Tuesday 16 May 2023

Mera pyaar… Part 34 (Bonding and Anger)


hello friends..here is the next episode.


Akhilesh sends the video of naira’s final rites to Naman..

Akhilesh: I’ve sent naira’s final rites video to Naman. I don’t know how they are going to watch it..they will be really heartbroken. And iam really scared for naitikji and akshara ji..

Surekha: God should give them strength to handle this..

Dadi: now let’s pray for them and for naira’s peaceful soul..


They all pray while bani and veer brings sleeping kartik home and everyone gets shocked seeing them..

Abir: kartik.. what happened to him?

Bani:he..he is deeply asleep..i guess he is so tired. Lets not disturb him..we will place him in his room.

Bani and veer places kartik in his room and they come out and everyone shockingly looks at veer..

Manish:veer..how come you are here? You should be in hospital right?

Veer:I’ve learned everything from mom and dad..they were trying to lie but i found it through their eyes. And i couldn’t accept it and that’s why i was coming here..

Veer cries and hugs Manish..

Veer: why..why did lord do..do this with such a good person? You..you always tell that lord won’t do wrong with good person’s right..then..then why did..did he do this with naira and kartik?

Everyone cries..

Dadi:i..i always believed bhagwanji for everything..but..but after this incidents iam really angry on him for snatching our naira..

Suddenly veer coughs and he falls down due to weakness and everyone gets scared..


Bani panics and she immediately gets water and she feeds him slowly holding him..

Bani:veer.. don’t stress yourself.. please drink this water now.

Veer slowly sips water from bani’s hands and he sits..

Veer:i..i just felt weak.. nothing to worry about..

Abir:but you had just surgery now..so you should not strain yourself. Now please go and lie down..

Veer:how can I? I even couldn’t breathe when I heared naira’s demise then how can I lie down?

Naksh: Even if you sit and cry for whole the day.. neither situation is going to change..nor naira will come back.

Suddenly Kartik wakes up and comes out and shouts holding naksh’s collar..

Kartik shouts: naksh..are you her brother? Why do you say that she will never come back? Don’t you have even a small hope that naira will be alive huh?

Everyone worries seeing kartik and Abir pulls  him away from kartik..

Abir: what happened to you kartik? Even after immersing naira’s ashes..you don’t believe her death? I know you couldn’t accept naira’s death as you love her but you did all her final rites..

Kartik pushes Abir away and..

Kartik:it’s because i don’t want to delay that person’s final rites as it may become bad sign for it and also i dint have strength to fight for the truth with you all..that’s why. I just put garland on naira’s photo for namesake but i will throw away soon..and will prove you that my naira is alive….

Everyone gets shocked and gets worried too..

Dadi in mind: arrey..bhagwanji..why are you punishing us like this? First you took away naira and now why are you troubling kartik.. please give him senses back.

Kartik goes out while Akhilesh and surekha stops him..

Akhilesh:where are you going kartik?

Kartik:iam going to college to register back for resuming my job. I won’t live mourning for naira as my heart knows that she is alive and i will find her soon too..

Kartik goes away while everyone gets tensed..

Manish: now how will we handle kartik and how can we make him believe that naira is dead?

Naksh: uncle..it’s better you all return back udaipur because when everyone tries to console him then it makes him angry.. i will handle him and get him normal.

Abir: that’s good idea..but you have Krishna there..so you go and do your works..i will help kartik.

Naksh:no..i know about naira well..so it will be better if i make him understand about her. So please..

Everyone agrees..

Keerthi: i will also stay with kartik as someone needs to give him food and medicines..

Surekha: what about your sasural?

Ka gets worried..

Keerthi in mind:i should not open about my failed marriage now during this mourning time..I’ll lie and will reveal later on.

Keerthi:chachi..i will get permission from them till kartik recovers. And Aditya is living in mumbai only so he won’t mind it..

Swarna:then take care beta. We will leave soon..

Goenkas arrange tickets to return back to udaipur..


Naman gets message and he sees the video sent by akhilesh and cries..

Karishma:naman.. what’s that in phone..

Naman shows the video to all Singhania’s and they all gets shattered and they cry..

Devyani: i never thought i..i will see my own granddaughter’s final rites..why did..lord do this?

Naitik gets the phone from naman and watches the video again and again..

