Friday 10 April 2020

Ishq Mein Marjawan ff #nextgeneration ep 33

Sorry guys for the late update. I had my exams so I had to stop writting but for coronavirus my exam got hold in the middle so, here I am back again. I took some extra time to right this part. I hope you guys will like it.

A party is going on, masquerade party. A lot of people are standing and talking with each other, all wearing mask. Four person enters the party, two men and two women. Lakshya’s voice is heard

Lakshya- From cracking the clue of locket, the plans are in this building.

It is seen that five of them are standing sourround a table and there are some paper on it.

Rehan- Now there is a party here tonight.

Akash- And as we know Tara she will be going in there tonight to recover the plans in the middle of the party.

Ruhi- So we are going there tonight too.

The four people who entered the party is seen, they looked at each other, it’s Ruhi, Rehan, Akash and Vani. They are wearing masks too. They enters the party.

Back in the table meeting Rehan points out the blue print.

Rehan- According to the clue and blueprints of the building, this is exactly where the plans are hidden, four of us will attend the party, keep a look out to find Tara in there, Lakshya you will get inside through this way.

In the party Ruhi and Rehan is dancing among the others while Akash and Vani is standing at a side,

Lakshya- Guys, I’m in.

Everyone is wearing a earpiece. They exchange a glance. Akash and Vani, while drinking, looks at the wall behind them for a second. Inside the wall, in a secret passage, there is Lakshya wearing black dress, a bagpack in his back and a torch in hand. He has a map in his hand, he reads it and starts moving.

Songs starts and some started to dance in the dance floor. Vani receives a massage, she checks her phone. Akash notices.

Akash- You should switch off your phone now, we are kind of in a dangerous mission so we should give full focus here.

Vani- Yeah, right. I’m swichting it off now. It was from the lawyer actually.

Akash- Lawyer?

Vani- Yeah, for our divorce.

Akash- Oh.

Vani- He said it will be done very soon.

Akash nods and looks at a different direction. They heards Lakshya’s voice.

Lakshya- Guys I found the safe, and it has no plans inside.

They all look at each other. Akash smirks

Akash- Just as we thought. Deep won’t let anyone lay their fingers on the plans so easily.

Lakshya- And also someone has opened this safe before me.

Ruhi- Tara.

Rehan- Then we suppose it’s time for our plan B.

Lakshya smiles. He starts walking. Vani and Akash joins the dance floor. Rehan while dancing with Ruhi signals some people. Akash and Vani suddenly moves and go into a room, nobody else notice, except for Rehan and Ruhi. The room Akash and Vani had entered had some waiters, before they could notice them, Akash takes Vani to a side and hide. Foods are kept here, the waiters are taking them to take in the party. Akash carefully tries to look if the waiters are gone with the food. He comes very close to Vani, she stares at him. Suddenly Akash looks at her and she looks at a different way instant. Akash again looks at the waiters, this time they are all gone.

Akash- Let’s go.

Akash moves. Vani comes slowly.

Vani- Yeah.

Akash and Vani comes to a corner of the room, there is a door. Akash opens the door and they gets inside and closes the door. Inside there is a lot of pipes, dim lights. Akash and Vani stands opposite of each other looking different ways. Akash removes his suit, inside he is wearring same black dress as Lakshya. Vani also removes her gown as inside she is also wearing the same black dress. On the ceiling, a ventilator moves a bit, then it falls down. Lakshya comes down.

Lakshya- You guys are ready?

Akash and Vani looks at each other.

Akash- Yeah.

Lakshya- Let’s move.

Lakshya looks at the map again.

Lakshya- we have to go this way.

Lakshya starts going, Akash and Vani follows him. On the party floor, now Rehan and Ruhi are standing at a side and looking closely at everyone. Rehan takes walkie-talkie on his hand and instructs everyone to stay careful and keep looking for Tara. Ruhi talks on the earpiece.

Ruhi- Are you guys there yet?

Lakshya- Keep patience. We will be there soon.

Akash- Yes. We will be there soon, but only to find it empty. Tara must be already have them.

Ruhi- Shut up. Can you be a little more positive, please.

Akash- Positive? I’m only being pratical. Tara opened the first safe long before us. It should be no surprise if she opens the second one before us.

Vani- But there is nothing wrong in being a little positive.

Lakshya- There is a point, you know. I mean I haven’t watch any negetive person like you.

Rehan smiles.

Rehan- Sorry but I have to agree with that too, Akash.

Akash- Yeah whatever. We are here. Let’s open the safe and you will know I was not being negative but pratical.

Lakshya takes out a device and sets it on the safe. He puts on some numbers on the key board. Soon the safe opens. Outside Rehan and Ruhi are very excited to know what inside. Lakshya brings out some papers and a pendrive. He and Vani see the papers.

Vani- What is it?

Akash- These are blue prints and maps of the important places, crowded places of this city.

Akash sits down and watches the papers.

Akash- There are markings of the weakness of these places. It’s been so many years but still only with some correction these plans can still work.

Lakshya stands up.

Lakshya- Do you understand what that means, Rehan?

Rehan- Yes, if these things falls on the wrong hand there will be havoc on the city.

Akash- A lot of places will become guardless if these things are out in the open.

Vani stands up and tries to find out what in the pendrive. Akash notices something and goes to check it on the safe.

Akash- Laksh. Come here and see this.

Lakshya comes and looks at Akash. Akash looks up to him and about to point something but stops as he notices Lakshya is giving him weird glances. Akash stands up and faces towards him.

Akash- What’s wrong?

