Sunday, 3 November 2019

loving again – part 32 (twinj ff)

PART 32 –

After the heated argument he had not been in her sight, no one got to know about all of these except her mother in law and the two of them.

she had been anticipating him to slide beside her in the car, but many moments passed and he didn’t come.

“did she trigger something? Where did he go? he was not like this, he never did that… but yes, everything has its first.” with all sort of wild imaginations her heart was beating fast, a horrible feeling was looming over her soul and though she was acting normal and talking with her brother in law who was their driver today, somewhere in her heart she was praying to every god for his well being.

“It looks like my friend is trying to look his best today ! any idea Twinkle, why he is taking so much time?” Anuj joked.

In response, Twinkle gave a tight-lipped smile.

She has made a few calls to him but initially, he ignored and then perhaps had blocked her number…

“you yourself ask na Anuj?” taking the seat beside her husband Kasturi suggested.

“no no let him look his best today, marriages don’t happen every day.” with that Anuj shared a wink with his wife.

Only if they knew that he was not at home, and her mother in law had tried hard to not let anyone know…but now she knew their little secret was about to be broken when he was not going to show up.

“Here comes the groom of the day…” Anuj declared enthusiastically as soon as Kunj opened the door of the car.

“what kept you Man, and made us wait for you?” Anuj smiled.

“nothing, was preparing myself for the NEW ME.” though no one noticed Twinkle heard that force on NEW ME.

Tears were making their way inside her big eyes but she touched the back of her mouth with her tongue and tried hard to stop the tears.

“of course Kunj! Get ready for the new life, I am telling you, once you join my league, you will feel you were better unmarried…” Anuj took a jibe and earned a glare from her wife.

With the little banters from the front seating couple the engine was ignited and following the other cars they left for the court.


In front of others, he behaved visibly normal like nothing had happened but he made sure he was not in her vicinity as soon as the need was not required.

In the court when the registrar has pushed the papers for them to sign, she had waited for a response from his side but without saying anything he had signed it like any other paper.

And to say it hurt her, was a very small word, it burned like red hot lava being poured on her… in the morning she was in the middle of what should be done but after the scene with him, she had no courage left to deny him because she knew if she did anything stupid she was the only one to blame if anything bad happened.

“Mr. and Mrs. Kunj Sarna” the certificate had legalized their marriage but the relief she had felt after being with him for the last few days has evaporated… the warm airs between them had turned into a thick layer of icy winds, not for a single moment, he has looked in her side.

Thanks to her sister and brother in law who were trying their best to cheer them up, he did smile but she knew it was all a pretense so no one gets to know about the happenings.

“you can hold her hand my younger jeeju,” Kasturi teased him when their picture was being clicked.

And then he had held her hand but the warmth was absent, it didn’t give a sense of belongingness as it did earlier, even when he had hugged her in a side hug there was no feeling of home…

As soon as the boring session of picture clicking was done he has excused himself and walked to the car with the little baby.

“are you guys having a fight or something?”Kasturi asked her sister, she was sensing it but she had brushed it away because anyway it was not a very normal wedding, but now she felt things were not okay between them.

“I think he is still not okay, last night he had some backache… I’ll go and see him.” lying was the only option left for her and avoiding her sister’s eyes Twinkle walked to the car holding the greenish maroon lehenga in her hands.

“i think we are done here Kasturi, let’s have a seat…” gesturing towards the car Anuj called her.

“wait, I think we should give the newlyweds a little privacy before the ceremonies of the day.” stopping her husband Kasturi’s heart felt something abnormal in the air.


After the argument in the morning he has gone out to clear his mind but it had only increased his anger, he had tried to reason with his actions in the morning, and he tried to feel guilty about it.

But he was done behaving rational, he was done being understanding every time.

He had made plans for their future, for their little family and suddenly she declared she wasn’t someone he should get married.

“why on earth it was so easy for her to make decisions,” without thinking about his feelings she had made her mind but not this time!! he was not going to let it happen according to her.

As soon as the handle turned he looked outside and saw her opening the door.

But to her utter surprise, he left the car without saying anything and with this, her tears which she has tried to stop all this time, broke the barrier and one by one fell down…


The holy fire witnessed their silent seven rounds with holy enchants trying to create a union for the next seven births.

With THE GATHBANDHAN, a man and woman were tied Into a knot of eternity but this wedding lock already had many knots to work upon.

The vermilion and holy black beads were meant to form a sense of responsibility on the couple to be each other’s strength but here it seemed the strength had already trembled.

With every little and big ritual, they were meant to become each other’s better half but here it seemed the two halves needed a better moment for them.

Of course, it was not a big fat wedding, a simple wedding with very close relatives and friends but the two of them were not in the moment, their souls were not there…

or perhaps they were into each other the most cause even in his anger and in her helplessness they only have one thought in their mind and that was about THE OTHER.

Tip tip ye Anshu

Pighalate hain Kyun

Dil me khalish ye machalti

Hai kyu

Jane na tu pahchane

Sapne hain jo anjane

Ye bhulaye na bhulaye

vo vaade


Hey everyone, I hope you all had a great time, now I am here with this next update…I hope you guys liked it.

So when the wedding is done, how’s the feeling? *smiles*…long and tough roads are ahead though.

I’ll be waiting for your response.

With love Morusya.

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