Naitik cries:i wish i..i could hold you and call you as my princess again..why did you go away naira?

Naitik falls down and cries while everyone feels sad seeing naitik’s condition too..

Bhabhimaa: we Don’t have rights to stop naitik’s tears..i don’t how he is going to handle himself..

Suddenly doctors comes out and..

Doctor:mrs.singhania have regained consciousness..so you all can go and see her.

Naitik and Devyani goes inside and they stand near akshara while akshara searches for something..

Akshara:naitik..where is my daughter? Please call her..i want to talk to her..i won’t believe whatever naksh told.. please..

Naitik cries and shows the video of naira’s final rites to akshara..

Naitik:iam sorry akshara..we couldn’t see our daughter for one last time..she..she left us. This..this video is naira’s final rites..

Akshara gets shocked and she screams..


Suddenly she faints again shocking Devyani and naitik and they immediately call doctor and doctor comes and checks her and doctor gets shocked..

Doctor:i told you not to give her shocks..did she got any shocking informations?

Naitik: ou..our daughter died..i..i couldn’t hide it as i fear for worst when she comes to know it..so i revealed it and she fainted..

Doctor:she dint faint but gone to coma. I already told you not to give shocks but you did it..now it affected her brain.. only your prayers can bring her back to life.

Devyani and naitik gets shocked and they cry..

Naitik: i can’t even live if even akshara leaves me.. please wake up akshara…iam waiting for you..

Devyani:why god is so cruel to us? He can’t snatch everyone from us….he should spare us atleast..

Doctor:mr.singhania..coma patients need peace and silence..so can you both please go out..

Devyani and Naitik comes out and they tell everyone and everyone cries while mishti feels more shattered and she runs from the hospital crying..

Mishti screams:why did krishnaji do this? Can’t he spare our happiness? Naira and akshara aunt are both your devotees but why did you do this?

She runs in middle of the road and suddenly a car approaches towards her but Rohit comes and pulls her aside and both looks each other..

Rohit:are you an insane? Why are running in road like that?

Mishti pushes him away and..

Mishti:it’s none of your business..i want to express my hatred towards God.. so i was doing this. You don’t have any rights to question me..

Rohit:i don’t have rights to question you but i have rights to save your life..and have rights to question your act as a stranger too..

Mishti shouts: i wanted to be alone..i used to express my anger and my emotions in Lake park nearby so i was running there..and i forgot that i was running in road so i dint watch what was happening..is it enough now? Now please leave me alone..

Mishti cries and goes to Lake park while Rohit stands dumb..

Rohit in mind: weird girl.. she was talking nicely sometimes before and now acting as if iam her enemy..but i won’t give up on mishti. I will somehow get her..

Rohit goes while mishti sits near river and cries recalling the moments with naira and akshara..


Kartik walks on road recalling the moments with naira and tears falls from his eyes..

Kartik in mind:naira.. please come back soon..i can’t live without you even for a second .. please come back soon.

Suddenly he hits rehaan who was coming that way ..

Kartik:ohh..iam sorry..iam really sorry yaar.

Kartik sees rehaan’s face and recalls seeing him with niya in you tube and newspaper and also he recalls niya’s words about rehaan and gets angry..

Kartik:you are the one who was troubling Niya right? How dare you..

Rehaan:sir..i know you. I guess you are misunderstanding me due to that f**k niya..

Kartik holds his collar angrily..

Kartik:niya is my friend..how dare you call her like that. I will thrash you into pieces if you trouble her..

Rehaan pushes his hands away and..

Rehaan:sir..iam telling you again..niya has fooled you. I dint break up with her but she left me as iam poor and she made you fall in love with her because you were rich. And now too she did a big crime..she pushed the girl with you in that temple..

Kartik gets shocked and stumbles and he recalls someone hiding the face and pushing naira and gets shocked..

Kartik:wh..wh.. what..ar..are you te.. telling?

Rehaan:i swear iam telling the truth. I made her arrested..she made me into coma by doing accident and bribing nurse in city hospital. With the help of that nurse and with the help of the people who also saw her pushing that girl..i made her arrested. If you don’t believe me..i can take you to that nurse..

Kartik gets hell shocked and he feels as if world has stopped for him..

Kartik:no..then take me to niya now..

