Wednesday 10 May 2023

Mera pyaar… Part 33 ( Hope )


hello is the next episode.


Singhanias wakes naitik and they get worried seeing him tensed..

Akshara:na..naitik..wh.. what happened..why..why did you faint suddenly?

Naitik sees akshara and cries..

Naman:naitik bhai.. please tell something..did veer got some complications?

Naitik sees naira’s photos on the wall and he goes and hugs and cries..

Naitik:you are my princess..i was the one who carried you first in my arms when you born…and i was the one who wished to get princess and i prayed for a girl to born and god gave you and made my life beautiful..but..but why did you leave me?

He breaks down while everyone gets shocked especially akshara..

Akshara:naitik.. what do you mean by that?

Naitik hugs akshara and cries…

Naitik: Akshara..our naira..our princess left us..she died.

Naitik tells everything whatever naksh told while everyone gets hell shocked and akshara collapses down and mishti holds her..


They get tensed and checks akshara and everyone gets shocked seeing her pulse reducing..

Devyani:akshara can’t hold any we have to take her to hospital immediately.

Naitik lifts her and runs while everyone follows back and suddenly Rohit who was driving car sees mishti and her family and stops te car..

Rohit:hey mishti..if you need any help..get in my car.

Mishti:naitik uncle..he is my let’s get into the car as he is a good person.

Everyone gets inside the car while mishti sits in front near Rohit..

Mishti:Rohit.. please hurry to hospital. My aunt’s pulse is reducing..

Rohit:sure.. don’t worry.. nothing will happen to your aunt.

He immediately rushes to hospital and he helps Akshara in admitting and he comes to mishti..

Rohit:relax yourself mishti..we have admitted your aunt in correct she will be fine soon.

Mishti:thanks for your help Rohit..

Devyani: you are so kind beta..thanks for your help beta orelse we would have lost our daughter.

Rohit:it’s okay aunty..i just did my duty. Anyways take care and i will pray for her recovery.

Rohit goes aside and he smirks..

Rohit in mind: i have to thank god for this special opportunity..i somehow got good name from Mishti ‘s family and now i just have to make mishti agree marriage with me..and i will soon do it.

Rohit goes away while singhania’s pray for akshara ‘s health ..

Karishma:i hope akshara gets stable..

Doctor comes out and..

Doctor: don’t worry..her pulse got stable and she is resting now..

Everyone gets relief hearing it..

Doctor:but don’t give her any shocks and let her rest for sometime so please don’t go inside for now..

Naman:sure doctor..

Doctor goes while everyone worries about naira..

Devyani: i know naksh would have misunderstood naira can’t die..i know she will be alive..she won’t leave us.

Mishti:even my heart says so.. that’s why i even controlled my tears as i can’t let tears for any false news. I will call Abir and ask why naksh bhai is telling like that..

Mishti calls Abir and he picks up..


Mishti:Abir..tell me the truth. Where is my sister? Why is naksh bhai telling like that..

Abir cries and..

Abir:he is telling the truth Mishti.. naira bhabhi have died. I don’t want to believe it but truth can’t be ignored..

Mishti gets shocked and gets angry and cries and shouts as she couldn’t believe that her sister died..

Mishti:did you all lost senses? How can you all easily say that my sister died? Seems like you all dislike her and don’t care about her and that’s why you say anything..

Abir gets angry..

Abir angrily: stop it mishti..I know you can’t believe this news butyou can’t say bitter words like this too.. we all love her too. If you don’t believe it..then see kartik’s condition..he became like mad ever since he saw the proof of naira’s death. Now too we are in hospital with kartik only..

Mishti gets shocked and drops the phone and cries..

Mishti:no..this can’t happen…

Singhania’s gets shocked seeing her..

Devyani:mishti beta..wh.. what happened?

Mishti cries:ou..our na..naira..died. kartik jiju..have se..seen the proof and..he..he got traumatised and is admitted in hospital.

