Friday, 12 May 2023

Ajooni 11th May 2023 Written Episode Update: Harvindar makes a deal with Shanky


Ajooni 11th May 2023 Written Episode, Written Update on

Scene 1
Subhash tells Ravindra that your justice has made the whole city talk about us. Bebe asks him to shut up and says this all happened because Meher entered Shanky’s room, she even raised hand on him so he had to take revenge. Subhash says he destroyed her life, nobody will marry her now. Bebe says Shanky will marry her. All are shocked. Bebe says Shanky will marry Meher and her life will be saved. Subhash says wow, you forced Ajooni to marry into your family and now doing the same for Meher? I will kill Meher before marrying her in this family. There are good people in the world and we will find one for Meher but I will never marry her here. He leaves.

Dijendra comes to Amrit and says Subhash is looking to find a guy for Meher. Amrit says just make sure no one marries Meher and she has to marry Shanky only. If that happens then we will be able to control Ajooni. Dijendra says we will control Ravindra and kill him soon.

Rajveer is walking on the road and recalls Ajooni blaming him for what’s happening with Meher. Someone approaches him on the bike and starts attacking him. Other goons come there too. Rajveer starts beating them. Shanky is in the car wearing a mask. The goons try to attack Rajveer but he beats them all. Shanky tries attacking him but Rajveer grabs his mask. Another goon throws powder in his eyes and they all grab him. Shanky glares at him. Rajveer tries to fight blindly but the goons beat him up too. Shanky takes out his knife and is about to stab him but Harvindar comes there and stops him. He beats up the goons and frees Rajveer. Shanky runs away. Harvindar puts Rajveer in the car.

Harvindar brings Rajveer to the hospital. Ajooni comes there with Amrit. Harvindar says the doctor is treating him. Dijendra thanks Harvindar. Ravindra comes there too. Harvindar says Rajveer is my younger brother so I had to save him. