Monday 13 April 2020

KKM Story Of Love And War Between Siblings Episode 74

The episode starts with Sunny lifting his head up in an astonished state after receiving a heavy blow on his face from Rakhi. He is taken aback at that action and stares furiously into her eyes. She glowers back at him hotly. Sanju keeps his hand on cheek thinking, “Till now, I was thinking that Sunny Bhai is really strong, that no one can even touch him, but here Bhabhi ji has laid a tight slap right onto his face!” Sunny raises his voice and demands Rakhi, “What the heck are you doing here, Chasmish?” All the people in the bar turn their attention towards them. Rakhi looks around, gets conscious and tells him in a low voice, “I have the same thing to ask you, Mr. Perfect, who is not so PERFECT, but it’s better we keep the matter to ourselves!” Sunny realises the strangeness in the situation, catches her hand and drags her outside. Sanju holds Aryan and follows them along with him. Outside the bar, Sunny catches Rakhi’s shoulders and shakes her hard, questioning, “Who the heck, do you think you are? Why are you interfering in my FAMILY MATTERS?” Rakhi putting on a face and asks him, “Family, do you really consider Aryan as your FAMILY?” Sunny astonished with her words, leaves her just when Sanju and Aryan come outside. He continues while turning away and looking down, “It’s none of your business, Miss Chasmish!” Rakhi inches close to him, catches his shoulder and turns him around, make him face eye-eye with her and asks, “I already told you Mr. Perfect that Aryan is my brother too, so, I won’t let anything wrong happen in his LIFE and for that as I said I will MAKE YOU REALIZE YOUR LOVE AGAINST HATRED FOR HIM!” Sunny is astounded at her words and gets looking into her eyes. After finishing her phrase, Rakhi takes Aryan’s hand, helps him, by making him balance around her shoulder and takes him away. Sunny still in state of shock in her words doesn’t stop her and keeps looking at her, until she leaves with Aryan in an auto. After they disappear, Sanju comes near Sunny and says, “Bhai, I THOUGHT YOU ARE THE STRONGEST MAN IN THIS WORLD, BUT ATLEAST FOR ONCE, BHABHI JI HAS DEFEATED YOU!” However, Sunny is not listening to Sanju, as his heart is resonating over and over Rakhi’s words. He gets disturbed.

Inside the auto, Rakhi gives Aryan a drug to reduce the intoxication caused by alcohol. Aryan feels better after having it and thanks Rakhi. Then, he reminisces how she had helped him a few moments ago and asks her, “But, Rakhi how did you know that I’m at Blue Bar?” Rakhi remembers of having followed Aryan and Sanju when they had sneaked outside the Kohli house without getting noticed by anyone. She avoids answering that question saying, “Leave all that, you tell me what the heck are you DOING WITH YOUR LIFE?” Aryan confusingly asks her, “What do you mean?” Rakhi says, “I was there in YOUR ENGAGEMENT today, Aryan!” Aryan gets saddened as he comprehends what Rakhi had been talking about and says, “Leave it Rakhi, it’s all just my bad fate!” Rakhi gets annoyed and asks, “Fate? Don’t blame your fate for whatever is happening in your life, Aryan! IT’S ONE’S OWN DECISIONS WHICH DECIDES ONE’S FATE! And why are you acting like a kid and listening to all that your brother demands when he is clearly……” Aryan cuts in saying, “All that he is doing is only because HE HAS WENT THROUGH A LOT IN CHILDHOOD!” Rakhi asks, “Huh?” Aryan takes a deep long breath and then continues to explain each and everything related to Sunny on how he became a bitter person today. Rakhi eyes widen in amazement as she listens to Aryan’s revelation. Finally, Aryan concludes, “So, that’s how, Bhai is seeking justice for whatever happened with him and his Ma because of my Mom-Dad!” A tear rolls down Rakhi’s eyes after listening to Sunny’s past. She quickly wipes off her tear and tells Aryan, “But Aryan……”, however Aryan stops her saying, “No Rakhi, I personally want Bhai to win this game because HE HAS LOST A LOT IN HIS LIFE!” Rakhi, unable to persuade him anymore asks him, “And what about Shahana?” A chill passes down Aryan’s spine on hearing Shahana’s name.

In Mehra Mansion

Prachi is helping the guests when Abhi advances towards her and asks, “Is your Ma still angry with me and your younger sister that she did not turn up for her nephew’s engagement?” Prachi disappointedly tells him, “It’s nothing like that Papa! It’s just that guests have come to our house today so she was busy with here that she couldn’t make up here!” Abhi questions, “Guests?” Prachi taps her head gently and tells him, “Oh yeah I forgot to mention, Rishi’s parents, Anuradha Auntie and Shekhar Uncle have come.” Priyanka who had been standing nearby, gets curious on hearing that. She puts her attention onto their conversation. Abhi quizzically asks, “Rishi’s parents have come, but for what?” Prachi is about to answer, just when they hear Pragya calling out loudly, “Mr. Abhishek Prem Mehra!”, all are amazed and move towards the door.

Outside, Rakhi and Aryan’s auto halts at the gate. Aryan invites Rakhi inside, but she denies it saying, “No Aryan, I have some important work to do!” He nods and lets her leave. Once the auto starts, Rakhi reminisces each and everything which Aryan had revealed regarding Sunny and gets thinking, “I thought I was the only ONE WHO GOT HURT BADLY BY HER PARENTS BUT THERE SEEMS TO SOMEONE ELSE WHO SHARES THE SAME GRIEF AS ME!”

Once, Rakhi’s auto goes out of sight. Aryan slowly heads inside and is shocked to see Pragya at the doorstep. Abhi and the other Mehra and Kohli family members come outside hearing her call. Abhi asks her, “What is it Pragya? Why have you called me outside like this?” Pragya enters the Kohli House and inches close to Abhi. Aryan too enters, however still inebriated due to alcohol, he tries to avoid getting noticed. Pragya, stands face to face with Abhi and says, “Isn’t today our nephew’s engagement? So, I thought to invite you for my niece’s engagement on this auspicious occasion in your house. Abhi frowns at her being muddled. Pragya then looks at Priyanka standing right behind and announces, “Tomorrow, my niece Shahana is getting ENGAGED to Rishi!” All are thunderstruck at her words. Priyanka madly clutches her fists, while Aryan holds on to the baluster as support of the staircase, next to which he had been standing.


To be continued.

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