Divya Drishti 4th January 2020 Written Episode, Written Update on TellyUpdates.com
Scene 1
Pisachini says this was fun. Drishti says we won’t leave you. They hit Pisachini with their powers. Pisachini says are you out of your minds? Divya says you will pay for what you did. Drishti and Divya hang her. They shove her on the floor. Pisachini screams. Chinki runs. Pisachini says I made you do this to save Chinki.
Chinki says you both saved me. Divya says so that bird attacked you? She says yes. Drishti says and that is why you stole the dagger? She says yes. Divya says and the book as well? She says no I mean.. Your mother’s book. Drishti says don’t even dare taking my mom’s name. Drishti says we don’t trust you okay. They shove her and hang her. Divya says we already saw lal chakoor’s tattoo on your arm. You’re with Pisachini. Everyone comes. Drishti says she is with Lal chakoor and Pisachini. Mahima says did she kill my Rashi? Drishti says yes. Divya says we will drown you in the pool now. Pisachini says what are you doing? Divya says you fooled us that the bird attacked you? Shekhar says and when I saw you, you didn’t have scars. Drishti says you two are with Lal Chakoor. Pisachini says he is way more powerful than you. Drishti says call him them. Divya says come Lal Chakoor. See what we did to your slave. Lal chakoor comes there. Divya and Drishti try to use magic on him but it doesn’t work on them. Divya and Drishti try to attack him. It flies. Piaschini laughs. Rakshit shoves Pisachini. Drishti shoves things on Lal Chakoor. Chinki says Pisachini release me. They see his feather. The feather writes, I will answer this.
Pisachini comes to Chinki. She says release me. Pisachini says you will get killed. She takes her inside.
Rakshit recalls seeing lal chakoor. Shekhar says I know you can’t understand anything. Rakshit says I wanted to help them. Shekhar says sometimes, we try to help but it gets wrong. And you look wrong. We have to talk to them. Rakshit says only I will talk to them.
Pisachini says to Chinki why are you so stupid. Lal Chakoor comes there and they bow to him. Pisachini says how did they find about Chinki?
Simran says let me help you with the cleaning. Drishti says we will handle it don’t worry. Divya and Drishti fix everything. Ojaswani says we are all with you. They hug Divya and Drishti. Drishti says we shouldn’t have lost our mind in the anger. We won’t do this again.
Lal Chakoor says to Chinki why did you have to take the dagger and move around with it? Don’t you have a mind? She does magic on him. Chinki says forgive me. Pisachini says you won’t get another chance. You will get next order of lal chakoor in some time.
Ojaswani says it’s the new year. We have to be happy tonight. Simran says Rakshit and Shekhar want to talk. Let’s go. Drishti says we want to be alone for some time. Drishti says we lost that book. We could get closer to mama after so many years. Divya hugs her and says we will take our revenge. The star shows up and says time is running out. If you can’t go to the cave till pooranmasi, you won’t be able to get there.
Scene 2
Drishti says to Rakshit we don’t have time. We have to go to that cave. Rakshit says we can’t go there. How did you go there before? She says from mom’s book. Pisachini burned it. We saw lal chakoor there. She tells him everything. Ojaswani comes there. She says I got you water. Drishti says thank you. I will take it. She leaves. Drishti says if she tells mom, mom would be really mad. Rakshit says we won’t go to that cave. Rashi died because we went to that cave. It’s a curse for us. Drishti says I am sorry. But we have to go there. Rakshit says who else would we lose now? Drishti says but there’s no other option. I can’t let everyone be in trouble. Rakshit says I can’t risk your life. I love you. Drishti hugs him. Drishti says I am sorry. She hugs him and cries. Rakshit says I promise you we will find a solution. Drink water and calm down. Rakshit’s hand cuts. Drishti cleans it. Rakshit says I am fine. See if you can’t see a small cut, how can I risk your life? Drishti says but we have to save everyone else as well. He says come let’s sleep. Drishti says we have to make a plan against Pisachini. Drishti falls as asleep.
Divya recalls what happened. She hears a noise from the window. She looks out. No one is there. Divya says something is happening. I am sure it’s lal chakoor. She says I challenge you attack me. I know you’re a coward. She sleeps. Lal chakoor come in.
Chinki and Pisachini come to the jungle. Chinki says is it the same place? Pisachini says don’t ask questions about lal chakoor’s plans. Pisachini finds something and says start you plan. She cries on a plant and it blossoms. Pisachini says done. It will get sunlight and produce seeds. We will let lal chakoor know.
Scene 3
Rakshit wakes up next morning. He sees lal chakoor in the room. It goes near Drishti. Rakshit shoves him. He says it came and went? Why? Rakshit caresses Drishti’s face. She is asleep. There’s a small red petal on the bed.
Shekhar and Rakshit hear music. Rakshit goes out to check. Shekhar smiles.
Drishti sees Rakshit sleeping next to her. She says you took my blanket? He says shut up. She says I am your wife. He says I have a headache. She says is this how I talk to your wife? He says so you would dance on my head? Ojaswani says come downstairs. I have a surprise. Rakshit says I don’t want any surprise. Drishti takes off his blanket and leaves. He says I won’t leave you now.
Divya says where did my red shirt go? Shekhar says are you looking for something? She says yes my red shirt. He says it must in the other room. Let me look.
Rakshit and Shekhar follow the music. They come to the storeroom. Mahima says it’s new year. Rashit comes and says party planning? Wow it would be fun. Drishti says but you said you dont’ want to wake up? Rakshit says when did I? Shekhar comes. Divya says did you find the shirt? He says what shirt?
Real Rakshit and Shekhar are in the storeroom. They see many family photos decorated there. you Rakshit says who placed them here? Chinki locks them inside. They shout for help. After a while Divya and Drishti come to pick the family photos from store. No one is there. Ojaswani says let’s clean the photos as well. They place them on the walls.
Divya says let me go find my shirt. One Shekhar is behind Divya and one in front of him. She comes to his room. Divya says why did I feel like someone was behind me? Divya says did you find my shirt? He says why would I look for it? I am not your servant. But I can be your boyfriend. You can wear my shirt. He pulls her close. Divya says leave me. He pulls her. Divya slaps him and says don’t even dare. She leaves.
Pisachini says to Lal Chakoor we did what you asked. Chinki says we made so many rakshits and shekhars from the seeds. They won’t find out who’s the real one. And the real ones are hidden.
Drishti comes to room. Rakshit is asleep. Drishti says when did you come upstairs? He says what? She says did you decide the menu? He says go from here please and make me a juice. my head hurts. Drishti says you said you will decide the menu. You said how can we plan the party without you. He says go Divya. Drishti says I am Drishti not Divya. He says it’s the same thing. Drishti says what is happening?
Pisacini says by the team they find Rakshit and Shekhar they would lose all the powers to open the cave.
Precap-Pisachini says you found the fake versions of Rakshit and Shekhar. There are so many in your house.
Update Credit to: Atiba
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