Saturday 4 April 2020

Author’s note to the readers

This is a brief information to all my readers regarding the LONG BREAK which I will be taking from now onwards to the next three-four months. Apologies to all my readers for taking a long break. The REASON is that, firstly, I’m preparing for the UGC-NET Exam which is going to be held this June and the preparations needs a lot of hardwork from my side. Secondly, I’m a M.Phil research scolar who is in her final year and will soon have to submit her DISSERTATION. Due to which, my supervisor is constantly presurrizing me to leave all my other work and concentrate only on STUDIES and thats why I have to devote my entire time on to my research and leave behind MY PASSION which is WRITING in the mean time. Hope you all understand and will pray for my success in studies , so that I may submit my Dissertation on time in a proper manner. And also pray that I may succeed in NET Exam. I don’t know if I will be meeting you all again when I return to continue with this FF in the month of July/August, however, before taking a break I would like to thank all the people who were my big support all througout the journey of this FF till now.

Shanaya: One of my favorites, both here and in KKB FF. She has always supported here too and I apologize that as soon I restarted this FF once again, I’mtaking an even longer break once again. Extreme Apologies.

Cee: Someone who appreciated how much my creation is good but unfortuantely I have to stop my creation once again. Apologies once again.

So, to all my FF readers. I assure I will continue with the story once I return, till then please pray for me and stay safe, while being always happy.

The post Author’s note to the readers appeared first on Telly Updates.

4/04/2020 09:46:00 pmFilmSchoolWTFNo comments