Monday, 13 January 2020

Divya Drishti 12th January 2020 Written Episode Update: Divya marries Shekhar

Divya Drishti 12th January 2020 Written Episode, Written Update on

Scene 1
Drishti says he will stop us and we won’t stop. Give me the weapons. Shekhar says bhabhi, please. Drishti says you better not call me bhabhi. I don’t want to hear a single word. Drishti says give me the weapons. Shekhar says Divya. Drishti says don’t take my sister’s name. Rakshit says I will count till 5. Move from our way. He counts. 1. 2.. 3.. 4.. 5.. Rakshit takes out his dagger. Divya says Shekhar please move. Pisachini is waiting for them inside. She opens the trunk. She takes out a trumpet and blows it. Drishti says it’s the same tune. Drishti says it’s the same tune. They see smoke, Rakshit says move back. It surrounds them. Shekhar isn’t there. Divya says where did Shekhar go? Lal chakoor comes as well.

Divya, Drishti, and Rakshit look for Shekhar. Drishti says he ran. Shekhar comes and says I looked around. There’s a way on that side. He says we have to go from here. It’s dangerous to stay. Drishti shoves him. He says we have to go from here. There’s danger inside. Rakshit says you are a danger. Rakshit ties Shekhar. He says please don’t go inside. There’s danger inside. Divya, please. Drishti recalls she read that one of them had to die. Shekhar says all four of us will go inside. She says Shekhar would give his life. Drishti says we will all go there even if it takes your life. Rakshit says you have always lied to us. Drishti says don’t even try to manipulate my sister. Let’s go now.

They come inside the cave. Divya says Shekhar was right. Pisachini spoke to lal chakoor so we listen. She planned and made us come here. They want us to come inside. Drishti says that doesn’t make. Shekhar innocent. Lal chakoor comes. Pisachini says they’re coming inside. No one listened to Shekhar. Lal chakoor says your person went against you. He shoves her. Pisachini says how dare you. Lal chakoor hits her more. Shekhar says please trust your sister. Smoke comes outside. Rakshit says I think he’s right. Pisachini planned all this. Let’s go from here.

Divya is falling suddenly. Drishti holds her hand. Divya is scared. She screams. Her hand is grasped by lal chakoor. Rakshit and Drishti pull her out. Lal chakoor sends a lot of birds outside. Divya, Drishti, and Rakshit try to fight them. Shekhar says release me, please. One of them attacks Divya. Rakshit gives his dagger to Shekhar. He helps Divya. He kills the birds. Rakshit kills all of them. Shekhar says are you okay? Let’s go. Drishti hugs Divya. Rakshit says let’s go home. Pisachini says to lal chakoor enough. I did what you asked. They ran, it’s not my fault. Lal chakoor says we have only few hours and you’re useless. You have to bring them here. Pisachini says I am not your servant. We are partners.

Scene 2
Ojaswani looks for Divya and Drishti. She says where are they? What will I say if Mahima asks? Mahima says I know they aren’t home and I know where they must have gone. Drishti says what if we don’t find if tonight. This secret will always be secret. Shekhar says what is this is Pisachin’s plan. Drishti says we don’t trust you. He says even if I cut my chest, you won’t trust me. Rakshit says you always fooled us. Divya says Rakshit is right. Drishti says we don’t need him in our plan. Divya leaves Drishti’s hand and says I married him so he has to be part of our plan now. Even if we don’t want it. She says to Shekhar don’t be happy. Shekhar says let’s look at the next problem. Drishti says what are you hiding now? He says we got married. How will we tell the family.

Ash slaps Shekhar and says how could you take this step. How dare you. She says Divya, you stay there. You can’t come inside. Ojaswani says because you have to do greh parvesh first. Ash hugs her and says now you’re my real DIL. She hugs Shekhar and says we are so happy. I am glad. Ojaswani says we didn’t see the rituals but we will see the ones done after the wedding. Let’s do the ring finding one.

Ash says you have to find the ring in this bowl. Whoever finds it will rule. Shekhar says to Divya why are you not looking for it? She says I have no interest in it. We did it for some reason. I am lying like you always did. Rakshit says sorry ma, I know you’re mad because we went to the cave. Shekhar gives the ring to Divya. She says I found it.

Rakshit and Drishit come to Mahima. Mahima says Divya married to to know about the cave right? Drishti says we have to know the secret. Mahima says don’t apologize to me if it does more damage. Mahima leaves. Rakshit goes after her. Drishti faints.

Divya says Shekhar always saved my life. Should I trust him? Ash says what are you thinking? Divya says are you mad? She says no I am very happy. I would have been happier if you did all the celebrations but I am very happy. She says this is our protection bangle. I want you to wear it. Ash says can we have a celebration party tomorrow? Divya says of course. Ash hugs her.

Drishti wakes up. She sees a vision. Drishti is scared. She says what did I see. Drishti falls. Divya comes there. She says how did this happen? Ojaswani and Divya take her to her room. Mahima hugs her dad’s photo and says my dad did so many things that risked his life. I lose my father, husband, and daughter. Ash says Drishti fainted. Divya takes her to the room. Ojaswani says drink water, please. Mahima says Drishti are you okay? Drishti says I can’t tell anyone the vision I saw. Drishti says I felt weak. Rakshit says let me call the doctor? Ojaswani says let me check? She fainted.. She could be pregnant. Everyone is dazed. Rakshit says how is it possible. Divya says don’t tease her. Mahima says I hope it’s true. Ash says double celebration. Ash says to Shekhar you should give good news soon as well. Rakshit caresses Drishti’s face and says how is it possible?

Scene 3
Divya goes inside the room and locks Shekhar outside. He says what are you doing? She opens the door. He says we are going to be chacha chachi. She says I will be maternal aunt. We are married for a mission, I don’t consider this marriage anything else. She says those are my pillows and that’s my side. She makes border everywhere. Divya says we will divide washroom too. Divya falls. Shekhar says are you okay? I am your mission partner. Give me your hand. Divya gives her hand.

Drishti wakes up, She says what did I see? How is it possible? Ojasswani says there’s so much glow on your face. You could be pregnant. This is the best gift of nature. She says this is a pregnancy strip. Go and check. Drishti says this can’t happen. Drishti recalls her mom. She says does this mean a mom and her child are connected? What I saw could mean this. She saw her mom was in the cave. Lal chakoor attacked her and killed her. Drishti says how is that possible?

Rakshit says how can Drishti be pregnant? Ojaswani says I have her strip. Go and check. Pisachini hears. Divya is looking at her bruise. Shekhar comes. He says I will do it. He goes to the restroom. Divya says where are you going? He says I have to brush. Divya says according to schedule it’s my time. Shekhar says what is this? Divya says you can’t go. He says okay I won’t go. He bruises sitting next to her. Divya says ew go from here. What are you doing? She runs. Divya comes out and says vomit. Rakshit says are you pregnant too? Divya says shut up.

Pisachini says to Lal chakoor Drishti is pregnant. Lal chakoor the night is still left. You have to take them to the cave before it ends.

Precap-Lal chakoor says you have 24 more hours. Drishti says mama was pregnant. That means, somoene wants to kill me? Or kill mom before she actually died?

Update Credit to: Atiba

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