Saturday 11 April 2020

Ishq Mein Marjawan FF # Ishq Nahi Aasan ( Chapter 27)

Episode 27:-

Raichand Boys are behind Sameeksha !

Six years ago, Shimla.

Menaka Raichand comes to Samika’s house. Mr. Kashyap and Menaka Raichand greet each other. They sit . Mrs.Kashyap also joins them. Menaka Raichand- “ Kashyap ji, I know that you are thinking about  reason of my arrival “.  Mr.Kashyap – “ Yes”.  Menaka Raichand- “ My life is my son and his life is Samika. Even if I get him married to someone else then he will die from inside. Dev’s happiness is important to me. Even I can’t see someone else other than Samika as my daughter in law. But I can’t risk his life too . I had a talk with Pandit ji and I got a solution for this problem”.  Mr. Kashyap –  “ What ?”  Menaka Raichand – “ Let’s get them married with rituals without making it public. This will be just to fulfill the ritual. Once Samika completes her studies and becomes financially independent, let’s get them married by inviting our relatives. Till then their marriage will be a secret “. Mr.Kashyap – “ What are you saying?” Menaka Raichand- “ I know it seems to be weird, but I am a mother who can’t lose my son “. Mr. Kashyap gets into dilemma.

Menaka Raichand- “ I really think it is the best solution. Afterall their happiness is important for us and our conditions also gets fulfilled too”. Mr. Kashyap – “ I need time to think about it. It’s afterall it’s about my  daughter’s life too . I can’t take decision in a haste”. Menaka Raichand- “ Ofcourse, you are thinking right “.

Back to present.


Sameeksha Chowdhary ( Alisha)and Mr.Chowdhary is sitting in the secret room. Sameeksha – “ Menaka Raichand done her job really well. No one could understand that it was all well planned. A well written screenplay. Dev was doing everything and his purpose wasn’t Samika’s love “.  Mr.Chowdhary – “ Dev was a devil in disguise of a good person. But they couldn’t identify his evil intentions”. Sameeksha – “ Samika had lost her battle but now Sameeksha will fight her battle and will win too”.  Mr. Chowdhary- “ I trust you. But you should be careful. Raichands are powerful and dangerous “.  Sameeksha – “ I know. That is the reason why I am approaching everyone differently. I will be different infront of every member and they will be confused in figuring out the real Sameeksha .  Until they get destroyed they won’t be able to get to know about my reality”. Sameeksha smirks . Mr.Chowdhary – “ Are you sure that your plan will work?” Sameeksha – “ Yeah , Since we know our enemy’s strength and weakness and But they are confused about our reality. We can beat them”.

Raichand Mansion,

Dhruv Raichand comes to Roma Raichand. Dhruv- “Why did you do this to me Mom?” Roma Raichand- “ I can explain..”

Dhruv Raichand- “ You took my project from me without informing ? And you given it to Dev. Great . You proved that you don’t believe me “. Roma Raichand- “ No , you have taken me wrong. I want you to handle another 2 projects which was under Dev’s supervision. I know that you can do it better than him”.  Dhruv- “ Keep your excuses for yourself . I know you only believe Dev “. Dev (Arjun)comes to room and Dhruv holds his collar in anger. Dhruv – “ What else you are planning to take away from me ?” Dev tries to get out of his hold. Roma Raichand- “ Dhruv, Leave him”. She pushes him aside. Roma Raichand- “ I had to this because it was our to be investor’s demand “. Dhruv gets shocked. Dev ( in mind) -“ Mom! You shouldn’t have said it . It will become against us “. Dhruv – “ But ..” Roma Raichand- “ I didn’t want to reveal this but you compelled me to do so. I know that this will hurt you”. Dhruv – “ Why did she asked so?” Roma Raichand- “ I want you to remain silent until she sign our deal “. Dhruv becomes upset and leaves . Dev – “ Mom , Why did you said Bhaiya that it was Sameeksha’s demand ? What if he enquire about same to Sameeksha ?” Roma Raichand- “ He won’t ask her until she sign the deal. After that if he ask it won’t affect much “. Dev gets a message. He goes through it. He smiles. Dev – “ Mom , I have to leave “. Roma Raichand – “ Did you talk to Trisha ? Don’t  let your anger overcome your love “. Dev – “ She acts weird sometimes, I won’t apologize. Let her understand that trust is important “. Dev leaves.

