Divya Drishti 1st December 2019 Written Episode, Written Update on TellyUpdates.com
Scene 1
Divya and Drishti come outside the house. Drishti says who are those people and who are they working for? The thugs say to guru’s picture they’re dead but they haven’t left. We will make them leave this place. Rakshit says to Shekhar, let’s go. We have to stop them. Chintu stops them. he says there is a surprise fo you in the village. Let’s go.
Divya Drishti throw ganga jal on the bikes. Divya says why is nothing happening? Divya shows them a sign of trishul on the bikes. Divya says they aren’t with the devil?
Rakshit and Shekhar come inside the village. Shekhar asks Rakshit to calm down. Shekhar says what is it? The woman says what plan have you made to kill the bikers? Shekhar says Divya Drishti have gone to kill them. Rakshit says yes. But we should bring them back. Chintu says how can will you kill them? Drishti says we won’t kill them. There is a trishul mark on their bikes. How can they be bad? We got them wrong. Shekhar and Rakshit tell Divya Drishti these people are all dead. Kaki says we will do our thing now. They all come near them in a circle. Shekhar says use your powers and stop them. They defend themselves and laugh.
Ojaswani says Shekhar isn’t picking the call. Pisachini says he won’t. Be prepared for this death. His time is over. Ash shouts no that can’t happen. What did you do to him? Mahima says nothing would happen. He isn’t alone. Mahima says go from here. Mahima says Divya Drishti and Rakshit are with him.
Murali says why aren’t you powers working? Because they are dead? Divya says what should we do now? It gets dark and they all turn into ghosts. Lakhan says this is our village and that house is ours too now. Rakshit says that’s our house. He says kill them all. Divya, Drishti and Rakshi use their powers and shove them. One of them holds Shekhar’s leg. They laugh. Rakshit says Drishti you go from here with Divya. I will handle. Drishti says I won’t go anywhere. I am sure the bikers know how to stop them. Tey try to run. Lakhan says we will kill you all. Divya and Drishti come to the bikers. They are enclosed in the fire. The biker says we were helping you. Drishti says we just got to know you were helping us. She removes the fire. Drishti says breaking the pots didn’t help? The biker says they are very powerful. Tell us how can we help you?
Shekhar and Rakshit are tied? Rakshit says nothing would happen. Chintu says yes you will die and become like us. Lakhan says you will be caught in this pot as ashes and will live here with us forever. Shekhar says stop. The bikers come there with Divya and Drishti. Divya and Drishti break all the pots. Drishti says we are sent by Shiv. You can’t catch us. Divya releases them and they sit on the bikers as well. Drishti empties all ashes in the well. The bikers protect them. All ashes re gone and the ghosts disappear. Rakshit says thank you. The biker says your grandfather was our guru. He gave us the responsibility to protect this village.
Rakshit says thank you Drishti. You did so well. You protected us. How can I thank you? Drishti says I want that bike. Divya says I too.
Scene 2
They come back home. Rakshit says Shekhar recalled things there from childhood. Shekhar wonders how did he know all that. Rakshit says Shekhar recognized Chintu. He is the real hero. Shekhar is confused. Drishti sees the same scar on his abck that she saw on Pisachini’s hand. She wonders what is it?
Drishti comes to Pisachini I know you planned all that in the village. Guru ji was with us. Pisachini says shut up. I will take your ratan from you. You are loser like your parents. I killed your mom. She couldn’t do anything. I will kill you both as well. Drishti shoves her. Drishti says we will always teach you a lesson.
Drishti wonders about the scar. She says I have to find out.
Divya is in the kitchen with Sekhar. He is confused. Shekhar says I feel something weird. Divya says what? Drishti comes there and says Divya I have to tell you something important. Come with me. She takes Divya with her.
Rakshit tells Mahima about the villagers. He says I was scared for Shekhar. He remembered a lot of things in the village. Mahima says how is it between you and your wife? He says we fight but it’s time we should move forward.
Drishti says we can’t trust him. I saw a scar on his back that Pisachini had too. Divya says I saw it too. He got in from the village. Drishti says there is something wrong. You two are coming close. Divya says what are you saying? She leaves.
Rakshit says Shehkhar, how did you remember Chintu? He says I don’t know. Rakshit sings and recalls their childhood. Shekhar sings the song with him. He is shocked. Rakshit says what happened? We used to sing this song in the childhood all the time.
Shekhar says how do I remember all this? Did I get some power in the village? He looks at an old photo. He recalls singing the same song. Shekhar says what does all this mean?
Divya comes to Drishti and says let’s talk. She sleeps with her.
Pischini comes. She looks at Divya and Drishti. She says the star is shining. She comes in their room and tries to take the star. Guru ji screams. He says look at the past. There is a danger you will see it. Time is where it started. The past will solve the future. Know the past. You don’t have a lot of time. Pisachini wonders what past was he talking about? Divya says what was he talking about? Drishti says we have to find out.
Shekhar looks for the painting in the same corridor that he saw in the flashback. He looks at a wall. Shekhar says that painting was here.
Rakshit asks Drishti what happened? Divya says we need help. Door knocks. Rakshit opens the door. Someone hugs Rakshit.
Shekhar hilds his head and screms. He says what is all this? I will lose my mind. Who am I?
It’s Rakshit’s friend. He says Drishti why did you marry him? Rakshit says shut up. He says we used to call him Raku. Drishti says someone else calls him Raku shona too. He says wow you have a pretty sister too. Shekhr comes as well. Vicky meets Rakshit. He says you left your rother with a fake Shekhar? Are you real? He says let’s have some fun. Wake everyone up. Rakshit go get fresh.
Pisacini says Kaal devta please come. I have to tell you something. Kaal comes. Pisachini says so he is here.
Precap-Shekhar looks for an old diary. Divya finds a diary. Shekhar sees his childhood.
Update Credit to: Atiba
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