Thursday, 21 January 2021

Love, Romance, and Revenge #Riansh Episode 99


The episode starts with Riddhima starting to gain consciousness.
She got shocked when she found herself in an unknown place.
She wasn’t able to understand where she is and who has got her in that place.
She starts screaming and shouting.
Riddhima: Anyone is here? Please anyone could help me.
There wasn’t anyone who is responding to her.
She keeps shouting as she was hoping that anyone could respond to her and get her out from that place.
Riddhima: Who has got me here? Please anyone could respond to me.
Riddhima was very afraid and she wasn’t able to understand the reason that could make someone could kidnap her.
She was wondering why the one who kidnapped her didn’t tight her hands.

So she was hoping that she could be able to get out from that place.
She tried hard to get out from that place, but all her tryings didn’t lead to any result.
She gives up that she could be able to open the door.
At that time, Sam has entered to the place that he kept Riddhima on it.
She wasn’t able to recognize him because he was wearing a mask.
Riddhima got scared when she has seen the masked person (Sam).
She gets very far from him.
Ssm: Why you are afraid darling? Nothing will happen to you when I’m with you. I’m sorry that I have got you with that way, but trust me there wasn’t any other choice other than this choice to return you back to me.
Riddhima starts to observe the identity of the masked person from his voice and from his words.
Riddhima: Who are you? What is your motive from kidnapping me? If you are brave enough, remove this mask and make me know your identity.
Sam: Listen to your heart Riddhima and your heart is the only thing that will answer all your questions.
Riddhima: Just shut up and stop this nonsense. Just tell me who are you and why you have kidnapped me?
He comes near her to calm her down.
She doesn’t give him the chance to touch her.
Salm: Calm down darling. You don’t have to be that angry and nervous. You know that I don’t like to see you angry and nervous like that.
He was going again near her, but she gets away from him.
Riddhima: Don’t you dare to just think to touch me otherwise I could merely kill myself and kill you with me. So don’t think to come near me once again otherwise there will not be worse than me.
Sam gets away from her because he knows that Riddhima when says something she doesn’t do its opposite and she always do what she says.
So he decided to not make her angry because he doesn’t want to lose her.
Sam: Okay okay. I will not come near you again. Just relax.
Riddhima: Show me your face and tell me who are you?
At that moment, Sam removed the mask to make Riddhima see his face.
She got shocked when she has known the identity of the masked person.
She got shocked when she has known that her kidnapper is Sam.

She got shocked that what she observed when she has heard the masked person’s voice is right.

