Sunday 22 March 2020

KKM Story Of Love And War Between Siblings Episode 66

The episode starts with everyone turning their focus towards Priyanka. She gets freezingly fixed to her position, realizing that she has been caught red-handed and will not be able to defend herself anymore. Pragya smirks noticing the helplessness on Priyanka’s face and reminisces how she got hold of the pen drive possessing the proof to prove Rhea is not the real culprit behind all the confused events which happened on the fashion event night, while clearly proving Priyanka being the perpetrator of Shahana. Flashback, After Pragya returns home she breaks down into tears reminiscing how Rhea is caught in between everything, when all the fingers are pointed right towards her daughter and how being HER MOTHER, she is completely helpless and unable to prove her daughter innocent. Since only Sarita behen and Shahana were present at home, as Prachi headed to the office with Ranbir after the whole drama which happened in their college. The duo come to the living room hearing Pragya’s wails and approach her, asking her the matter. Pragya vents out her pain by describing everything and how she strongly trusts her daughter and want to prove her innocence at any cost, but has no means to reach the culprit. Sarita Behen says, “Arrey, how can you prove that arrogant girl is not GUILTY when she is the ONE RESPONSIBLE FOR WHATEVER HAPPENED WITH SHAHANA THAT DAY!” Pragya stares fixedly with reddened eyes towards Sarita Behen, which jerks the latter. Pragya says, “No Sarita ji, Rhea might have committed a thousand mistakes in the past, but I’m sure that after she MADE THE PROMISE WITH ME NOT TO HURT ANYONE AGAIN, she has never intentionally tried to harm ANYONE, let alone her sister Prachi! Even if it was out of jealously as everyone claims” Shahana asks in concern, “But, Maasi, how will you prove that when all the evidence clearly show Rhea guilty?” Pragya in a heartbroken state utters, “I don’t know, I really don’t know, but God should show some way out!” just then Pragya’s phone rings and when she picks it up, Sunny from the other side informs her, “Maasi, It’s me Sunny!” Sunny had come to know that Pragya knows his real identity, so without denying he directly addresses Pragya as Maasi without using his fake identity. Pragya confusingly asks, “Sunny?” Shahana looks on, hearing his name. Sunny continues, “Yes Maasi, Sunny! I need to discuss with you something really important but in private.” Pragya asks, “What is it, Sunny?” Sunny takes a long breath and says, “Just think that I have the key to the solution for the problem which is bothering you right now!” Pragya eyes grow big in amazement and she immediately asks him, “Where should I come?” Sunny informs her to meet him in Disha’s house. Pragya gets up at once, wipes her face and rushes to the door saying, “I have to go somewhere, it’s really urgent!” Before Sarita behen and Shahana could stop, she disappears from their sight. Sarita behen shouts annoyingly, “Arrey, what is wrong with this Pragya that she left immediately as soon as she came in without even having a glass of water! Now, whom has she gone to meet right now?” However, Shahana not paying attention to Sarita behen’s words, gets thinking, “I wonder what Sunny bhaiya has to do with Maasi?”