Sameeksha is inside her office and she is signing a document. She hand over it to a staff. Sameeksha ( to her Secretary)  – “ I won’t be coming back to office today so just check if there is any important work “. Sameeksha is sitting in her cabin. Dhruv comes there with a hamper . He knocks on the door. Sameeksha (without looking ) – “ Come in “. Dhruv comes in . Dhruv – “ Good morning “. Sameeksha see him. Sameeksha – “ Good morning, take your seat please “. Dhruv sits and keeps the hamper on the table .  Sameeksha – “ What is this ?”  Dhruv – “ A small present from our side .  It’s some imported biscuits and chocolates from Switzerland “. Sameeksha – “ Oho , So you are here to bribe me ?” Dhruv- “ Not at all . You are cooperating with us very nicely so this is a thank you hamper from our side “. Sameeksha – “ But …”  Dhruv- “Please don’t say know to this “. Sameeksha – “ I thought you came here for talking about the project “. Dhruv- “ Why would I speak about it now? Who am I ?” Sameeksha – “ Aren’t you the head of that project ? Why are behaving as if you don’t care about the project “. Dhruv – “ I was head of that project. But as per your demand now Dev is the head now “. Sameeksha – “ What on my demand ? Are out of your mind? Why would I ask anyone to replace you ?” Dhruv looks on & he is surprised. Dhruv- “ So you are trying to tell that you never asked for replacing the head “. Sameeksha – “ Why would I lie to you ? Have I ever made any remarks on your work ? You are always straightforward and Dev behaves really strange. When this is the scenario , why would I make such demand ?” Dhruv ( in mind ) – “ It was right . It is all Dev’s plotting. Sameeksha – “ So this the reason why you came here . Who told you this?” Dhruv – “ Dev!  He told that you are comfortable to make the deal if Dev is the head of the project “. Sameeksha – “ What ? I admit that his efforts were good but .. Why am I giving you such explanations?” Dhruv- “ Iam so sorry. Can you do me a favor?” Sameeksha – “ What ?”  Dhruv- “ Can you suggest to get me back on my position? Please”. Sameeksha – “ That is not my job  “. Dhruv – “ Please …” Sameeksha gets a call and she picks it up . Sameeksha signs Dhruv to wait. Sameeksha( on call )- “ Hey.! Any change . Yeah , I will meet you today itself. Ok see you then ”. She hangs up. Sameeksha – “ See, it’s all your inner matters . I haven’t yet decided to sign the deal so I won’t interfere in your company’s matter”. Dhruv- “ I believe that you reconsider your decision “. Dhruv leaves. Sameeksha – “ I didn’t expect this move Dev, great . You eased my job “.

After a while,

Sameeksha goes out of her office. Daksh Raichand is standing on the opposite of the road . He is pretending that his car’s tier is punctured. Sameeksha is messaging someone. Daksh see her and goes towards her. Sameeksha is about to enter her car. Daksh – “ Hey! What’s up?” Sameeksha looks on . Daksh – “ You are looking gorgeous today. You do hold a unique style too ”. Sameeksha – “ You just came here to give compliments to me? But I must say you are not much updated . It’s all old techniques to impress someone “.  Daksh – “ This is what I like . Your attitude! I haven’t seen someone like you “. Sameeksha – “ But I have seen people like you before who thinks that they can impress girls by gifting things , flattering words“. Daksh – “ But Iam not someone who go behind every girl. This is first time Iam feeling for someone like this. Iam sure you will understand that very soon “. Sameeksha is getting irritated. Sameeksha – “ Iam not sure of it. But you will definitely get to know that you are trying for something that is out of your league”. Daksh smiles. Daksh – “ Ok fine . Let’s not get into fight. Why don’t you return my favor on you ? See my car tiers are punctured. Can you drop me ? “ Sameeksha – “ I think you aren’t suffering from memory loss. You asked me to assume as a cab driver and I have paid too. Thus nothing pending. It isn’t tough to get a cab . So go by that. And one more thing”. Daksh looks on. Sameeksha – “ Grow up , don’t behave like teenage boy . Show some kind of maturity according to your age “. Sameeksha gets into her car. She drives off.

Then it is revealed that Dev is sitting in his car and was watching this all while. Dev- “ Daksh won’t mend his way. He isn’t understanding that he is making a fool out of him”.

Precap:- Sameeksha goes to a library and Dev too get into the library. Sameeksha feels someone is following her . He is just behind her. Sameeksha is about to turn.

Then at Sameeksha’s  home. Roma Raichand is sitting opposite to Sameeksha . Sameeksha – “ What do think about me Mrs. Roma Raichand?” Roma Raichand is surprised.

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