Saturday 11 April 2020

Anjana Sa Pyaar (pyaar kab, kisse aur kese hojaye kya pata!!) (Part-2)

Part -2


Jeevika Pov

As i finished a chapter in my book. Bell for the first lecture rang in the corridors.
So i opened my book to the last page where our teacher left yesterday.

As i was getting my things ready, students started entering the class and took their seats.
People passed by me without giving me a glance, which was okay with me because i don’t do good with conversations or friendship.
I like to be alone may be because it was always like this. I never had a best friend because my parents like to travel a lot and we were always shifting from one place to another. So making Friends everytime wasn’t easy for someone like me.

As teacher entered the class and started the lecture i focused on it and made my notes.

After 45 minutes bell rang and he started taking attendance. When my turn for the attendance came i said present but in a soft voice which was unheard by the teacher because of students talking with eachother in class and he proceeded further.when everyone left the class i proceeded towards the teacher desk to mark myself present .

Jeevika:Sir i missed my attendance.
Teacher: Oh jeevika, you are present.

He then marked me present and i left the class.
As i was walking in the corridors, i heard commotion in one corner of the hall where most popular squad of our college hangout.

I was passing them when i heard girls giggling and crushing on someone.
That someone was Viren Singh and Virat Vadhera the heartthrobs of our college.
Girls die to gain their attention. Every girl in this college has a crush on them…I mean why wouldn’t they… These two are literally Perfect. They have looks, personality and charm.

I usually walk in the corner so that people don’t crush me while walking .Im invisible to them. They don’t even look at me.

I walked straight towards the library which is my safe santuary in this hell.
Nobody comes here except few nerds.
As i entered the Library i wished Mrs. Priyanka our librarian and went straight to the backside of the library where nobody enters.

There is a small couch in the library which is perfect for me to sit in my free time and read.
Im surrounded by my favourite genre of novels that is romance. I love watching people falling in love and their journey to find love.


(To be continued)

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