In Disha’s house

Sunny is pacing up and down the living room, waiting impatiently for Pragya, while Disha and Sanju are tensely seated on the sofa. Sanju tells him, “Bhai, please stop pacing, because that is not going to bring here your Maasi fast!” Just then, Pragya arrives there. Sanju murmurs, “This Lecturer Lady will live a hundred years to protect her daughters!” Pragya still panting asks Sunny, “What is it that you have which will solve my problem, Sunny?” when Disha tells her to have a seat and drink a glass of water. Pragya shouts, “I don’t have time to take rest Disha, my YOUNGEST DAUGHTER is in GRAVE DANGER because everyone thinks she is A CRIMINAL, but I know she is not and I want to prove it! So, I want to know how Sunny can help.” Sunny tells, “Maasi, Rhea is my childhood best friend’s (Kiara) younger sister and is like MY SISTER too and I will not let anything happen to her, when I have all the proofs to bring the real culprit to LIGHT!” Pragya’s heart fills with hope and she looks towards Sunny expectantly. However, Sunny puts forth a condition to her, “But Maasi, I need a word from you!” Pragya frowns at him questioningly, while Sunny tells, “Maasi, YOU WILL NOT REVEAL MY REAL IDENTIY TO MR. PURAB KHANNA OR HIS FAMILY, NOT EVEN TO CHUCKS!” Pragya is left speechless, while Sanju and Disha get anxious. Sunny continues, “Maasi, I know you always support THE TRUTH and will not go against it by LYING, but Maasi I’m not asking you to lie for me, but just hide my identity for some time.” Pragya furiously tells him, “Hiding the truth is equivalent to LYING, Sunny! And the people from whom you want to hide your identity is your OWN FAMILY where you have YOUR CHUCKS, YOUR FATHER AND A BROTHER!” Sunny gets exasperated and tells Pragya, raising his voice, “They are not my family, Maasi!” Disha comes and catches his shoulder to calm him down. Sunny takes a deep long breath and continues, “A family will never you leave YOU ALONE IN YOUR LIFE, but because of THAT MAN WHO IS BY MISTAKE MY FATHER, I SPENT SEVENTEEN YEARS….” He stops himself catching his breath and continues, “……Seventeen years as AN ORPHAN! And how can you expect me to accept him as my Father?” Pragya is moved as she senses the PAIN AND HATRED in Sunny’s eyes for Purab and reminisces Disha’s words. Sunny eyes fill with tears as he says, “And I’m not asking you to hide my truth forever, I PROMISE, I WILL REVEAL MY IDENTITY MYSELF TO EVERYONE, but before that I have complete certain tasks.” Disha and Pragya don’t comprehend his words and frown confusedly, while Sanju who is the only one aware of Sunny’s ploys looks on. Finally, Pragya gives in and says, “Fine, I will not reveal your truth to anyone, but how can you HELP ME TO PROVE RHEA INNOCENT?” Sunny replies, “Because me and Sanju were with of the mastermind this WHOLE GAME!” Pragya and Disha are astounded, Pragya asks him in a shaky voice, “Who…is…it?” Sanju hesitantly says, “PRIYANKA!” Pragya is taken aback as she reminisces her past encounters with Priyanka and also remembers how the latter had also trapped Rishi in a fake molestation case. She loses her balance, when Disha holds her. Sunny continues revealing each and everything of his previous deals starting with how he was hired by her to spy on Rishi’s relationship with Shahana, how she involved Sanju in her plans when Rhea no more supported and how she tried to take out Shahana from her way by planning such a malicious ploy against her, both Sunny and Sanju confess that the duo had been dragged unwillingly in most of Priyanka’s evil ploys. Both Pragya and Disha are dumbstruck on hearing the entire revelation. Disha confronts Sunny, “Sunny, why did you have to join hands with Priyanka in the very first place?” Sunny thinks of his REVENGE, Sanju gets worried reminiscing Sunny’s plans. Sunny justifies, “Ma, I never knew the entire reality of Priyanka, I only thought she needs help to win her love, I didn’t know she is OBSESSED OVER RISHI!” Sanju thinks, “LIE! A BIG FAT LIE! Bhai is not revealing the entire truth to Mummy ji that the real reason is he wants to exact revenge from his FATHER AND BROTHER!” Pragya tells Disha, “Now all that is not important Disha, at least it good that through Sunny and Sanju, we got to know Priyanka’s conspiracies.” Sunny continues, “That’s right Maasi and it is also important that both of us remain in good faith with her because we never know what she will plan and execute.” Disha denies saying, “But, Sunny….” However, Pragya cuts in saying, “He is right Disha, we already have experience of dealing with such people and who will know better than you that how dangerous they can prove to be in someone’s life.” Disha remembers her previous bad experiences with Aliyah and nods affirmatively. Sunny says, “Thanks Ma, so Maasi, both me and Sanju won’t be physically present in Mehra Mansion tomorrow, but I ensure that we will give you all the information which will prove that Priyanka is the real culprit of the tragedy which occurred to Shahana on the fashion event night.” After saying that Sunny plays the visual which clearly shows Priyanka discussing with the man, on the contrary, the visual does not contain the audio. Pragya demands, “But it is just the visual, Sunny, what about the audio?” Sunny smirks saying, “Don’t worry Maasi, I have the audio recording too as I was closely spying on her that day but only for the part where she asked the man to take Rhea’s name, nevertheless that’s wouldn’t matter!” Sanju is stunned and gets thinking, “Wah bhai wah, Sunny bhai is much more intelligent than that Priyanka that he has over crossed her in her OWN GAME!” After merging the audio with the visual, Sunny hands over the pen drive to Pragya saying, “Ma had risked her whole career life to get this, Maasi and now I’m handing it over to you as I know it is in safe hands now!” Pragya nods and takes the pen drive into her hands. Flashback ends. It’s the same pen drive had played on the DVD set of the Mehra Mansion a few moments ago. Priyanka starts trembling and sweats bullets after the visual ends. Pragya inches close to her and asks, “Now how will you escape Priyanka?” Priyanka hotly stares back at Pragya.


To be continued.

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