She got shocked when her guess got right and Sam is really her kidnapper.
Riddhima: Sam you?! Are you my kidnapper?!
Sam: Yes Riddhima. Don’t be that surprised and shocked as I told you when I have came to you in the hospital that I will never leave until I get you back to me. You didn’t gave to me any choice other than take you forcefully because I will not sit quiet while I’m watching you being with another man.
Riddhima: Sam you really got mad! Don’t think that with what you have done I will be yours. I’m for Vansh and I will always be Vansh’s mine until my last breath. I will always be with Vansh and you will can’t change this concept. You will never be able to get Vansh out from my heart because he is not just in my heart, he is found in my mind and my heart and in everything inside me. Vansh and I are not two persons we are one soul in two bodies. So you will not be able to separate me from Vansh even if you tried very hard.
Sam got very angry from Riddhima’s words.
Sam: Just shut up Riddhima. Don’t say any other single word. Your words really make me very angry so please don’t make me get out my anger as I don’t want to do anything that could harm you while I’m that angry.
Riddhima: Do what you want as I’m not afraid from you. I will not stop saying that I love just one man in the whole world and I will never love anyone other than him and this man is Vansh Rai Singhania. You will never be able to make any place in my heart for you Sam as I don’t hate anyone more than I hates you and this fact will never change whatever you have done to change it.
Sam got very angry from Riddhima’s words.
So he wasn’t controlling his anger when he has pushed Riddhima very hard push due to the words that she has said it to him.
Riddhima got hurt in her head due to that push that Sam has pushed it to her.
She starts crying when she has putted her hand above her wound that was on her head and she has seen a blood.
Sam comes to Riddhima to check on her and be sure that she is fine after he has got his anger on her.
Sam: Riddhima are you okay? I’m really sorry I didn’t meant to push you at all, but you were the one who made me got angry and I wasn’t able to control my anger so that’s why I have pushed you by mistake. I’m really sorry please forgive me. Just let me see your wound so I could cure it as it is really bleeding very much.
Sam was going to touch Riddhima’s face to see her wound, but she pushed him to not make him touch her.
Riddhima: You really got mad Sam! You really become crazy! You have pushed me and then you are coming to check on me! You are really got very crazy and you have to go to a mental treatment hospital. Trust me you will not be saved from Vansh’s hands. I’m sure that he will reach to my place and he will rescue me from you idiot. I promise you that you will regret a lot when Vansh will catch you and punish you for what you have done.
Sam laughs at Riddhima’s words and how she is really innocent.
Sam: You really made me laugh very much. Do you are still have that sense of humor? Do you really think that Vansh will reach to you and will take you again from me?! No darling I will not make him take you from me once again. I will not make him win against me once again after he has succeeded in clearing the misunderstanding that I have caused between both of you. Actually, I will get you very far away from him as after some time you and I will travel to a very far country that will make that Vansh can’t be able to find us.
Riddhima was shocked from Sam’s words.
At the same time, Vansh was very worried about Riddhima when she got late.
What makes him more worried that Riddhima’s mobile was unreachable.
He was feeling that Riddhima is really in danger.
Vansh to himself: Riddhima got very late. I’m feeling that she is in danger. She would never take that time getting the breakfast. So I have to get out to search about her as I can’t sit quiet here and my wife would be now in danger. I have to find any clue outside the glass house that could make me know what has happened with Riddhima.
Vansh gets out from the glass house and he starts searching about any clue in the entrance and in the garden of the glass house.
Vansh to himself: I’m sure that I will find any clue that could make me know what has happened with Riddhima.
He found on the garden of the glass house one of Riddhima’s earrings.
Flashback shows Riddhima’s earring has been fallen when she was trying to get out from Sam’s trap before he could be able to succeed in making her lose consciousness. *Flashback ends*
Vansh to himself: This earring made me sure that there is something bad has happened to Riddhima and I have to know what has happened to her so I could be able to rescue her.
He found a camera on the store that is in front of the glass house and he was sure that he would know what has happened to Riddhima when he could see the CCTV footage of that camera as of course it has captured what has happened to Riddhima.
He went to the store and he has requested the manger to see the CCTV footage.
At the beginning the people in the store weren’t accepting that, but when they have known that it is an urgent thing and when they have known that the one who is requesting them is Vansh Rai Singhania they have agreed on making him see the CCTV footage.
When Vansh has seen the CCTV footage, he got shocked when he has known that Riddhima got kidnapped and he has also known that Sam is her kidnapper.
Vansh got very angry from that Sam.
The CCTV footage helped Vansh to know the number of Sam’s car that he has taken on it Riddhima so he could track it and know its location.
Then Vansh has left the store after he has thanked the manager of the store for helping him.
Afterwards, Vansh has called his men to make them track Sam’s car and give him its location.
Vansh: I want the car’s location very fast.
One of Vansh’s men: Okay boss don’t worry. We will get to you the car’s location very fast.
After Vansh has ended his call with one of his men, he was praying for Riddhima’s safety.
Vansh to himself: Please God protect Riddhima and don’t make her be in any danger. Don’t worry Riddhima very soon I will reach to your place and I will rescue you. I will never make anyone could be able to separate me from you. And about that Sam, I will not leave him and he will not be saved from me for making my Riddhima apart from me.
Then Vansh’s men have sent to him the current location that the car is on it now.
Vansh to himself: I’m coming to you Riddhima and I will never make anyone make you away from me.
Vansh went to his car and he starts driving to the location that his men has sent it to him.
At that moment, Riddhima was still shocked from what Sam has said to her.
Riddhima: You will not succeed to force me to travel with you. I’m the wife of Vansh Rai Singhania and you will not make me leave this country or making me to leave my husband and my family.
Sam: I’m not requesting you Riddhima to travel with me so you could be able to choose if you will travel with me or not. I’m just informing you that you will travel with me and we will leave this country. You have now to forget that you have got married to that guy because from the day that we will travel on it you will not longer be Vansh’s wife and you will be my wife my lovely Riddhima.
Riddhima: This will happen on my dead body. You will not just be able to be near me whatever are the circumstances.
Sam didn’t respond to her words.
He decided to irritate her more before he could leave.
Sam: Be ready because very soon you will be Mrs. Sam.
After he left her, Riddhima starts crying.
Riddhima to herself: I would never make that stupid guy be able to separate me from my husband. I would never make that Sam be just near me. Please Vansh come and rescue me from that Sam before he could succeed in making me away from you by leaving the country. Please Vansh come fast as I really needs you very much.
Afterwards, Vansh has reached to Riddhima’s location.
Vansh to himself: I’m very near to you Riddhima and I will never leave you and I will get you back to me sweetheart.
Vansh has succeeded in entering the place without making anyone notices him.
He has noticed Sam being with his men.
So he becomes sure that Riddhima is alone.
He managed to enter the room that Riddhima is on it.
Riddhima was very happy when she has seen Vansh in front of her.
When Vansh came to Riddhima, he immediately hugged her to calm her and himself so he could be sure that Riddhima is fine.
Riddhima: Thank God Vansh that you have reached to my location and you have came to save me.
Vansh: I promised you that I will always save you form any danger. Just tell me how you got that wound that is on your head?!
Riddhima: Don’t worry Vansh I’m totally fine.
Vansh: How you are telling me to not to worry and you are bleeding that much?! Of course that Sam is the one who has caused that wound to you. Trust me I will not leave that stupid guy.
Riddhima: Please make us talk about that later. Just let’s get out from that place before that Sam could return.
Vansh: Don’t worry Riddhima that Sam will not be able to do anything as my men are here and they will handle Sam’s men and we already have called the police and they are in their way. So that Sam will not be able to do anything now.
Riddhima: So let’s go please.
When Vansh and Riddhima were going to leave, Sam has stopped them.
Sam: None of you will get out from that place. Riddhima will not leave me and you Vansh will not get out from that place alive.

