Wednesday, 18 March 2020

Meri Gudiya 18th March 2020 Written Episode Update: Madhuri meets Naagdev

Meri Gudiya 18th March 2020 Written Episode, Written Update on

The Episode starts with Madhuri asking Pari to go fast and save the family. Pari flies away. Madhuri says Avi…. She hears a voice saying you will get the help, the doll you have sent home to protect family, you have to protect Avi. She asks who are you, did you get me here, come in front of me, how did you know all this, help me please. The man says she is safe but she has less time. She asks how will I reach her. He says you have to revive your powers and go to her. Avi cries for Madhuri. Rahu says my tapasya will get fulfilled soon, Avi will end this curse and unite Rahu and Ketu. Madhuri comes to Maa Kali and prays for Avi. She asks Mata to come and save Avi. She says you have to make the good win over the evil.

She does the tandav and prays. She gets the Mata garland in her neck. She also gets the Mata weapon in hand. Rahu says Madhuri has got Kali Maa’s blessings. Everyone looks on. Maa smiles. She says I told you that Lord has to listen to a devotee’s call. Rahu goes. Maa and everyone pray. Pari looks on. Maa and Shaurya look for Raghav. Raghav goes to the jungle and shouts Madhuri, Avi. He looks for them. He sees Ketu and gets angry. He says tell me, where is my wife, where is my daughter….

Ratri says Adrika, I can’t do bad with Raghav. Adrika says don’t tell me that you still love him. Ratri says yes, I still love him. Adrika jokes on her madness. She says Raghav has sent you to jail, he hates you. Ratri says I didn’t do anything good in my life, I m sure that I will win his heart. Adrika asks what about Madhuri. Ratri says she is just a soul, she has to go back to her lok one day and then Raghav will be mine. Adrika says you got mad for her. Ratri says help me for the last time, hypnotize them and make me go out of here. Adrika says all of them, together. Ratri says you can do. Adrika says yes, I can, you make me emotional always, don’t cry, else I won’t help you. Raghav scolds Ketu and gets caught in the smoke. Adrika says this time, I won’t come in your words. Ratri says you won’t listen to me, I will give my life here. Adrika asks really. She calls out the inspector and asks for chilled cold drink.

He asks are you here for picnic. Ratri says I can make my own way, I m telling you the truth, you aren’t helping me, please help me if you can see the truth. Adrika says fine, I will make you go out of this jail, you believe me, but I can’t keep them hypnotized for long. She calls the inspector. She talks to him and hypnotizes him. Ratri smiles. Madhuri sees the snakes. Naag dev appears. Madhuri says you are the one who helped me at home and got me here. He says yes. She asks how do you know about my daughter. He says she is special, she has Divya powers, you don’t understand that why you are called here, you got Maa Kali’s weapon in your hand, she is the daughter of Lord Shiv, she is Shivanshi. Madhuri gets shocked.

Naag dev asks her to defeat Rahu and Ketu. She says everything will change on her 21st birthday, her powers will get awakened.

Update Credit to: Amena

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3/18/2020 03:52:00 pmFilmSchoolWTFNo comments

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