Everyone gets hell shocked and they burst crying.


After sometime Dr.rudra again comes to veer..

Andy:is there any information about veer doctor?

Dr.rudra: no..i came to inform you guys that your family is there in 5th floor and someone is admitted there.. that’s why i came to inform you once i saw them.

Andy Sumitra and veer gets shocked..

Sumitra: ohh..that’s why they dint pick our calls and dint came here. But who is admitted? Is it maaji? Did she got sick?

Dr.rudra: actually the admitted person was looking young and handsome man.

Veer:it’s kartik..what happened to him? Come lets go and check.. have done surgery just you can’t move from here atleast for one day. be here. I and Sumitra will go and check them and don’t worry..we will come soon.


Andy and Sumitra goes to kartik’s ward and sees kartik sleeping deeply and others crying and they get shocked..

Andy:Manish bhai..akhil bhai.. what’s happening here? What happened to kartik..why is he lying like this and why are you all crying?

Manish tells everything crying while Sumitra and Andy gets hell shocked..

Andy: can’t can lord sn..sna..snatch naira fro..from us?sh..she always ve..very dutiful towards God an..and all of us…then..

Sumitra sees her necklace which was gifted by naira and she touches it and cries..

Sumitra: told.. that i..i look beautiful in this necklace an..and you wanted to see with this necklace everyday right..then why did you go away now?


Ranveer comes to sirat and naira and..

Ranveer: miss.Tina.. now you are discharged. Actually it will be so stressful for you if i keep you in you go home with sirat and take rest and don’t go anywhere for a week till you get completely fine.

Naira:sure doctor. And thank you for helping me..

Ranveer smiles and..

Ranveer:it’s okay..its my duty to help you. And iam your sister’s boyfriend.. so just call me Ranveer.

Naira:no..i will call you jiju..

Sirat:that’s good and aptable.

Ranveer:ok..come I’ll leave you both home and come to my duty.And i will come and check on Tina’s health at evening.


Sirat holds naira and she takes her carefully along with Ranveer..


Kartik slowly wakes up and sees everyone crying while Abir Keerthi and naksh comes to kartik..

Keerthi:kartik bhai..are you feeling better?

Kartik just thinks about naira and doesn’t answer him and suddenly he sees  naira passing by his room and doesn’t notice sirat in the mirror hole on door and gets shocked..


Naksh:kartik..calm down..naira is with you in your heart..just calm down.

He immediately gets up from bed and goes out and sees naira turning opposite side and he runs behind her..

Kartik:nairaaa..i know you won’t leave me..wait there..I’ll come for you.

He feels weak and falls down while the family gathers around him and help him get up.. are not well.. please calm down and take rest. can you even think like that? How can you tell me to calm down when I lost my naira? And saw..saw my naira..she isn’t dead. I will go and get her..

Kartik pushes away everyone’s hands and he goes to the same turning point and sees naira gone and gets upset while the family feels sad seeing Kartik..

Akhilesh: totally traumatised and he started to imagine i don’t know how we will handle him.

Surekha: it’s all because of krishnaji..why did he snatch our naira and shatter our family and made kartik like this?

Dadi:Manish.. first go and get kartik.

Abir naksh akhilesh Manish and Andy goes to kartik..

Abir:kartik..stop hallucinating..naira is dead. So don’t see her in everyone..

Kartik holds abir’s collar angrily and shouts..

Kartik shouts:how dare you tell like this?will i misunderstand my naira with someone else? I dint lose my sense..i saw my naira with my both eyes and iam sure she is alive. No one can stop me from finding my naira..

He angrily goes out of the hospital while everyone follows him tensed and some police men along with a dead body surrounded with white cloth fully stops kartik..

Police officer:mr.kartik..we were finding you and we got to know that you are in SS hospitals so we came here along with your wife’s dead is it. Now you can burn it and perform the last rites..