Lakshya- You have no right to call me Laksh.

Akash- What will you do if I call you “Laksh”?

Lakshya- It will be your worst nightmare I’m warning you.

Ruhi- Boys, call it off. This is no time to fight. Akash bhaiya, what were you saying.

Akash hits Lakshya on the face with the papers. Lakshya gets angry and about to give a fitting reply to Akash but just before that

Akash- Do you smell something, on the papers?

Lakshya stops and looks puzled. He brings the papers close to him and tries to smell. He looks at Akash.

Akash- It’s familiar, isn’t it? Now in the safe.

They both sits down and looks at the safe.

Lakshya- The same smell. And it’s still fresh, outside of the safe also.

Akash- It’s a prefume. I recognize the brand. And I can tell you this company wasn’t there 20 years ago.

Vani looks surprised at the phone.

Vani- Guys this pendrive is empty.

Akash and Lakshya looks at her and then at each other. Ruhi looks at Rehan, tensed.

Rehan- Tara.

Rehan hurriedly goes inside the dance floor and looks around. Everyone is wearing a mask so it’s kinda impossible to recognize the true face of them. Rehan again talks on his walkie-talkie.

Rehan- All unit, spread in the party. Tara is here somewhere. She has a pendrive. If she gets away with it the whole city will be in danger.

Akash- Forget about the city Rehan. After seeing these papers I can assure you the whole country will be in danger.

Akash, Lakshya and Vani are running. They comes to a radder and goes up. Outside Rehan and Ruhi are looking for Tara in each person in the party. Lakshya, Vani and Akash comes to the roof of the building. They went in three directions and watches with the binocular outside of the house.

Akash- No sign of her in this side.

Lakshya- She isn’t in this side either.

Vani- I can’t see her either.

Rehan- If she got out of the house then she would have seen. She couldn’t get far enough so fast. That means

Ruhi- She is still inside indeed. Where is she hiding?

Rehan- I don’t know but we have to find her.

A waiter passes Rehan.

Akash- Vani, can you see the CCTV footage from here?

Vani- No, at least I have to be close at one CCTV camera so I can put an…..

Akash interrupts her.

Akash- Great. Let’s go find a camera.

They get’s down and comes to a camera. Vani connects some wire with the camera and starts working. They are right now upstairs, they can see the party going on down them. Ruhi and Rehan are still trying to locate Tara among the people. They have been in different places in the house in order to find her but couldn’t. Now they are again in the midle of the party and trying to find Tara. Vani gets the footage. But there are so many cameras so she transfers each camera’s footage to each of them. Everyone checks their phone. Akash notices something, he watches it again. He asks the other to watch it again. There is the footage of the waiter passing Rehan.

Akash- Look closely. Isn’t something odd here?

Ruhi- The waiter, he looks odd.

Everyone looks on their phone very closely.

Lakshya- That’s because this waiter is a female. She is in disguise.

Vani- Tara.

Flashback shows the waiter passed Rehan was Tara, when Rehan says they have to find her, she passes her and smriks. When Akash and Vani entered the room where there was a lot of waiter taking food and Akash and Vani had hide from them, Tara was among them and she has passed them while they didn’t notice. Flashback ends. Rehan and Ruhi looks shocked at each other. They were standing far from each other this time. They run different directions and checks every waiter. Akash and others run for the room where the waiters were taking food. While running Akash says to Rehan

Akash- She was so close to you and you couldn’t recognize her? If you had recognize her then we would got the pendrive.

Ruhi- If you were in his place, I would very much like to see if you could recognize her.

Vani- Call it off now. Tara is more important now.

They reaches the room. There were some waiter there but not Tara. Lakshya questions one of them by showing her disguised picture.

-He is not here. He already left.

The waiter answers. Lakshya and Akash goes to leave but stops as Vani says something.

Vani- I know where she is.

They look at her. Rehan and Ruhi even stops at their places.

Tara is on the roof. She is still in the waiter costume but now is recognizeble as she has removed the wig and duplicate moustache. She runs for a side of the roof but stops in the middle as torch light falls on her. Five of them come from different ways, making a circle around her.

Rehan- Your game is finished.

Rehan looks at the others. Vani smiles. Flashback shows when Vani was looking for Tara outside through binocular she has notices some ropes and bag at side. Flashback ends. Behind the five a lot of police and CBI officer was pointing their guns towards her. Lakshya shows handcuffs. A lady officer comes and puts handcuff on her. Then she searches her on Lakshya’s order. But finds nothing.

Rehan- Where is the pendrive Tara?

Tara laughs loudly.

Tara- You really thought by catching me you can defeat me. Oh, how inocent you all. You might have caught me but that pendrive and the copy’s of those plans are out of your reach. You can never find them. And while you try to find it, the destruction will begin. And it will be all your fault.

Ruhi- We will not let happen anything. We will stop anyone you have passed those information.

Tara- Really! Exactly how you are planning to do that. You all just fight with each others, everyone has a problem with the others. How will you stop something so big when you will be failing to stand in unity?

Tara starts to laugh. Rehan asks to take her away. Tara keeps laughing. Everyone looks irritated and tensed.

Next ep- A plane has been hijacked, Rehan and Ruhi are inside. There are some bombs in a mall, Akash and Vani are there. Lakshya is in a metro railway station. There is a person with a gun.

So, here it is. How do you like it? I must tell you the finale is coming up. And I might take some time again to upload it.

The post Ishq Mein Marjawan ff #nextgeneration ep 33 appeared first on Telly Updates.

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