Tuesday 7 April 2020

Cafe Ishq ( A TWINJ OS )

Café Ishq

So a warm hello to everyone, this is actually my first piece of writing. Forgive me for any errors.



A girl is on the road quarelling with a vegetable seller about the prices of his tomatoes.

She picks up an eggplant is about to beat the poor guy when a girl yells from behind

“Oye..Twinkle stop”

“Why should I, this is injustice, Nah Mahi…I…I….I am going to the consumer court when he tells the judge the price of these tomatoes,toh”

Said Twinkle with her hand over her mouth.

“Ok madamji…you just take some tomatoes, cauliflower and just for being so nice that you will not to take me to court some free carrots “

“Really…but I don’t like carrots I will take that big watermelon” Twinkle said.

The man being frustrated agreed while Mahi stood there awestruck at the peculiar scene infront of her.

Twinkle held her hand and pulled her away. When they were very far from the stall they started laughing. Mahi asked how she could be so mean but Twinkle justified her actions saying that she needed to teach him a lesson.

Mahi asked Twinkle if she had the keys to the café . Twinkle reached into her handbag to check when a guy with a motorbike splash some mud on her favourite blue denim jeans.

‘WHAT THE HELL!! Oye cheap xerox Salman Khan, what are those, eyes or buttons?”

Hearing what Twinkle said, he instantly stopped and took off his helmet and stared at her.

“Excuse me madam but you should have some respect, Kunj, Kunj Sarna. I respect women but if someone else told me that I would have left him in a state that he would have lost the ability to speak”

After saying that he left.

“What does he think of himself ..huh”

Twinkle left in anger leaving Mahi behind.

She bolted through the door,huffing and puffing. Mahi tried her best to calm her down but all in vain.


Twinkle and everyone else were cleaning the café when some people entered but Twinkle not seeing their faces told them the place is closed.

“Just hear us out..please” The guy responded but Twinkle turned around and was surprised to see who it was.


It was Kunj, he too was surprised. He asked to work in the café along with his friends Aman and Yuvraj.

“Oh, so Mr. Arrogant wants to work in my café,hmmm,very interesting but the answer is a big, big, fat NO.” said Twinkle in a very harsh manner.

“Bro, said Yuvraj, You didn’t tell me that you bumped into the owner of the café,oh man this is gonna be really bad for us you know na”

Mahi pulled Twinkle aside saying “Come on na Twinkle it’s just a small matter and plus we don’t know how bad he needs this jo. Also that yuvraj guy looks so hot,please,please ”

Twinkle couldn’t see her little sister pleading and agreed.

“So, what are you people good at other than making a hell out of persons life”

“Twinkle!” Mahi exclaimed

“we’re good at handling tables and coking” Kunj said with a little bit of guilt.

“well, show your magic” Twinkle said directing him to the Kitchen.

Kunj took a long time and exit the kitchen with a bowl of pasta. When Twinkle tasted it, she was impressed and gave them the job.


Ever since Kunj came the magic in hands attracted many customers. Twinkle grew a little more attached to Kunj. They had their nok jhok with each other and then laughed it off.

One day when it was raining Kunj made a special cup of ginger cappuccino and offered Twinkle. Since then everynight, they would converse and have that same cappuccino at a table next to the window.


Twinkle asked Kunj to accompany her to the market. While they were returning, there was a wedding procession where twinkle started to dance where kunj was mesmerized. A goon was about to stab her when Kunj heroically saved her,

“Wow, bravery and all nah” Twinkle praised

“Yah, I am a cop so I love beating goons to a pulp” Kunj said

“ha..ha..very funny Kunj” Twinkle sarcastically said

In the evening when they had their normal talks, Kunj asked who stays in the upper part of the café when she replied some goons who rented the place to stay but are hardly in contact with her and just use the backdoor to leave”

For two days Twinkle ,Kunj, Mahi, Yuvraj and other staff left for a campout. Aman did not come since he had other personal work to do. The guys helped the girls in gathering firewood, setting up tents and other tasks. Twinkle had deep feelings for Kunj but was unable to express it.

When they returned, all were shocked to see the café in a mess. Twinkle ran into her office looking madly for something when Mahi calms her. She took out a small gold Ganesh murti from a drawer and cried seeing it.

She came out seeing it and said it was not a robbery. She called Anwar, a person who looks after her café when she is not around. Anwar tells her that some policemen came to search for something but did not find it.

Twinkle was upset but everyone calmed her down. Later that night, while having their cappuccino, Kunj asked why she was hysterical about the murti but she replied saying that it was her mom’s last momento and that the café was actually called Taneja House and when her parents died all their memories was attached to helping each other to establish it with love and patience. By seeing this she decided to rename it ‘Café Ishq’

Kunj thought it was sweet.

“Kunj.. I.. want to..tell..I..love..” as she was about to continue, Kunj’s phone rang and he left.


Twinkle was happy, she wore a shalwar for the first time.

She stopped by the café but was surprised seeing a huge crowd with police officers. She saw that the café was sealed off and some small damages. Mahi came to calm her down.

“ what’s this Mahi…how..police here”twinkle sobbed

“Some drug racket was going on upstairs and therefore the café might be sealed for some days”Mahi relpied.

“and..”Mahi was about to say

“where is Kunj? I have to look for him” Twinkle left when she saw a police guy whose back was only showing standing with Yuvi and Aman. When Yuvi and Aman saw Twinkle they looked away.

“Oye hello inspector, HOW DARE YOU!! This is my café and yes wait till Kunj comes he’ll teach you a good lesson

“madamji, not kunj , ACP Kunj Sarna, respect please” Kunj said while turning around.

Twinkle’s whole world turned upside down

“listen here, this was an undercover mission where those persons were dangerous and had their hideout at the top of your café and yes, I am not coming back here from Today. Please cooperate and stay away from the crime scene” Kunj said in a professional tone and turned back to talk to Aman and Yuvi

“wow, so this was your important work Aman so you couldn’t come on the trip and that is why Kunj, you left also last night na. I.. right now feel so stupid cause Kunj I told you everything about me and you broke my heart but you don’t even value all those moments . In a very long time I trusted someone but you taught me a lesson Mr. Sarna, never give your heart away” She walked away heartbroken and broke down with Mahi.

Kunj left.

Yuvi and Aman were really angry for what he did to Twinkle but what everyone did not know was that he loved her very much but his duty came first. He couldn’t stop thinking about her.


Everything was back to normal except for Twinkle. She cries in her office until one day when a waiter comes and says “ma’am emergency, a guy is repeatedly asking for a ginger cappuccino even when it’s not on the menu”

Twinkle came out and walked towards the window seat where he was sitting and explained that the cappuccino is not available anymore.

“love is still available right” said the guy who turned around

It was kunj. Twinkle was surprised and angry

“I know I wronged you Twinkle but you said nah this is where great memories of your parents’ love reside? Won’t you want to gain some more with me. Twinkle I was impressed with you since the day you gave me a job here despite our previous fight. I miss you. Will you marry me”

Hearing no reply, Kunj turned to go when Twinkle held his hand and said “Kunj, yes you have hurt me but I love you. You could have told me about your mission but didn’t.”

Kunj looked away

“Don’t look away, I understand that it was your duty, and yea…I ‘ll marry you”

Everyone started clapping

Yuvi told Mahi “see, I told you that they’ll unite”

“haan but I talked to Twinkle nah”mahi defended

They started arguing .

Twinj smiled


Oh well thanks for reading. Hope it was good. Keep smiling

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