Sunday, 7 May 2023

Main Hoon Aparajita 6th May 2023 Written Episode Update: Niya gets Arjun drunk


Main Hoon Aparajita 6th May 2023 Written Episode, Written Update on

Scene 1
Arjun comes to Niya and says how are you? He says you like flowers since childhood. She says what’s the sorry card for? You left me for Disha? Or for not talking to me? Arjun says when my mom was sick I was so devastated. I had only hope that I get to spend some time more with her. I loved her the most. Then she left me and I had to accept she’s not with me anymore. After she left I realized, if she stayed with me she would have been in pain. Because doctors already gave up. I wanted to spend more time with her. But that was selfish. Relations are better when you end them when there is pain. We have to say good bye to this bond too. Niay gets emotional and says we can’t even remain friends? He says I’ve thought about this a lot. You will always be a friend in my heart but if we keep meeting you will always have hope and that will hurt you. She says I can’t live without you. Arjun says please accept the truth. She says I thought you would accept your mistake. I always loved you. This will hurt me a lot. I am ready to go away from you. But I’ve one condition. You spend this evening with me. We will celebrate our breakup. I will celebrate this friendship one last time. One evening please? We will keep our phones off. Can’t you do that for me? She takes off her ring.

Disha calls Arjun. She says mama Arjun’s phone is off. Aparajita says he might have his battery dead. He will call back. Someone puts a cloth on Arjun’s face. He screams. It’s his friends. They surprise him. All his friends come there. Niya says we will all celebrate. Thank you for coming guys. We will only celebrate tonight. Arjun says in heart Disha and Appo might be waiting for me. The party starts. Niya says Arjun let’s dance. Tonight we will only celebrate. Arjun dances with his friends. he doesn’t drink. niya says if he doesn’t drink we all won’t drink. his friends force him to drink. Niyya mixes a pill in his drink. She says Arjun have one punch for your friends please. She gives him the glass. Arjun drunks. he starts dancing wth Niya. Arjun feels dizzy. His friends make him drink more. Niya makes the plan with her friends.

Disha is worried. She says Arjun isn’t picking the call. Niya isn’t home either. Appo says it’s not an easy conversation. Give them sometime. Let’s go, he will come. They go home. Arjun dances with his friends. A griel takes Arjun outside. He goes to the other room. There is someone in saree. He says disha? She says you said you will break up with Niya, you were dancing with her. It’s Niya dressed like Disha. Arjun says Disha why do you sound like Niya? She says you were enjoying with Niya. Arjun says my friends were there. You know I love you only. Why do I feel like you’re Niya not Disha. He can’t see clearly. Niya hugs him. He hugs her thinking it’s Disha.

Aparajita says to Kalpana Niya isn’t home. She says Niya called, she is with Arjun. She was very aupset. She said she’s going to meet Mohini. Arjun says Disha you’re so special. I only feel this soulmate connection with you only. Niya says same, I will never leave you. She makes him lay on bed. Arjun says I made Appo aunty’s wish true too. Niya would be mad. Btu she will understand in time. I will give her Niya’s ring and she will ask uncle about our proposal. We will get married. Niya says in heart he was doing all this because of Appo. Arjun says i love you Disha. Aparajita says to Disha she might be upset. She must have gone to her mom. Disha gets a text from Arjun it says he’s with his friends. Aparajita says stop getting worried now. everything will be fine. Niya takes off Arjun’s clothes and takes pictures with him. She says Arjun Disha will leave you forever.

Episode ends

Update Credit to: Atiba

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