The next part continues with kunj panicking seeing twinkle phones also there in his flat …
I hope she is fine kunj murmured running from their he didn’t knew where to check for her neither he can lodge police complaint as well …
He went back his home so that he can ask manohar for his help ..
I need to do something I can’t sit like this twinkle was scared maybe they got to know about twinkle I should have brought her home many many thoughts were running in his mind ..Soon he bumped with her …
Ouch kunj twinkle said twinkle kunj heard her voice ..
Twinkleeeee his eyes filled with tears he was very happy seeing her in front of himself …He hugged her tightly pecking her forehead …
You don’t even have a idea how much scared I was twinkle you should atleast inform me before going anywhere kunj scolded her breaking the hug …
Kunjjjj woh …Twinkle started to say but he cuts off her in middle ..
What kunj woh haan you don’t even have a slightest idea and why you left your mobile in flat kunj again added scolding her …
Are just listen to me twinkle said ..
What I should listen haan tell me kunj said ..
If you let her speak then you can listen khotey kunj heard bebe voice that’s when he realised his whole family was seeing him and twinkle he was shocked like anything and looked at twinkle who gave him a nervous smile …
Kardiya siyappa yuvi murmured
Now we want to listen what is going on between you two ???? And kunj first leave twinkle hand usha added ..
Kunj removed it embarrassed while manohar and surjeet came forward towards them ..
Meine kaha tha na monu something is cooking between them surjeet said ..
Haan bhai even I felt like that but I ignored thinking may be it’s just an intuition but see really my kunj who doesn’t even look at girls is now scared soo much for a girl haan kunj tell me what’s is this happening …Manohar added …
Fine I never wanted to hide this from you all even I am trying to talk to you but you were busy papa kunj added ..
Haan now tell us what is this ?? When did this started ??? Usha asked ..
Kunj took at twinkle who was hell nervous with how they will react …
Maa me and twinkle kunj started to say playing with his fingers ..
You and twinklee whole sarna family said together …
Are married kunj added …
So what’s the big deal in that ??? Manohar asked ..Kunj was surprised ..
Papa we are married he said that’s when they got that …
What seriously kunj bebe jumped in happiness ..You didn’t called me in your wedding as well bebe added ..
Ahhh can’t you guys get serious it’s not a joke me and twinkle are actually married kunj added ..
But how did this happened and since when you are hiding this from us ??? Usha asked ..
Approximately 10 months kunj added ruffling his hairs ..
Whattt again all of them said in shock .
Then where twinkle was staying ??
Why didn’t you told us ..
Is it a love marriage ..
Kunj you are very big mastermind
Now will you tell us ..
There were so many of questions from his family ..
Areyyyy shut up will you listen quietly without interrupting me kunj added ..While all nodded ..
First you all take your respective seats and for god sake keep your mouth shut for 5 min …Zip up he said
Everyone sat on sofa bebe manohar usha anita surjeet while samaira stood beside yuvni ..
So it all started remember papa you sent me on meeting to amritsar ..When I was coming from their my car hits twinkle she went unconscious after that I needed help I took her to nearby village the people of that village looked very backward so I lied to them about twinkle being my wife kunj added ..
Then ????? Samaira asked excitedly ..Kunj glared at her while she gulped in ..
Then next morning when twinkle got conscious she did siyappa and told that I am not her husband this made their sarpanch chaudhary angry and he gave us a life time punishment by getting us married kunj said ..Everyone giggled when twinkle looked at him shooting daggers ..
Then ????? Why did you kept twinkle away you could have brought her home anita said…
Arey chachi our family is unique i know but this siyappa queen was already in state of shock how could I have brought her home she didn’t even wanted to stay in my flat only I know how I convinced her kunj said ..
Still atleast you could have told our bahu was in our house and we weren’t aware of it usha added bit angrily …
So you knew about her working in sarna industries as well ?? Manohar asked ..
No I got to know about it when you introduced her to me kunj added truthfully …
So these were your urgent meetings haan usha taunted kunj while gave a sheepish smile…
Mom kunj added …
Though we never asked you twinkle but where is your parents ??? Manohar asked moving towards twinkle ..
They are in Amritsar uncle actually the day I got married to know was the same day I ran away from my home twinkle said she didn’t want to hide anything from them..
My papa was getting me married to his business partner but I had my dreams which I wanted to fulfill my family would have never let me fly they wanted to cage me that’s when my mom helped me and I ran away from home and met kunj …After we got married I joined your company unaware of the fact that it’s his(kunj) company ..Twinkle told him ..
