Sunday, 14 March 2021

Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai 15th March 2021 Written Episode Update : Tiwari has heart attack


Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai 15th March 2021 Written Episode, Written Update on

Angoori singing song, Vibhu walks to her and greets her, Angoori says last night I saw a movie named Guide and it made me remember my childhood, when I went to Shimla wr had guide named Raju, I was 17, and when I sat on an horse he started running fast, and Raju running behind us and he grabbed the horse and caught me by my waist and it was so scary, anyways did you get any job,Vibhu says not yet, Angoori says good then here is a plate blow air over this papad.

Prem with Tony at Tea stall, TMT ask who he is, Prem offers him Kulad Chai, Tony says its dirty, Vibhu says dirty is club, wines, which destory families, and you call this Kulad dirty, it is made from the soil of our land, this is very precious, Tony says I am sorry here is 500₹, Vibhu says its worth 5000₹, Saxena walks to them says this is height of fooling someone, Vibhu says stay out, Saxena says I can’t stand someone fooling anyone, you are fraud, we Indians consider Guests as God, Vibhu takes him aside and hits him hard, and comes back takes 5000₹. Prem takes Tony to Gulfamkali’s.
TMT praise Vibhu for his skills, Vibhu gives TMT some money and leaves.

Anu looking for her laptop and sees Helan watching porn, Anu asks Helan what is she doing on her laptop, she has urgent work to do, Helan says so am I, Vibhu asks whats wrong, Anu tells him Helan watching Porn, Helan says I am not, David walks in says she does, Helan and David gets in argument, Anu asks Vibhu to come aside with her, Anu says what all is this, this is why you called me, Vibhu says I did miss you.

Angoori in garden, Tiwari walks to her and asks for newspaper, Angoori says look right here, Tiwari asks her to get him some tea, Angoori leaves. Tiwari reads update on share market, and finds Agarwal’s shares are down and he had invested lakhs in it and panics and faints. Angoori calls for help. Gupta asks what’s wrong, he checks his heart beat and asks whats wrong, Tiwari says I lost all shares. TMT rushes to Tiwari and asks whats wrong, Gupta says he is in pain and shock dont bother him, Tiwari says he lost shares. Teeka says share market up down keeps happening you also start guide business like Vibhu, Tiwari says shut up and leave. Angoori scolds boys and asks to keep quite. Gupta says he is in stress I will send medicines for him.

Angoori in kitchen, Vibhu walks to her, Vibbu dressed as Raju Guide, Angoori says TMT told me about your New business, Vibhu says you remember that boy who was your guide, Angoori says yes he was a thief robbed all our gold, Vibhu says he didn’t he was good man, I knew him because I am Raju Guide, Angoori starts laughing says not possible I remember him he had bunny teeth, Vibhu says you have to believe look at me and imitates bunny teeth, Angoori says oh yes you are.

Tiwari checking accounts, and very worried, Angoori singing, Tiwari scolds her, says I am at loss Angoori, and holds his heart, Angoori rushes to gey Vibhu seeing Tiwari collapse.

Helan David and Vibhu having dinner, David eating food disgustingly, David says what is wrong, Vibhu says you will blast if you eat like this, Angoori rushes in crying and tells Tiwari is having heart attack.

Pre cap: Prem meets Vibhu tells him Tony wants to see haunted house.

Update Credit to: Tanaya

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