Rehaan takes kartik to jail where niya is arrested and niya gets happy seeing kartik and she holds the jail and talks emotionally..

Niya:kartik..i know you will come to save me..see..this guy again troubling me. He accused me falsely and put me in jail.. please save me.

Kartik angrily: if he is false then swear yourself and tell me that you dint push naira..

Niya gets shocked and fears..

Niya:ka..kar..kartik..do.. don’t yo.. you bel.. believe me? Why are you..as.. asking for promise?

Kartik: for my naira’s matter..i won’t trust even my own family. So just tell me by swearing yourself..

Niya gets angry and blurts the truth..

Niya shouts:yes..iam the one who pushed naira. It’s because i always loved you but naira snatched you away from me..i can’t bear it. You promised me that we will be together but naira broke our love..then what shall I do? I tried to create misunderstanding too by breaking your pendrive for your Chopra’s meeting and even succeeded as you got angry on naira but still you filled her maang in temple even though you were angry on her..so i got angry and pushed her so that after her death you will marry me..

Kartik gets hell shocked and he gets angry like lava and he strangles her neck by holding through the gap of jail..

Kartik shouts:how..how dare you..you idiot? You fooled me by being our friend and you tried to kill my naira..how dare you? I would leave you for anything but if you do wrong with my naira then i won’t regret to kill you..i will just struggle you to death..i hate myself for loving such a cheap girl like you. You cheated rehaan for his poor status and came to me for my luxury..how cheap..i won’t leave you for hurting my naira.

He presses her neck making niya struggle while police men’s and rehaan gets shocked and they pulls back kartik..

Rehaan:i know you are angry on her..but please calm down. She is sentenced to jail for life time..so she won’t come back hereafter. So please cool down..

Niya falls on floor coughing as kartik strangulated her neck while kartik looks her angrily..

Kartik:i will surely come and kill you if i dint get my naira back..

Kartik goes away angrily while niya gets shocked..

Niya in mind: what does he mean? Dint he get naira’s dead body yet? Did naira got saved?ohh my fate..

Niya cries suddenly as kartik left her completely..

Niya in mind:why did i blabber like that? Now..now i lost everything..i lost my kartik too.. i should have done false swear but i did stupid work..

Rehaan:cry for your while life niya..it’s your karma.

Rehaan too goes away angrily while niya cries on jail..


Sirat and naira were sitting and chatting together after Rohan left and Ranveer comes there..

Ranveer:hello both of you..

Sirat runs and hugs him…

Sirat:i was waiting for you.. finally you came. I have prepared your fav modak..

Ranveer: i know that you will surely prepare a modak for me..that’s why i kept empty my stomach to full it in your house..

Sirat:ok..come in..

Ranveer goes and greets maudi and naira..

Maudi:i thought my son in law forgot me..

Ranveer:iam sorry..i couldn’t visit you for past few days..but i will never forget my lovely maudi even if iam busy.

Maudi smiles and blesses him..

Maudi: i know you did Tina’s treatment and iam happy that you cured her. And may God bless you for your successful career and life..

Ranveer thanks her and comes to naira..

Ranveer:hey Tina..how are you and how do you feel?

Naira: feeling much better..i feel happy here and this happiness is curing my pain..

Ranveer:that’s good..i will do a small check up for you.

Ranveer does a check up and smiles..

Sirat:is she better Ranveer?

Ranveer: her external wounds are still there but internally it’s better..if she takes rest for some days..then she will get cure completely.

Sirat:then i will make sure that she rests completely..and now I’ll bring your fav modak.

Sirat brings modak and feeds Ranveer while naira and maudi smiles seeing it and they get up to go..

Sirat:where are you both going? Come and eat modak with us..

Naira: it will be awkward for us to sit and eat disturbing you two love birds.. that’s why we are going that side..


Maudi:don’t act foolish..behave like a girlfriend..we are going.

Maudi and naira giggles and goes while sirat makes faces..

Sirat:when people can forget the whole memories..then why don’t they forget some common things like love and all..see how Tina teased us..

Ranveer: people can forget memories which we created but can’t forget which is nature. Like eating and sleeping is a nature..even love is a nature..that’s why they don’t forget it. Anyways..leave that..maudi is right. You are not behaving like my gf at all..

Sirat:wh..what..why? Then..then how am I being for you?