Ohh okay okay all the elders looked at each other thinking something deeply ..
So you guys love each other ??? Bebe asked …
Bebe that’s is written on their faces didn’t you saw our kunj’s love sometime back yuvi added trying to ease the situation …
All the elders looked at each other …
We have to discuss some things so excuse us manohar said and went to bebe room followed by usha surjeet anita and bebe with them …
What the hell bro itna pyaar yuvi added teasing kunj ..
We got to know that you are talking to your parents about twinkle she was highly stressed so we went for a long drive avni added …
Yeah and I forgot my phone twinkle added while kunj hummed in response ..
Let’s go out in lawn kunj said holding twinkle’s hand and went taking her ..
Are you nervous ??? Kunj asked ..
Yah i am scared as well kunj will your family accept me ?? Twinkle asked ..
They will don’t worry kunj added ..
Oh my goshhh kunj you were so scared twinkle said ..
Yah what do to I have just one wife kunj added ..
Achaww twinkle hits him while he side hugged her ..
You call me siyappa queen but today you have done siyappa twinkle giggled
I know kunj replied
You did a good thing by telling them everything about you kunj stated ..
Yeah kunj I don’t want to start my life hiding anything from them ..While kunj hummed both stayed in silence ..
While the elders looking at them from the balcony and went inside ..
Bhai papa is calling you inside samaira said twinj looks at each other and left inside ….
Haan come twinkle and kunj bebe said excitedly ..
Though we are really very angry with you both for hiding this from us since many months but we do understand your situation as well …Bebe said ..While the rest nodded ..
We will think about what we have to do after samaira’s wedding till then twinkle will stay here with us manohar said while twinj was happy ..
But she will stay in samaira’s room usha stated ..
Mom kunj said ..
What mom it’s your punishment for keeping her away from all of us now you should also know how does it feel usha added…
Nahi pls kunj said ..
Hehe good thing chachi yuvi added
You both are going and bringing twinkles luggage she is no more going to stay their am I clear ??? Manohar asked while the boys nodded ..
Soon it was dinner time twinkle and avni helped usha and anita while the boys were smiling seeing them ..They all went to dinning table and sat to have dinner ..
Twinj were opposite to each other and was looking at eo making puppy faces ..
Now I feel the family is complete yuvi should also get married now bebe said while the rest nodded ..
Yuvni coughs together while twinj gave them water soon avni went back to her home ..While twinkle went to samaira’s room ..
Samaira now you have to take care of twinkle and make sure your bhai doesn’t meet her usha said strictly .
Ok maa samaira giggled seeing kunj ..
They all went in their respective rooms while samaira didn’t let kunj come in her room yuvi was laughing seeing him ..
Kamine this all happened because of you kunj added …
Achawww chal twinkle na sahi I’ll stay with yuvi added dragging kunj with him to kunj’s room ..
Arey yaar what’s this now that family knows about me and twinkle ..She is in this house finally I can’t meet her is this a right thing kunj added ..
Keep a comma on your flowing emotions kunj just few more days they have accepted twinkle na they will think something better for you both yuvi added ..
Yeah I am atleast happy in that kunj added ..Are twinkle’s phones is with me I’ll go and give her kunj smirked happily..
Tu nahi sudhrega yuvi added ..
Any doubt in that kunj replied and went from their and knocked on samaira’s room ..
What ??? Samaira asked peeping outside without letting kunj in
Woh I have to give twinkle’s phone kunj added ..While samaira forwarded her hand ..
Give it to me I’ll pass it samaira said ..
I’ll see you all later kunj gritted his teeths
Have a good night bhai samaira added yawning while kunj left stomping his foot
Hehe it was too much fun samaira added going inside and sees twinkle who came back after getting freshen up ..
I am so happy that you are my bhabhi samaira added while twinkle gave a nervous smile ..
Your phone she forwarded ..
How did it came here ??? Twinkle asked ..
Bhai gave it to me just now samaira added ..While twinkle hummed ..
Soon the two went to bed to sleep while they were numerous messages of kunj ..
Thr ???
Siyappa queen
Here I am dying to talk to you and you are ignoring me
Not fair huh
Atleast you can send a emoji
Ahhh siyappa queen ..
He is mad twinkle murmured and replied him back ..
Finally kunj replied back ..
What are you doing ??? Twinkle asked ..
Missing you that too very badly kunj replied her ..
I am calling you he added ..
No samaira is still awake what she will think twinkle added ..