Kartik recalls seeing naira and gets angry..

Kartik: she is not my haven’t brought my’s someone’s body. My naira is alive..i will find her.

Keerthi:kartik..we saw proofs right..then what happened to you? You have to do her final rites for naira’s soul to get peace..i know your heart doesn’t accept naira’s death but you have to accept it because this is the truth. see naira everywhere as she isn’t with you but don’t make your imagination as reality. Now we don’t have time..we should do naira’s final rites soon for her peaceful please.. come..

Kartik gets angry but controls..

Kartik in mind : i will agree to do this women’s final rites as no one will believe me or support me..even though my eyes saw naira or someone but my heart knows that my naira is alive. I will show my naira to my family once i find her then they will learn their mistake..

Kartik:ok..iam sorry..i will do the final rites.

Then they burn the women’s body while everyone cries except kartik and soon they organise the final rites in kartik’s home..

Pandit: now.. let the women’s husband come and hang garland and once it is done..then let him immerse her soul in the river.

Manish and Akhilesh asks kartik to do and kartik hangs garland on naira’s photo and everyone cries while kartik cries staring it after putting garland..

Kartik in mind: iam sorry naira..i..i dint wish..wish to put garland..on..on you when..when you are alive.. but i have option. I will find you and soon remove this garland.. please forgive me.

Manish comes to kartik and hugs him..

Manish:i know its much difficult for you and even for us..but what to do..we can’t bring her back. Now go and immerse your naira’s soul beta..

Kartik goes away taking the women’s ashes while everyone cries in home..

Surekha cries: i feel as if my heart has gone from me..

Sumitra cries: instead of such a lovely person..krishnaji could have killed me.

Naksh falls down and cries: naira promised me to tie rakhi for my whole life..but why did she left it incomplete and went far away from me?what wrong did i do?

Manish cries: i used to be unhappy with girl children but after naira’s birth..i don’t know what magic she did..but i loved her like my daughter ever since she was born. She too considered me as her father and we promised to be father daughter forever..but today my daughter left me..

Everyone shares their grief and cries while kartik reaches the river and immerses the soul..

Kartik: i don’t who you are..but let your soul gets peaceful..i will pray for you and please show me a way to find my naira.

Kartik falls down and cries missing naira and prays for her..

Kartik:naira..please come back soon..

Swarna: i don’t know how kartik is controlling will be very difficult for him to bid adieu to naira..

Keerthi:he is in shock..he dint even talk while we were doing this final rites. I hope he doesn’t fall weak..

Dadi prays: krishnaji have given us such a cruel we lost our heart. Please give some strength to our kittu..

Akhilesh: Andy..sumitraaji..veer is alone is hospital. You both go there..we will handle here..i know it will be hard to forget whatever happened now but do it for veer’s sake.. don’t make him doubt the recent happenings. Let him not know about naira’s demise because it will affect his health..

Andy and Sumitra agrees and they leave from kartik’s house with heavy heart while others bent out their grief..


Ranveer leaves sirat and naira is sirat’s house and goes while they both enter the house, maudi gets shocked seeing both of them and she wipes her glasses and puts on her eyes..

Maudi: what happened to my eyes..why am I seeing two sirat? How can i dream of sirat having long hair..even if i think about her long hair..she will kill me,.i should not dream which doesn’t happens..

Suddenly sirat pulls maudi to a corner and she whispers about naira and her condition and maudi gets shocked but agrees to do acting..

Maudi:poor little girl..i will surely be her grandma too till she remembers and reconciles with her family.

Sirat hugs maudi..

Sirat:thank you so so much are the best grandma.

Then maudi and sirat goes to naira and..

Maudi:Tina beta..come inside and only you are recovered from come and sit.

Tina nods and goes inside and sits on the chair and she explores the house by looking here and there..

Tina: i can’t even remember my own’s looking like a new one for me.

