Monday, 27 April 2020

Bringing Back The Light ~ A Twinj Story (Chapter 12)

Toronto, Here We Come!!

The next morning was a happy one for everyone. The cloudy sky and strong winds added to the cheerfulness of the grown up kids, especially Akash and Sara. They were currently indulged in a fight over who was cheating in their chess match, while Kabir and Viti were busy preparing lunch. Kunj was gone to the hospital for an important case, while Twinkle on the other hand, was nowhere to be seen.

” Guys, are you done fighting or should we start considering you as an old married couple ?” Viti asked with a raised eyebrow, as the duo froze at their places.

The silence was broken as Kunj entered the living room, looking at everyone with a confused face. Kabir was sitting at the sofa, beckoning Kunj to come and sit beside him, who complied.

” What’s going on, Bhai ?”

And that was it for Kabir. He broke into a laughter, explaining everything to Kunj in between. In the end, the two brothers were laughing their hearts out, as Sara jumped on them and started beating those two.

” Viti, don’t you miss everything ? ” Akash whispered to her, as the two watched the trio fighting like kids.

” I miss everything Akash. I miss having fun with you, and then mom dad scolding you even when it was my fault. I miss you, Bhai.. ” Viti looked at Akash with a watery smile, while he gave her a side hug.

” You’re my chotu, Viti. We’re still bro-sis and we’ll always be. All this, it has affected our relationship too and I don’t want this to happen now. Kabir and Kunj, they’re finally reunited and I want the same. I need my little monkey back! ” Both the siblings had tears in their eyes, as they reminisced about the old times. They knew they needed their bond back, and so both accepted their mistakes.

” Now that you guys have also had this long awaited reunion, I wanna party!!!!” Sara shouted, scaring both the siblings, while the brothers laughed at their scared faces.

” Guys, now that all this is over, let’s go back.” Kabir suggested, while others looked at him in question.

” Go back ? What do you mean, Bhai ? “

” I mean, go back to Toronto, Kunj. That place is home, right ? And that’s the place where everything started. So I want to end all this there. And also, Twinkle and Sara have a project there. It’ll be like a little vacation to our heaven, Kunj.”

” But Kabir, why so suddenly ? ” Viti questioned, as others nodded.

” Kabir is right!! ” Twinkle interrupted, ” I can’t delay this project anymore, Sara. We need to get done with this. And, I have some other works as well. So if not you guys, but I need to go back and Sara must accompany me. “

” I’ve already told you, Ms. Taneja. You’re not going anywhere. ” Kunj spoke up, making Kabir palm his face.

” Kunj-“

” No Bhai! I’m her doctor and so I know what’s good for her. And you Ms. Taneja, if you really want to go, then you must get some tests done. And that too, by tomorrow. Got it ? ” Kunj ended, and left the room, making Twinkle grit her teeth. Everyone else looked at each other, as Twinkle left as well.

” Guys, has Kunj lost it ? Ordering Twinkle Taneja like that ?! He knows she can kill him for this, right ? ” Akash murmured, worried for his friend’s safety.

” Don’t worry guys! He knows what he’s doing. I’m sure he’s doing this for a reason. Sara, you talk to Twinkle once and decide when we’ve to leave, okay ? And guys, I have a meeting to attend after lunch. So please call those egoistic kids for lunch fast! ” Kabir was irritated by now. He was a businessman for God’s sake, not a babysitter to handle these moody little kids!

The dining room was dead silent, as everyone had their lunch silently. Kabir looked at each one of them, before sighing. Akash was just playing with his food, Sara and Viti looking at each other’s faces from time to time, Twinkle having lunch calmly, and Kunj Sarna, to everyone’s surprise, was ignoring all of their existences! For him, he was having his lunch alone and not with another five crazy idiots. Kabir coughed, gaining everyone’s attention except for Kunj, who still looked uninterested.

” So, I’ve booked everyone’s tickets  for Toronto. We all have a flight day-after-tomorrow. So pack your bags and get done with any other work you’re left with till tomorrow,  which includes your tests as well Ms. Taneja. ” Giving a pointed look to Kunj, who didn’t give a damn, he ended with a sigh.

” But what about our Visas ? “

” I had applied for visa for Sara a week ago. Cause other than her, all of us have citizenship of Canada. Any more questions ? And even if you have questions, save them for dinner cause I gotta go right now!” And Kabir left before anyone could protest.

Being done with lunch, Kunj left as well, followed by Twinkle. The other three looked at each other, totally dumbfounded.

” What the hell just happened ?” Akash shouted, while the other two shrugged with confusion clear over their faces.

Kunj was sitting in his room, his guitar on his lap, as he continued to look at some old pictures saved in his phone. A small smile formed on his face, the nostalgia hitting him hard.