That’s her bhai is damn crazy for her bhabhi twinkle replied ..Twinkle smiled ..While samaira was too busy with her fiance to notice anything ..Soon all of them slept …
Next day ::::
They all had taken leave from the office as samaira’s wedding was scheduled up in this week everyone was awake twinkle trying to impress usha was helping her in breakfast preparations ..
Shall I make today’s breakfast twinkle asked while bebe anita and usha smiled seeing her attempts ..
You know cooking ?? Usha asked ..
Yeah twinkle said ..
Ok then if you want to usha added twinkle smiled and went inside ..
See her attempts oh babaji it’s too much fun anita added .
Yeah lets see of twinkle passes our test or not usha added ..
Kunj and yuvi went for a jog they came back and kunj’s eyes was searching for twinkle ..
Kunj do you want anything ??? Yuvi whispered in his ears ..
Yeah twinkle kunj murmured lost while he chuckled ..
Expect her you will get everything he added laughing while kunj looks at him..
Tera time bhi aayega kunj said ..
Dekhte hai yuvi replied ..
Let’s go I am starving yuvi added ..
Twinkle set the breakfast table with the help of servants and everyone sat ..And started having ..
Today’s breakfast tastes different manohar and surjeet said together ..
Yeah because it is made by your bahu bebe added ..Kunj and yuvi was surprised as well ..
Twinkle it’s really good manohar said and surjeet nodded ..
Yeah we were stucked up on the same taste from many years surjeet added anita glared at him while the rest giggled ..
Thank you uncle twinkle said ..
No you should start calling us the way kunj samaira and yuvi calls manohar said …While twinkle nodded
Kunj was constantly looking at twinkle while she felt his gaze upon her and blushed ..
Kunj have something you have whole life to look at her usha said while kunj coughed and the rest chuckled again though this way the breakfast was done and everyone went back to their the functions was starting from the next day and everyone were damn excited about it though twinkle was very much nervous and trying her best to impress them sarna family retorted back by welcoming her beautifully in their family …
Twinkle was with anita and usha discussing about haldi preparations while kunj was working the other side ..
Anita you come with me and twinkle you see this decoration usha said and they went …
Kunj stood there and looked at twinkle smiling he went and pecked her cheeks …
You have no idea how much I missed you kunj replied ..
Even I kunj twinkle pouted at him ..
Dont tempt me twinkle I am dying from inside kunj added while she giggled ..
Achaww mr sarna she added ..
Yes mrs sarna kunj replied ..
Let this family curfew end then ill see you kunj added ..
First see the arrangements yuvi said ..
You know yuvi i was missing your presence here kunj added ..
I know brother thats why i came to become your kabab me ki haddi yuvi smirked at him while kunj glared at him he pecked twinkle cheek again ..
Kunj toh sharam karle yuvi added ..
Nahi karunga kunj said ..
Twinkle are you there bebe asked while kunj ran from there making twiraj laughed twinkle then went to bebe ..
Whole day passed while everyone had their dinner and went to sleep early ..
The next morning they left for gurudwara to pray while arhaan family too joined them …All of them prayed and went to sarna mansion back for haldi rasam …
Twinkle puttar you go with yuvi and avni usha added while twinkle nodded ..She went their and saw kunj who smiled at her ..
Tum …Twinkle said …
Yes your pati now sit he added opening the passenger door for her ..
But where’s avni and yuvi ?? Twinkle asked sitting beside him ..
They already left kunj added starting the car the duo was talking how they are secretly meeting and laughed soon they reached and got busy working …
In the evening the rasam started and went on a very high level everyone was enjoying while twinj were secretly romancing with each other ..
In night they kept mehendi while all the girls had put mehendi on their hands after the function was over twinkle avni samaira was in hall talking and laughing while kunj and yuvi too joined them ..
Kunj sat beside twinkle…
Ruk chachi ko bulata hu yuvi said ..
Abey ja kunj added
Aww bhai you are so cute samaira added ..
More than arhaan ? Avni asked while she blushed all smiled the boys fed them dinner and samaira went to sleep early while yuvni and twinj was spending time together ..They went in kunj’s room
Twinkle was constantly gazing at kunj while kunj was teasing her..
Bas kar kitna tadegi kunj said ..
Achaw kyu twinkle replied ..
My wife will be angry kunj added ..
Hojane do you won’t get such hot girl like me leave your wife twinkle said pecking his lip ..
You are not only hot but bold as well kunj replied ..But still I love my siyappa queen he added giggling …
Ahh stop calling me siyappa queen twinkle said ..
Why should I you are my siyappa queen he added moving towards her..
