Thursday, 5 December 2019

RadhaKrishn 5th December 2019 Written Episode Update: Krishna Accepts Kans’ Gift

RadhaKrishn 5th December 2019 Written Episode, Written Update on

Kans gives magical dress to weaver and asks him to give it to Krishna. He says if anyone else wears this dress other than him and think of ruling Mathura, he will be burnt into ashes. Weaver says he will handover this dress to Krishna as soon as possible. Radha cries reminiscing Kutila’s taunts that she cannot go and watch Krishna and Kans’ wrestling match and thinks when Krishna himself doesn’t want him to go, how can she go there. Krishna emerges and says she can watch the event from here itself. Shuka greets Radhe Radhe. Krishna says Shuka is deeply related to Radha and whatever he sees Radha also can see, so Shuka will watch the wrestling match and Radha will watch via him. Radha gets happy knowing about it and asks Shuka to go and relay Krsihna and Kans’ wrestling match event.

Weaver returns to Mathura and gifts Kans’ given dress to Krishna says Mathura people gifted their wealth to make this dress. Krishna accepts dress. Balram warns him not to wear it as he knows Kans’ intention. Krishna says it is gifted by Mathura people with so much love, so he cannot deny it. He wears dress. Weaver waits for Krishna to return wearing dress and hopes he will burn. Krishna walks out wearing half dress. Balram asks what will they do with this remaining dress. Krishna he will gift it to weaver as a token of appreciation and asks weaver to wear it. Weaver hesitates and denies. Balram insists. Weaver says how to wear it in front of everyone. Krishna says he can wear it on his own clothes. Radha watching it via Shuka’s eyes says weaver should accept Krishna’s gift. Weaver thinks when Krishna didn’t burn, even he will not as Kans must have made a mistake. He wears it and burns into ashes. Mathura people watching it asks what happened. Krishna says weaver was Kans’s aide and got punished for his sins. Puran asks then why didn’t he burn. Krishna says he is following path of truth, so nothing can happen to him. Radha comments praising Krishna. Krishna winks. Puran and others chant Krishna’s name.

Kans’ aide informs him that weaver burnt alive after wearing dress and nothing happened to Krishna, all Mathura citizens are supporting him instead. Kans fumes hearing that and orders to soo most dangerous elephant on Mathura streets and let it kill all Mathura people. On the other side, Balram tells Krishna he should head to wrestling ground and kill Kans. Krishna says he is awaiting Radha’s help and only after that he will go. Radha plays shank naad praying for Krishna’s victory. Ugrapath yells at her. She says she loves Krishna and is praying for his victory, so nobody can stop her. She prays Mahadev..

Precap: Kans leaves dangerous elephant on Mathura streets to kill Mathura citizens.

Update Credit to: MA

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