Roshni floating in the sky smiling at him.
He got scared.Immediately he closed the window and turned back.He was shocked to see Roshni in his room.
He was shocked.
Aman:How did you enter my room?
Roshni:Even if your door is closed I can enter your room.Because I am a soul.I have no body.
Aman got scared and moved backward.He slipped and almost fell down..but Roshni caught him.
Roshni smirked:Be careful while walking.
Aman looked at her fearfully.
The post Saaya (Shadow) RoshAn Horror SS Part 1 appeared first on Telly Updates.
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