Friday, 28 February 2020

Nazar 28th February 2020 Written Episode Update: Palak runs away from the house

Nazar 28th February 2020 Written Episode, Written Update on

Scene 1
Appu laughs and says I scared the wife. He laughs. Palak is dazed. She says what? He says you’re scared. She recalls Sarika said he is sick and Madhu asked you would marry him even after knowing everything? Palak is in shock state. She runs downstairs and runs out of the house. Madhu says this marriage didn’t even last for 5 minutes. Urushi says Palak please stop. Madhu says don’t need to. Dadi says she is our DIL. Madhu says she should know that too. Palak comes to the elevator and cries. Madhu says she ran away from the house? Dadi says Appu must have done somethig. He needs her. Madhu says she ran in five minutes and you think she would take care of Appu for life? Dadi says there is something special about her. The witch’s powers didn’t work on her. She couldn’t stop the wedding. Dadi says marriage isn’t a game. Madhu says she won’t come back now. Urushi says we have to bring her back. I will even beg to her. Madhu says she left with her will and she can come back if she wants.

Scene 2
Palak comes to her mami’s place and says you didn’t tell me he is mentally unstable. Mami says we told you he’s sick and we did it all for Naina’s treatment.
Madhu says we don’t need that girl. I have the rattan. Dadi says it can’t heal him He will only be normal after the marriage. Urushi says he needs Palak. Give me the rattan. Urushi comes to Palak’s house. She says Sarika always knew about Appu’s condition. She didn’t tell you? Palak says she must have missed you. Urushi says you didn’t know it/ Any girl would react this way. He wasn’t like this always. He was normal and educated. He managed everyting after his father died. He managed the house and business too. Then one day he met an accident and that changed his life. Everything was ruined.

Dadi says we know you didn’t know about his condition but you married him. We consider you our DIL. My heart knows you can fix him.But we won’t force you to keep this marriage. You can decide whatever you want. Here is the money you needed. No matter what your decision is, this money is yours. Her uncle says you’re all really great. Mohana says in a while these clouds would go away and I will get my powers back.

Mohana says in heart I have to make this Appu sleep. Appu says let me get ou parathas. Madhu says I am not hungry. Take this Strawberry milkshake and sleep. Sarika says to her husband I thought we lost the money but we didn’t. It’s here. Palak thinks about what happened. She says I don’t know what to do? Please show me a way God. Palak prays. Palak sees something in her eyes.

Palak comes running out to Urushi. She says please stop. I want to tell you something. I thought mami told you. But I am sure you don’t know like I didn’t. I am sick. I have a hole in my heart. You have many hopes from me. I don’t have the time you need to fix your son. I don’t know how many breaths I have left. I don’t want to keep you in dark. I told you my truth. The decision is in your hand now. I needed money for my sister’s treatment. But I realized I made such a big mistake. I can’t use you for my sister. Please take your money back. Urushi says what about your sister? Palak says thank you for everything. God will heal her. I will pray that you find the girl who can fix Appu. Urushi says you are that girl Palak.

Precap-Madhu says the clouds are going away. I will get my powers back.

Update Credit to: Atiba

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