Friday, 25 October 2019

KKM Story Of Love And War Between Siblings Episode 8

I’m not able to bring in all the characters in the same episode as there are already so many characters existing already in the real series, and I have not created any other character except for Mrs. Saroja Sood and Sunil Sood, the family of the antagonist Nikhil who are necessary for me to develop my storyline. It is very difficult to give justice to all the characters together even though I have made this ff exclusively with respect to the younger generation characters. So, the continuation of events with respect to the previous episode is as follows

The episode starts with Pragya asking Rishi “Is everything alright???” Rishi replies in a sad and confused tone “No Maasi, actually Priyanka told her Uncle that I have been blackmailing her to get my job back.” Pragya is shocked, “What??? That girl, she has stooped low to the utmost extent” She has no concern for your feelings when she keeps saying “She loves you; she loves you” neither for the feelings of her uncle who is so overprotective and concerned about her. So, what are you going to do???” Rishi replies “Maasi, I think I should get back to my job”. Pragya becomes worried “But why Rishi, that could pose a greater danger for you???” Rishi replies “Maasi, what is the use of sitting idle in fear of danger, if we stop ourselves every time fearing danger then the evil will keeping getting opportunities to suppress us down and take advantage of us, so we are supposed to face the evil and fight back with full courage so that they don’t dare to do the same with us once again, I think I should face Priyanka now and stop her from meddling with my life so that she will not create any more havoc in my life”, Pragya continues “You are right!! And I totally understand what you are saying, but remember Priyanka has already charged a MOLESTATION CASE against you, which no one else other than me, knows in this house, in that case Would it be safe to work in the same place where she is working??? Rishi thinks and replies “I know that it would not be safe but I guess her uncle who thinks that I’m guilty will be extra conscious about his niece this time, also he informed in the phone that he is taking me back not because he is scared of me, but because he really loves Priyanka, so I think Priyanka will not try any more of her dirty tricks in the office.” Pragya says “Fine, but I think we should try to find evidences of your innocence as soon as possible, otherwise Priyanka’s mental state of obsession is such that she could harm anyone to get you., just take care of yourself” Rishi says “Sure, Maasi”, just as they are discussing’ Sarita behen comes and asks Rishi “What happened Rishi??? Did your boss call and scold you for taking so many days leave??? Arrey, who asked you to play CRICKET MATCH in the middle of the night and hurt yourself so badly??? Look now, even I’m worried and even the people in your office are getting worried!!! Why are you troubling your poor granny in this old age, You are the only family I have now, before you came I was always alone until Pragya and her daughters shifted to our house, I was fine to be always alone before but after Pragya, her daughters and you came, my life has changed!!! If anything happens to you then…. Pragya stops her and tells “Why are thinking like that Sarita behen?? Your grandson is a brave man, nothing will happen to him.” Sarita behen feels relieved “Okay then, get ready and go to the office, and yeah, while going please leave Shahana to her college, poor girl, she still has a slight pain in her ankle and Prachi too has left early saying she wants to get some file from her office before going to college.” Rishi says “Fine, Nani” and retires to his room. While Pragya is left thinking, “This Priyanka seems to be extremely dangerous” and then Priyanka’s words of warning her about Prachi and Rhea flashes through her mind, she gets worried “I wonder why she took Prachi and Rhea’s name on phone, just don’t want her do anything wrong with them.”