They say every picture has its own story to tell

They say every picture has its own story to tell. And for Kunj, this saying was proving to be right. Those pictures were bringing all the memories back. Memories of them being best friends, teasing each other, irritating each other, clicking weird pictures, having fun. But most of all, making happy memories with each other.

He still remembered the day when he had clicked that selfie. It was Twinkle’s pet’s birthday, and Kunj had made it his life’s mission to make that girl smile no matter what! So he had arranged a special party for her dog, and in return he got the most beautiful smile.

Her smile

Her smile

That’s what he missed the most!

In every picture, she was smiling, and that smile reached her eyes. All those smiles, laughs, they came from her heart. They were not fake. And now all she did was fake her emotions.

Kunj sighed. No wonder they say time can actually do a lot to a person. But it’s not only about time. Cause with time comes experience. And experience changes people, willingly or sometimes even unwillingly.

” Kunj! ” His trance was broken as Akash shouted his name from outside his room.

” Come in! “

” Hey! There’s a call for you on the landline. So I guess you should go and get it. ” Nodding at Akash, Kunj left to attend the call. Akash was about to leave as well, when his eyes fell on Kunj’s unlocked phone.

He sighed, looking at the wallpaper. He wanted his friend to be happy, now more than ever. And so, he knew exactly what to do! Sighing again, he kept the phone on the bed and left, taking one last look at the picture on Kunj’s wallpaper.



” Okay. Yeah we’ll get the tests done tomorrow morning. Bye!” I kept my phone on the table, and sighed. Now finally we’ll get Twinkle’s pending tests done and it’ll also tell us about the kind of treatment which is suitable for her. I checked the time, and it’s almost 9. Time for dinner, I guess! Let’s go.

I passed by Twinkle’s room, only to find the door unlocked. Frowning, I moved inside quietly, only to find a peaceful sight. Twinkle Taneja was sleeping peacefully on her bed, just the way she used to an year ago, only her teddy bear was missing.

With a smile, I went and sat beside her. This angelic face, I missed this so much. Caressing her forehead, I kept on looking at her cute little face. I miss you Twinkle, but then again, I don’t miss you. I miss the old you, my panda. I miss that smile, which you’ve very conveniently gotten rid of! And I promise you, I will bring the old you back. I don’t care if you hate me, I will always love you and I don’t expect this love in return. I just want you to be back to yourself.

” All I want is my old Twinkle back! And I’ll get her back, no matter what!” And I sealed my promise with a small kiss on her forehead.

Getting up, I moved out of her room and closed the door, only to find Viti standing there. Hate my luck!

” How long have you been here, Ms. Singhania ?” I gritted my teeth, which made her smirk. But to my surprise, that smirk soon turned into a soft smile.

” We will help you to get her back for sure! And don’t worry, your panda will be back to normal soon. ” And she left without another word.

I sighed, thanking God for giving me such precious people, before moving towards the dining room myself.

T W I N K L E 

I opened my eyes as soon as he and Viti left, before sighing quietly. Getting up, I picked up the book lying on the table, and opened it to find an old photo of ours. We got it clicked on my dog’s birthday. A picture from the past brought back memories. Beautiful memories from my not-so-beautiful past. This picture is worth a thousand words. Cause it reminds me of those beautiful memories. Memories which bring back only one person.

Kunj Sarna

The person whom I used to trust blindly. The person whom I used to call my best friend. The person who broke my trust like it was a piece of wood. The person whose betrayal still hurts. The person I hate the most. And also the person whom I still care for, even after hating him from the core of my heart!

Why Kunj ? I trusted you with everything, and you betrayed me just like that. Your care, concern, love, everything is fake. Just like your brother’s love was.

I hate you, Kunj Sarna.

I don’t hate Veer for what he did, I don’t hate anyone. I don’t care about Veer or anyone. But Kunj, you broke me and my trust. And now, I’ll break you.

I promise you, Kunj. You all want to go back to Toronto, right ? Now just wait and watch Kunj Sarna, I’ll make your life a living hell.

Twinki promise!!

~I trusted you, but now your words mean nothing because your actions have already told the truth~

Word Count : 1900 Words 

Hello dear readers!!! 

Well, I know I’m late, again.. Just got caught up with life and stuff. Well, nevermind. Hope you all are safe and sound. Take care people 💝

So how was the chapter ?

Twinkle hates Kunj cause he betrayed her. But did he really do this ? Is his love really a pretence ? What do you think ?

I’m working on a one-shot right now, let’s see when I get done with it. And the next chapter is under construction as well 😁

Thanks for all the love on the previous chapter and sorry for this delay. Hope this chapter was a fine one. Do comment and tell me your views!

Lots of love,

Sapphire ❤

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