You are taking advantage because you my mehendi twinkle added while kunj giggled …
I won’t get this chance kunj said siding her hairs and kissing her neck passionately ..Kunj she moaned his name when he bites her neck …
I can’t even touch you kunj twinkle replied …
Kunj giggled and looked at her face and kissed her forehead he kissed her whole face while she blushed with his each other soon he captured her lips and they kissed each other passionately longing for each other ..
Dekho kunj I’ll take revenge twinkle added …
Ok lelena kunj replied pushing her on bed and coming above her both looking at each other with love ..They kissed back again ..While kunj nuzzled his face in her neck making her shiver and feel loved at the same time ..
After sometime he stopped and giggles looking at her frustrated face ..
That’s enough for today I guess or else I won’t be able to stop he added ..
Ok then I am going to sleep twinkle said yawning while kunj didn’t let her go …
Sleep here he said ..
No she replied ..
No one will knw wake up early and go back he winked at her not letting her go and tightly hugged her
Twinkle ….Kunj said after sometime ..
Yeah twinkle replied ..
Don’t you miss your parents kunj asked ..I do kunj she replied ..
Don’t you want to meet them he asked
I don’t know how papa will react seeing me he will be angry twinkle said ..
Ok good night kunj added pecking her forehead ..
Yah twinkle said
soon they slept in eo embrace …
Like this the days passed and soon it was wedding sarna family was ready while the bride was ready too soon she was taken to mandap by avni and twinkle along with kunj and yuvi where all smiled seeing them ..
The wedding started and twinj recalled their wedding and giggled while showering flowers upon the newly wedded couple …The bid farewell happen and everyone went taking the bride while the sarna family was sad …
Kunj yuvi have something twinkle added ..
No we don’t want they said ..
Awww you both are missing sam haan avni said ..
Yeah kunj replied ..
Though we tease her alot but still we love her like anything yuvi added kunj too hummed twinkle and avni smiled and fed them food they all went to sleep …
Next day was reception :::
It was reception in the banquet hall arhaan family was already present their sarna family went their and they welcome them ..They all met samaira and was happy on finding her happy …
Kunj sees twinkle uncomfortable and asked her ..
My dress kunj she replied …
Ok you come with me kunj said and they left …
Oh my god I am so happy seeing you here sanvi said to a lady and man ..
Yeah we are meeting after so many years the lady replied ..
Haan leela sanvi said Rt and leeela went and met arhaan and samaira and they took their blessings …Soon manusha too sees them …Akshay and sanvi got busy with other guests ..
Leela and ram manohar said ..
Manohar rt replied they hugged ..
Omg I am meeting you after soo many years manohar said ..
Yeah you didn’t bother to look back after settling in mumbai rt said ..
Yeah yaar I got so busy he replied ..
Avni helped twinkle with her dress while kunj and yuvi was outside the room teasing him ..
Now come if you are done aakhir kitna time chahiye yar they said ..
You both go we will come avni said ..
Ok kunj and yuvi replied and left ..
Soon they were also introduced to leela and rt ..
This is my friend rt and his wife leela we studied together then I shifted to mumbai manohar said ..
Namastey uncle kunj greeted politely and touched their feeets ..
Stay happy puttar leela replied ..
This is kunj my son and he is yuvraj surjeet bhai’s son manohar introduced …
So many years passed rt said while they modded ..
Where are your kids how may kids you had ?? Manohar asked ..
LeRT looked at each other painfully while twinkle comes from behind ..
We had one daughter rt said ..
Papa akshay uncle is calling you twinkle said while leert closed their eyes hearing her voice they quickly turned and found their twinkle in front of their eyes ..
Twinkle they said together twinkle was happy sering them after many months but shock as well thinking how will rt react a fear engulfed in her and she fainted ..
Twinkle they all shouted..
Twinkle puttar get up see your papa is here rt said taking her in his lap …
Papa all murmured ..
Is she your daughter ram ??? Manohar asked ..
Yeah my twinkle rt said tears brimming out of his and leela eyes …
@ sarna mansion :::
Twinkle was in kunj room while the doctor checked her …
Nothing to worry she just fainted with the stress doctor said and left ..While manohar asked rt why twinkle left his home as she told them ..
Because I never appreciated her for anything we got twinkle after so many prayers but my family always wanted a boy though my sister also had a girl mahi but I wanted a boy dont know why I used to ignore her ..I used to be very strict with twinkle never showed her how much I love her then she cleared the entrance and came to mumbai after her studies was done I fixed her wedding without asking her anything I think that’s why she left us without saying anything rt said feeling guilty …While the family feels sad ..