Vansh: Interesting, very interesting! You are the one who will stop me from taking my wife with me and you also want to kill me?! You really made me laugh very much!

Sam: Just come to me and let’s see who will laugh at the end.
Vansh and Sam start fighting together and Vansh was beating Sam very hard beats.
Vansh was punishing Sam for everything he has done it to him and Riddhima.
Then Sam has also start to beat Vansh, but Vansh was the one who made Sam lose consciousness.
Riddhima and Vansh have hugged each other after Vansh has left that Sam unconscious.
Riddhima: Vansh you are bleeding! We have to leave fast to cure your wounds.
The police inspectors have came and they have became sure that Vansh and Riddhima are fine.
Vansh and Riddhima were very happy that they got rid of that Sam and they were leaving that place.
Then Sam gained consciousness and he takes a gun from his pocket to shoot Vansh when he got escaped from the police.
Sam: I will not leave you Vansh and you will die now as if Riddhima will not be for me she will not be for you Vansh.
Before Sam could shoot Vansh, one of the police inspectors has shot Sam.
Vansh and Riddhima got very satisfied that they have got rid of that Sam forever.
Vansh takes Riddhima to the car and he starts driving to their way to VR mansion.
Afterwards, they have arrived to VR mansion.
Everyone was worried about them when that have seen Vansh and Riddhima in that state.
Anuprya: What has happened to you both Vansh and Riddhima?!
Vansh: Don’t worry mom. Everything is fine now.

Anuprya: How you are saying that while you and Riddhima are having a lot of wounds like that?!

Rudra: Please Vansh tell us what has happened and how you both have gotten that wounds?

Vanish and Riddhima start telling to the whole family what has happened to them.
Sejal: That idiot! Thank God that he has died and he will not be able to cause again any problems in your both lives.
Anuprya: God bless you both my lovely children and I hope that nothing bad could happen to both of you. Please go to your room now to relax and cure that wounds.
Vansh and Riddhima went to their room and they start curing each other’s wounds in a very romantic way.
Riddhima: Thank God that you have came at the right time Vansh. I would never tolerate if that guy has succeed in separating me from you.
He comes near her.
Then he puts his hands around her.
So he could comfort her.
Vansh: I would never make anyone separate me from my lovely wife. We will always be together till our last breaths.
They hugged each other a very long and warm hug.
They were very happy that Sam didn’t succeed in separating them.
They were very happy that they are now in each other’s arms.
They were happy that they didn’t lost each other.
Vansh and Riddhima now are sure that there will not be any power in that world that could separate them from each other.

The end of the episode. I hope you like it. Stay tuned for the last episode. Please shower me with a lot of comments and support. Please don’t forget your feedback in the comment section below.

The post Love, Romance, and Revenge #Riansh Episode 99 appeared first on Telly Updates.

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