Maudi:it’s okay my sweetie. It takes time to get don’t worry..your sister and your grandma is there for you to make you recover your memories.

Naira:thank you for being supportive grandma.

Sirat:ok you both talk..i will prepare some food for Tina and come..

Maudi and naira talk while sirat goes to kitchen to cook and gets shocked seeing kitchen’s mess and comes to maudi angrily.. dare you cook food??

Naira gets shocked seeing sirat angry while maudi gives an embarassed reaction..

Maudi:iam sorry my child..i was craving for i..i cooked sweet macroni and ate it. Please don’t scold me..

Sirat:maudi.. doctor advaised you only to take rest and also you are diabetes patient. See.. what you have have cooked food without taking rest and ate sweet food too without my knowledge.. wait I’ll complain to Ranveer and will make a strict diet chart for you.

Maudi:my sweet girl..iam very very sorry..i promise i won’t do this again.. please spare me..

Sirat:how can I believe your always break it.

Maudi: give me last chance..if i break it then you can make a very strict diet for me.

Sirat:ok..this is the last chance and last warning for you maudi..

Sirat goes again to cook food while maudi leaves deep breath..

Naira:sirat behaved like your mother now grandma..

Maudi:yes..your sister is an angry bird. She quickly gets angry but she is responsible too..she gets angry on me for my good health only. Iam the one who is loose nut..

Naira laughs and suddenly a guy named Rohan enters house and sees naira and gets shocked and screams falling down on floor…


Naira looks him confused while sirat immediately rushes there and pulls Rohan inside kitchen and screws his ears..

Sirat:did you gone mad or what? Why did you scream as if you saw a lion here?

Rohan: i..i saw you with long hairs sitting i got a heart attack for a while as i saw something which no one from Mumbai will believe if you keep long hairs..but.. wait how come you are here and there?

Sirat:you brainless fellow..she is my lookalike..

Then sirat tells everything about naira and Rohan gets shocked..

Rohan: so you are her sister till she regains her memory.

Sirat: ofcourse..and as you came infront of you should act as her friend too orelse she will doubt me..

Rohan: ofcourse..aim ready to do this acting..i dint get chance to do movies but atleast i got some acting in your house..

Sirat hits rohan’s head and..

Sirat:stop your stupid drama and come with me..

Sirat and Rohan goes to naira and sirat introduces Rohan to her..

Sirat:Tina..he is Rohan our childhood friend.

Rohan:i know you would have forgetten me but i dint forget you so i will make you recollect our memories.

Naira:ohh..ok..but why did you scream when you entered the house?

Rohan goes blank not knowing what to answer while sirat somehow manages the situation..

Sirat: Tina..he a useless fellow..he always does something foolish whenever he comes here. Now he would have shouted like that as he may saw lizard..he is scared of lizards. am sc..scared of i shouted seeing on the wall.

Suddenly naira laughs suprising sirat and shocking Rohan..

Rohan:Tina..why are you laughing?

Naira: i thought every men’s can handle tigers but now i learnt that some men’s like are you are even scared for lizards..that’s why i laughed..

Sirat laughs while Rohan gets embarassed and stares sirat angrily and he whispers..

Rohan whispers: you!!! Iam already looked down by everyone and now you made me down in front of Tina too..i won’t leave you when I meet you alone.

Sirat whispers:i told this to divert the topic orelse she would have doubted you due to your silly scream..

Naira:what are you both whispering?

Rohan: nothing..i..we just discussed about sirat’s match today.

Naira: sirat’s match? What match?

Sirat: actually i dint tell about my profession. Iam a boxer i have a local match today.

Naira gets happy..

Naira:wow..iam so excited to see you doing boxing. Can you show me your punches..

Sirat:ofcourse..iam a babar sherni and my punches can make the opponents nose red..

She simply punches but it hits rohan’s nose and his nose becomes red..


Sirat and naira stares him and laughs..

They all have good fun and laughter together..