In Abhi’s office

Sunny comes and knocks on Purab’s door, Purab while working on his laptop asks him to come inside and have a seat, he does not look at him “So you are the new COSTUME DESIGNER of FUSION BEATS?” Sunny thinks “I thought you had already given me that post years ago, Pappa” and says “Yes Sir”, Abhi and Vikram just informed me that they have talked to you and Vikram added about your suggestion regarding the venue, which is in fact a good idea, and I’m sure Abhi will talk soon talk to the college management. Sunny grins. Purab continues “so about the costume designs for the participants of international concert…” when he is about to lift his head towards Sunny, he gets Aryan’s call. Sunny is disturbed and takes a pen from Purab’s table, Purab answers his call “Aryan, what happened??? Is there any problem???” Aryan on the other side tells him “Dad, No nothing, I just called to inform you that I’m going to the college” Purab is worried which makes Sunny even more irritated and he pushes the pen into his hands deep into his flesh, blood starts oozing from his hands; Purab asks Aryan “Why are you in a hurry to get back to college, You should have taken rest for a few more days”, Aryan tells him “I’m absolutely fine dad, You need not worry Ranbir is with me, if I need help, I’ll ask him” Purab says “Okay fine, Take care Aryan”, Sunny sitting in front of him pushes the pen harder and harder without noticing the number of blood droplets coming out of his hands and dripping onto the floor” Purab bids adieu to Aryan and continues with Sunny while pointing his index fingers onto his forehead “So, where was I….” Sunny interrupts “Sir, I think you really love your SON; Your son is very LUCKY; HOW MANY SONS DO YOU HAVE SIR???” Purab is shocked at that question and stares at Sunny’s face for the first time “He could sense an emotional connect with him, but couldn’t realise who it is??” He becomes emotional but holds backs his tears and answers him “I HAVE ONLY ONE SON”. Sunny is left heartbroken and thinks “Obviously you have only one son because you hardly ever cared about the other”, he did not want to sit there any more so he informs him “So Sir, could you please send all that you want me to work upon on my desk; I will work on them and come and show you my designs” Purab nods in agreement. While, Sunny gets up and moves towards the exit, Purab notices that his hand is bleeding, he calls him out “Wait, your hand is bleeding!!” Sunny without turning towards him says “It’s alright Sir!!! I don’t have a FATHER like you to take care of me so I will take care of myself” and goes out. Purab feels weird and keeps staring at the blood on the floor.

Prachi comes and takes her file and hurriedly moves towards the exit, she moves outside while Ranbir was coming inside, both bang their head and cry out “Awchhhh!!!”, Aryan and Mishti in the jeep, are amused and laugh at them. Ranbir says “Oh god!! Your head is really HEAVY, where were you looking??” Prachi apologizes “Oh so sorry!!! I was in a hurry to get to college that I didn’t see in front while coming out!!!” Ranbir stares at her with mouth agape. Prachi notices that and asks him “What happened??? Did I say something wrong???” Ranbir asks her “Are you alright????” Prachi asks “Why???”, Ranbir tells her we have been fighting from the first time we have met, and you have never APOLOGIZED to me. Prachi realises the truth and thinks “What is happening to me??? Why have I have started apologizing to this IDIOT???” Then both of say together “We have to hit our heads once again” and then laugh, Prachi says “My mom says that if we hit our head with someone then we have hit our head with that same person once again” Ranbir remarks “What a coincidence, even chief says that, so shall we???” They both hit their heads once again and have an eye lock. Ranbir tells her “You can come with us but unfortunately I’m driving because your BEST DRIVER (Aryan) is not in a condition to drive today” She replies, “It’s alright, I don’t mind” Ranbir asks her “WHAT???” Prachi says “I had been scolding you unnecessarily so many times that in the last few days you have actually started to drive in normal speed and that shows your concern  for others, and you don’t have to change yourself, you just have the bad habits for others”. Ranbir is moved and keeps staring at her. Mishti shouts “Bhai, we are getting late”. Ranbir tells Prachi “Go and sit, I’ll come in a sec”. Prachi nods and goes.

Mussorie, Tanu’s House

Tanu gets a phone call and is shocked. Rakhi comes and asks her “What happened Mamma?” Tanu informs her that her grandma (Nikhil’s Mom) had an attack while returning from temple and is admitted in the hospital. She needs to go there immediately. Rakhi tells her she wants to come with her but Tanu denies explaining that someone needs to stay at home when everyone is in the hospital. Tanu calls out Sunil and asks him about the incident. Both rush to the hospital. Rakhi is left alone in the home.

To be continued

The post KKM Story Of Love And War Between Siblings Episode 8 appeared first on Telly Updates.

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