Tuesday, 17 December 2019

Paramavatar Shri Krishna 16th December 2019 Written Episode Update – Krishna fights for women’s rights.

Paramavatar Shri Krishna 16th December 2019 Written Episode, Written Update on TellyUpdates.com

The episode starts with Rukmini understands so asks help from ganga mata & ganga mata sends her powers to save kanha in den of the evil woman & he feels saved so Krishna comes out of his meditation understanding this & he also thinks to complete the wish of evil woman’s asked in past to him & also to save kanha by giving all his powers & he sends his powers too so kanha is saved & also the woman feels she has become calm & asks how this happened so kanha explains her & she is blessed.
Kanha comes to asoorguru & bali while they are talking of planning to kill kanha but they are surprised to see kanha & ask him how you came here from that evil woman’s clutches so he explains of blessing her & also tells asoor guru to get blessed too but guru is annoyed & bali also talks angrily with kanha so they both decide to fight & as they are fighting then asoor guru thinks of plan to keep his brothers clutched so that kana can get killed. Kanha is fighting with bali hitting him continuously & telling him I can kill you but had promised to prahlad that I won’t kill any asoor so bali understands & pleads kanha saying I came into asoor guru’s talks then kanha asks him about soul’s of his brothers then bali directs kanha. The souls are pleading from guru asoor to release them while he is planning to make them asoor then kanha comes to asoor to end his plan so asoor guru tries to kill kanha with his powers but kanha gets saved so guru gets angry asking him how come you are getting saved then kanha explains him that you have forgotten it’s me who is the ultimate god of this world so he shouts saying you can’t do this & my powers can’t get washed out this way so kanha tells him you have no powers now so I am taking my brother’s souls to make them moksha & he takes away while guru asoor pledges I will fight back.
Kanha comes with souls to Krishna telling him I have brought them so Krishna thanks kanha & he welcomes shrikrishna telling I am not separate from you & he leaves. Krishna takes souls to gaya for releasing them in purety to get moksha with doing Pooja for them & all brothers accept krishna’s Pooja thanking him. Dev rishi seeing this gives knowledge to all gods & praising shrikrishna for this work done & also they discuss about how krishna’s life will go ahead. Dev rishi tells gods that still some more work is to be completed about woman’s.
A senapati speaks with Krishna about safety of this place while a villager comes asking help from Krishna so Krishna asks what happened then he explains about his daughter who is taken away by my enemy shatadhanwa to deliberately marry her & his daughter is explaining the evil that we are from krishna’s place so you will be killed but he challenges saying nothing can be done by your Krishna as I have sun’s coin so till he comes to know I will marry you. Senapati asks how this happened then he explains about coin of sun with him is squeezed from him & he has become powerful so Krishna consoles him to not to worry & I will punish him. The evil arrives at a mountain to marry with her but she is pleading from him but he is stubborn & arranges to marry her with doing Pooja but the woman is pleading in her thoughts to krishna to save her & he is forcing purohit to do it fast & challenging Krishna too saying that he also can’t do anything now. Krishna arrives telling him you have invited your killing now & he is shocked while the woman is happy seeing Krishna. Krishna kills the evil with his chakra. The woman prays Krishna bending on his toes & Krishna consoles her explaining her to not to worry as such evils get killed. She is telling Krishna that still my problems are not gone as he has taken seven rites with me so who will marry me now then Krishna says you have devoted me feeling your husband so I accept you as my wife & she gets happy. Dev rishi praises Krishna seeing this & gives pride in front of all gods to Krishna as you have to complete more such tasks to help woman’s in this life.
Rukmini does pooja of new woman satya bhama who is brought by Krishna as his wife & gives her explanation about what is liked by Krishna. Satya bhama gives food to Krishna while he feels this bhog seems special today & Rukmini tells him this is prepared by her so satya bhama tells krishna to have & takes by blessing her.
A guard comes telling Krishna that devraj indra has come to meet you so Krishna thinks something is wrong that’s why he has come. Krishna is talking with indra dev while indra is telling I wished to be part of this celebration too but Krishna asks him to tell me what work you have as I know you so he says I thought I should bring gift to devi satya bhama so please give this parijat flower to her & he tells him to take this & she is blessed with the gift telling Krishna. Indra says now my work is completed but Krishna asks him do you have any other work then indra says no but Krishna says I know you have some other work. Satya bhama id describing the importance of parijat flower so to bring in this world & Krishna explains her telling her that your wish will be completed & they leave. Indra is telling that his swarg’s shed & kundal is taken away by the evil narkasoor & then I won’t stay like adhipati of swarklok so Krishna asks him how this happened & indra is explaining of the past story happened in swarklok when he came to take this away. Indra is shouting him how come you came here in swarklok so he is talking with indra wildly & he is fighting with indra & defeats him & runs away with the kundal. Krishna understands he is planning some big evil so indra tells him that he has clutched sixteen thousand women so Krishna is shocked knowing this so feels that I have to see this now how come he has clutched so many women’s.
All the women’s are pleading from prison to prabhu to save them from this evil. The evil is laughing saying shout how much you can once I become the adhipati then no prabu can come to save you all. They are warning him from their prabhu but he is challenging them that call your prabhu & tells them you have no value who stayed in others house so I will kill you all now. He is ordering his army to arrange to sacrifice all these women’s & Krishna understands saying he is planning to kill women & indra is tell Krishna to do something fast & Krishna tells him to not to worry as such evils are to be killed.

Precap: Krishna comes to his prison telling him you have done evil deeds by abusing women’s so tells satya bhama to lift the weapon to kill this evil. Satya bhama says now I will kill this evil in this havan kund itself & she kills the evil.

Update Credit to: Tanaya

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