Twinkle who was conscious came down and sees her father crying for her for the first time ..
Twinkle be careful kunj holds her while all looks at her ..
Leela quickly hugged twinkle and kissed her forehead ..
Meri bachi I missed you sooo much she kissed all over twinkle face ..
Even I miss you maa twinkle cried in her embrace ..They broke the hug and looks at rt
Won’t you forgive your papa rt asked going forward I know I am your culprit I never made you feel special I never appreciated when you used to top in your exms I never showed you my love I never asked about your wishes and imposed many rules on you but twinkle after you went I was so angry that you tarnished my name in society but after some days I started missing you I was very sad on not finding you anywhere I started realising that I didn’t made you feel welcome to come and express your wishes to me I realise it’s because of me you left me and your mother and that’s was the biggest punishment for me the child which I craved and prayed to babaji to bless me I couldn’t take care of her I am so ashamed twinkle rt added tears running down their eyes …
Twinkle didn’t knew what to say she just hugged him crying in his embrace while kunj smiled looking at them he wished daily that twinkle gets her parents back and now that they were here …
Thank you so much because of you I got my daughter back rt said to manohar ..
She is no more your daughter ram manohar said confusing him ..
Means ???? Rt asked ..
She is my daughter as well now she is my kunj’s wife manohar added lert was shocked ..They looked at twinkle who nodded in yes
But how did this happen leela asked ..While twinkle narrated them ..
Oh ran away not to get married still got married they said all giggled ..
Yeah they were DESTINED TO MEET bebe said all smiled agreeing …
Now that twinkle parents are here we officially wants to ask her hand for our kunj usha said …
We will be more than happy if twinkle is happy with kunj they replied ..
Haan twinkle say do you wanna stay with this idiot for whole life ??? Yuvi asked ..
Why are you thinking so much say yes kunj added while all giggles seeing his desperation ..
YES I love him alott twinkle said while everyone was happy they decided to do twinj and yuvni wedding while twinkle went back with lert to amritsar …
Random day in sarna mansion ::
All’s well that’s ends well bebe said ..
Yeah it’s good twinkle patch up with her parents usha said ..
Haan now another preparations for these two monkey weddings anita said ..
Mom yuvi added all laughed ..
Gumnaam hai koi badnaam hai koi yuvi sang for kunj seeing him lost ..
Kunj is so sad yuvi said …
I am going to sleep kunj said and went from their while all laughed ..
Twinkle was spending time with leela telling her everything what all happened while leela was happy that she did a good thing by letting twinkle live her life while rt was also hearing but somewhat sad seeing twinkle not that much opening up to him ..
Soon after a week leela was making so many dishes as sarna’s was coming for dinner …Twinkle was ready and hell excited to meet kunj …
Sarnas joined them while twinkle took their blessings twinj passed a smile to each other
Karan and mahi you also came rt asked while they came towards and took his blessing …
Twinkle karan mahi the trio was shocked seeing each other ..
Meet her monu she is mahi my sister’s daughter after her death she stayed with us he said while mahi greeted them
And he is her husband karan rt said while twinj were shocked ..
Yeah twinkle mahi loved karan and that day she was married to him instead of you leela said reclling that day ..
Flashback shows ..
Now what will happen my name is finished rt said angrily …While karan and his family got to know about that too
Mamu I love karan mahi said more like a whisper ..
What rt and leela said shock ..
We are ready for mahi and karan marraige but it shouldn’t hamper my name karan father told and got karan agree to this too and like ways they got married ..
Flashback ends
Ohh all said together but again got busy in twinj wedding talks ..
Soon mahi and twinkle was alone while karan too joined them..
I am sorry twinkle for making you feel like that it’s good that you ran that day atleast I realised I was just attracted to you I actually love mahi karan said ..
It’s good kunj added coming their too ..
Haan twinkle replies ..
I wanted to tell you this only that day in pune but you ran he said while kunj and mahi giggled ..
It’s okay I am happy for you guys twinkle added genuinely smiling she was happy that everything was set
The dinner was done happily and soon after 2 months twinj was married along with yuvni on the same day they got married last year their memories was cherished they happily became one and had a happily ever after …
So that’s it
Here I another this story hope you all liked it …
Thank youuuuu everyone for their love and comments of course I was so happy seeing it
So how was the end I didn’t wanted to bring any negativity so I wrote it like this dhamaka toh waise bhi MAR JAYEIN me mil jayega ..
Do comments and tell me how it ..
Stay happy stay home and be safe ..
Ignore errors and no proof read
Bye sayonara
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