Monday, 30 December 2019

Naagin Season 4 29th December 2019 Written Episode Update: Vrinda turns to be Manyata’s daughter

Naagin Season 4 29th December 2019 Written Episode, Written Update on

The Episode starts with Vishali thinking where is Dev? She thinks he is neither in the party nor here, then where is he? Nayantara tells Dev that she has to leave and will celebrate her birthday tomorrow. Dev calls Lily bily and asks them to stop her. Lily bily stop her and take her with her. They ask her to stop, but Nayantara tells that she can’t stop and has to leave. Manyata waits for Nayantara. Nayantara tells that she can’t wait anymore and has to go. She pushes Dev and goes. Dev thinks what is wrong with her. Manas searches for Vrinda in the temple and calls her. Dev thinks why did Nayantara behaves as such and comes inside. Vishali hugs him and cries. Manyata comes to Nayantara and tells that she is feeling strange sensation in her body. Manyata says may be that time came, when she becomes snake. Manas catches Vrinda and holds her neck. He tells her that he will ruin her. Suddenly he couldn’t walk and turns to see snake. A fb is shown starting from the start. Manas gets scared seeing the big snake and falls down. Manyata and Nayantara are standing out. Manyata is about to become snake, but Nayantara couldn’t become and asks Manyata, why this is not happening with her. Manyata says I couldn’t understand. Nayantara says I am 25 years now, but I am not becoming icchadhari naagin. Manas calls his brothers and asks them to sit in car. They rush towards the car. The snake is coming there. The captive girl gets up. The snake breaks the wall and gets inside. The girl shouts and faints. The snake bites on the rope and escape. The girl gains consciousness after sometime and comes out.

Everyone is at Manas’s premarriage function. Dev asks his sister to check on Nayantara. Ira and Khyati get worried for their sons. Nayantara asks Manyata to do something so that she can become naagin. Manyata says she can’t do anything. Nayantara asks if I am not your daughter. Manyata tells that she was always with her all her life and tells that only at 2 times, she was away from her. Nayantara asks if they can take revenge. She says Dev likes her. Manyata tells that she will try to find out about the truth and meet her later.

Manas’s brothers ask him what he saw in the jungle. Sparsh asks him. Manas recalls seeing naagin. Hardik calls them. Manas lies to him. Manyata questions the God and asks why my daughter couldn’t become icchadhari naagin. The snake becomes human and she is Vrinda. Manyata tells that she was cursed by her mother and couldn’t become naagin for 25 years. She says she got her powers back, but her daughter couldn’t become naagin on her 25th birthday or on return of ashlesha nakshatra. She asks where is my daughter. Vrinda thinks how did I come here? The girl comes to her and tells her that big snake saved them. She asks her to run. Vrinda calls Rajat and tells that she wants to talk to him in the outhouse. Rajat says did you check the time and ends the call while in sleep.

Kanika asks where is Manas and asks if he is with me or not? Manas return home with Sparsh and harsh. Vishali asks him to open his mouth. Khyati says my Manas don’t drink. Vishali asks where did you go? Dev says I will tell. Swara tells her husband that Vrinda haven’t come till now. Her husband says she is not in Parikh’s house. Dev lies that Manas had went to bring gift for her. kanika gets happy and hugs him. Dev thinks to check in the outside if they were here. he comes there. Vrinda comes there, calling him as Rajat and hugs him, while it is raining heavily.

Ketki tells Rasik that everyone was taking Manas’s side, and even Dev. She says our children will be sidelined. Rasik asks her not to worry and goes. Ketki sees Dev and Vrinda hugging and thinks she can make Nayantara and Hardik together. Dev calls her. Vrinda says I am sorry, I thought Rajat came. Dev says its ok and asks what happened? Vrinda recalls Manas’ doings. Dev asks her to tell else he will tell Rajat that she hugged him. He teases her. Vrinda goes.

Manyata is in the temple. Nayantara tells her that she couldn’t become naagin and says sorry. Nayantara says she is sure that she is her daughter. She says you said that Dev likes you. She says a human will kill another and asks her to send message to dev. She says she knows all her enemies’ faces. She becomes snake and crawls out.

Manas tells his brothers about the snake. His brothers don’t believe him. Dev comes and gives them warning not to repeat the mistake. Vrinda thinks how did I come on the street and thinks she was with Manas. Swara comes there. Vrinda tells that she will be with her all day and will not attend anyone’s marriage. Swara asks about the injury. Vrinda says it is old. Baa comes and gives gift to Vrinda. She asks her to come to manas’ wedding. Vrinda comes to the marriage and tries to talk to Dev. Nayantara calls her and he goes. Nayantara tells that his mum is unwell and that’s why she left. She says we will celebrate her birthday after marriage. Manas gets his girlfriend Piyali’s call who asks him to come to terrace else she will come down. His brothers ask him to go and handle her.

Precap: Vrinda tries to alert dev, while Manas’s death is thrown in the marriage altar.

Update Credit to: H Hasan

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