Ranveer: strangers usually hug when they meet someone.. infact you behave like that only. Lovers used to dance..kiss..romance..feed..

Sirat:shut up..how dare you look down upon me..I’ll show how best girlfriend iam.

Sirat immediately kisses Ranveer’s cheeks suprising him..

Ranveer:woah..i got my real favourite. Now it’s my turn..

Ranveer too kisses her cheeks and she blushes..

Ranveer: wow..a boxer is blushing..I’ll take video and show it to audience on stage..

Sirat:stop teasing me orelse I’ll punch you and make you admitted in your own hospital..

Ranveer holds his ears as an apology..

Ranveer:acha..sorry..sorry.. don’t get your anger on nose. I won’t tease you..then come lets dance for a while.


Ranveer and sirat dances happily..

Udd gaye tote re
Tere to udd gaye tote re
O la la la la la
Udd gaye tote re
Tere to udd gaye tote re

La la la la la
Udd gaye tote re
Tere to udd gaye tote re
La la la la la
Udd gaye tote re
Tere to udd gaye tote re

Teri aankhon
Se hui yaariyaa
Chalte chalte yoon hi
Meri aankhon ne
Teri aankhon se
Aap beeti kahi

Teri aankhon ke
Peechhe peechhe
Hum pagle se chal pade
Meri aankhein ab
Dil ke chakkar mein
Kuchh bhi na sunti hain

Dil yeh dhokha dhadi
Kar dega socha na tha
Itni yeh gadbadi
Kar dega socha na tha
Aisi mushkil khadi ker dega
Socha na tha

Udd gaye tote
Tere to udd gaye tote re
O la la la la la
Udd gaye tote re
Tere to udd gaye tote re

Haan tera dil farebi ho
Aur hum sirphire bhi ho
Pyaar vyaar hum nahi jante
Seedhe sadhe lagte ho
Mere dil aise lagte ho
Na karte hain
Karaar hum tumse

Naira takes their photos by hiding behind a small pillar..

Naira in mind: I’ll take their photos secretly and suprise them during their wedding..hehe..

Hmm ise jo maaf kije agar
Yeh dil zara sa hai nitthalla
Iradein hain be imaan se

Dil ye dhokha
Dhadi kar dega
Socha na tha
Itni yeh gadbadi
Kar dega socha na tha
Aise mushkil khadi
Kar dega socha na tha

Udd gaye tote re
Tere to udd gaye tote re
O la la la la la
Udd gaye tote re
Tere to udd gaye tote re
O la la la la

Mere kaanon mein kayi
Roshan gaanon se kahin
Chhanke teri aawaz hai
Zyada na hai ye kahin
Chup bhi na hai yeh rahi
Aankhon ka ye andaaz hai

Chhalni na ho gaya balma
Milne mein bhi khona phisalna
Khwaabon mein bhi tum chalna
Dheere se

Dil ye dhokha dhadi
Kar dega socha na tha
Itni yeh gadbadi
Kar dega socha na tha
Aise mushkil khadi
Kar dega socha na tha

Udd gaye tote
Tere to udd gaye tote re
O la la la la la
Udd gaye tote re
Tere to udd gaye tote re
O la la la la la
Udd gaye tote re
Tere to udd gaye tote re.

Rohan comes from backdoor and sees naira hiding behind a pillar and gets confused..

Rohan in mind: why is Tina standing like this? What is she doing? Wait..i have an idea..she laughed t me right..so let me take revenge by scaring her.

Rohan slowly comes behind naira and screams near her ears..


Naira gets scared and drops the phone and shouts closing her eyes..


Hearing the sound Ranveer and sirat moves away from each other and sees naira and Rohan and gets shocked..

Sirat: Tina..Rohan.. what are you both doing?

Rohan:sirat..iam not at fault..i just came now and saw Tina hiding behind a pillar and i scared her that’s all..

Sirat stares naira while naira gets embarassed..

Sirat: what were you doing Tina?

Naira:no..no.. nothing..

Suddenly Ranveer sees phone down and he picks up and sees it and gets shocked..

Ranveer:Tina..i found out..you have taken photos of us secretly..

Naira gets embarassed while sirat stares her..

Naira: i thought to take photos secretly to suprise you one day on your both wedding day..that’s why.