Andy and Sumitra reaches hospital and they wipe they tears in order to hide from veer and they enter his room..

Veer:maa..papa..why did it take so long? Infact you went for half a day.. what happened to kartik?

Andy and Sumitra’s heart pains as they couldn’t control the memories of naira but they try to lie..

Sumitra:k..kar..kartik fine..he..he just fell unconscious.. unconscious suddenly due..due to overheat.. that’s it.


Veer notices their red eyes and doubts them..

Veer: maa.. please Don’t hide anything from me. I can sense that something serious happened as your both eyes says..i won’t get affected if you are hiding it due to my health but please tell the truth. I will be affected only if you don’t say it..

Andy and Sumitra breaks down and they tell about naira’s demise and the incidents happened to kartik while veer gets hell shocked..

Veer:wha.. what ar..are you te..tell.. telling

Andy:it’’s true beta..naira left us and kartik is traumatised still and he dint return post departing naira’s ashes..

Veer gets shocked and he immediate plucks away the medicinal tubes injected on his body and he gets up and runs while Andy and Sumitra screams..

Andy: veer.. don’t go can’t move for one day atleast… just come and lie down.

Veer:i will die if i stay here after hearing naira’s death and kartik’s problem. I will better go to our family..

He immediately runs while Andy and Sumitra sits there worried..


Goenkas gets tensed as kartik dint return home yet after departing naira’s ashes in river..

Swarna: iam really scared for kartik..why dint he return yet?

Surekha:he already tried to kill after departing naira’s ashes he will be broken completely..i hope he doesn’t kill himself.

Akhilesh:shut up surekha.. don’t talk negative.

Bani:i will go and check kartik as you all are tensed..i will bring him back.. don’t worry.

Naksh:i will come with you.. take care of here..i will return soon..

Bani goes to bring kartik..


Veer runs on road crying recalling the friendship with naira since childhood..

Veer: why did this happen? How can naira bhabhi die suddenly and leave us forever? Why did krishnaji do this? She is the most beautiful and generous can lord do this with her? Why did he punish us by taking away naira bhabhi..

Suddenly he feels dizzy and falls down on road..

Bani who was coming that side sees veer and gets shocked and she runs to him..

Bani:veer..veer.. what happened to you..why are you here?

She wakes him up splashing water from nearby well and he slowly opens eyes and sees bani..


Bani: what happened veer? Why did you come should have been in hospital right?

Veer immediately hugs bani and cries..

Veer:after knowing that our friend died then how can I be there? I dint even think that i would see this day..

Bani too cries emotionally hugging him..

Bani: even me too.. what did my sister did wrong that god too her away? She was always lovely.. charming and was very good..but god snatched her away from us..

Veer:if krishnaji wanted a soul from earth..he could have taken mine instead of naira..

Bani gets shocked and slaps him..

Bani: Don’t talk nonsense veer. Did you even think about me before telling this? I can’t think about living without you.. don’t say this again.

Veer cups her face and cries..

Veer: iam sorry bani..but..but i feel betrayed and shattered hearing naira’s death..i can’t even imagine or dream to believe this..why did this happen?

Bani:i too feel shattered. But now..we should atleast save kartik..he dint return from river yet and everyone are tensed for we should go and save him before he does something wrong.

Veer:poor kartik..i don’t know he is he feeling now..we can’t even console him. We will go and get him to house..

Bani:i will leave you in hospital and will take kartik to house..

Veer: don’t think stupid..iam fine..i can’t stay there after this incidents..i have to be with kartik and family. I will come with you to pick kartik..

Later bani agrees and both goes near a river and they see kartik sleeping tired and veer picks him in back and they go towards kartik’s house..


PRECAP:- Aditya hurts Keerthi. Kartik slaps Niya. Rohit consoles mishti. Naira (Tina) sirat and ranveer bond..

The post Mera pyaar… Part 33 ( Hope ) appeared first on Telly Updates.

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