Sirat:i never thought you are more naughtier than this fool Rohan. So you gave silly reason to go from there to take our photos right?

Naira: ofcourse..maudi too supported me in this..

Ranveer pinches naira’s cheeks and..

Ranveer:i never thought you are so naughtier..

Sirat pinches naira’s other cheeks and..

Sirat:i will surely take revenge once you get completely fine..naughty girl. but iam not going to spare that maudi today..

Sirat runs inside shouting maudi while Ranveer naira and Tina laughs at Sirat..



The Goenkas starts packing their bags except Keerthi and naksh and suddenly Keerthi gets a call from Aditya and she gets tensed and attends..


Aditya:hello sweetheart..are you missing me?

Keerthi:shut up..what do you want..why did you called me now?

Aditya:i want to meet you now.. just come to Kinder park.

Keerthi: what the hell.. why should I meet you?I’ll never come to meet such a cheater and abusive person..

Aditya gets angry and shouts..

Aditya:if you come yourself then i will spare you orelse i will come tracing you and will do something worst..so think about it.

Keerthi gets worried..

Keerthi in mind: i don’t want anyone to know about my and aditya’s relation till the house gets peaceful. I’ll better meet him alone..

Keerthi:fine..i will come.

Keerthi cuts the call and goes to get ready while naksh feels shocked as he overheared keerthi’s talk..

Naksh in mind: who did Keerthi talk? Who did she mentioned as cheater and abductive person? I will better follow her for her safety as she mentioned that he is an abusive person..

Keerthi tells family some reason and she goes while naksh follows her back secretly and finally she reaches kinder park and sees Aditya standing and goes to him while naksh hides behind a tree and he gets shocked seeing Aditya..

Naksh in mind: Aditya..did Keerthi talked to him?why did she called her husband like that?

Keerthi: what is your problem Aditya?

Aditya gives flower bouquet to her and laughs..

Aditya:you left me and that’s why your god punished you..

Keerthi: what do you mean?

Aditya: i learned that your bhabhi have died..i felt bad that a person died but i felt happy that you will drown in sorrow..

Naksh gets angry hearing this and Keerthi too gets angry and slaps him..

Keerthi: don’t you feel ashamed Aditya? After torturing me and cheating me with some other girl..and now you feel happy about my bhabhi’s death..how cheap of you..

Aditya gets angry on her slap and he squeezes her cheeks..

Aditya: you became daring nowadays Keerthi..at first you used to be puppet for me but nowadays you have crossed limits..i won’t be silent for that. I will kill anyone whoever touches hands on me..

Then Aditya squeezes her neck while keerthi cries in pain and naksh gets angry and pushes Aditya and saves Keerthi..

Naksh:are you okay Keerthi?

Keerthi cries..

Keerthi:iam ok..thank you for saving me naksh.

Naksh:now i got to know about your and aditya’s relationship.i won’t spare that scoundrel..

Naksh holds aditya’s collar and shouts..

Naksh:how dare you cheat Keerthi and harass her..and i won’t leave you as you laughed for my sister’s death. One whoever does wrong or make fun of my sister and family..i won’t spare anyone. I will make you suffer a lot..wait..

Naksh thrashes Aditya while Keerthi gets worried and stops naksh..

Keerthi:naksh..calm down..if you beat him like that then you will land in problem. Lets punish him legally..i will give complain for domestic violence and divorce him.

Naksh:then comes..lets go to police station nowatself..

Keerthi pulls naksh aside and whispers..

Keerthi whispers:not now naksh..i don’t want family to get shattered again. Once they get peace..i will tell them and divorce him and complain to police.

Naksh: what if he disturbs you again?

Keerthi whispers: he won’t if we threaten him..

Naksh agrees and he holds aditya’s collar and..

Naksh:if i see you back again behind Keerthi..then you’ll go to jail for sure Aditya. Don’t even dare to hurt Keerthi again and dont Dare to utter any words against my family then i won’t leave you alive..

He pushes away Aditya and takes Keerthi away while Aditya goes away angrily..

precap:- 3 months leap.. Kartik sees Tina (naira) and hugs her emotionally while Tina (naira) gets shocked. Veer and Bani cheers up the family. 

The post Mera pyaar… Part 34 (Bonding and Anger) appeared first on Telly Updates.

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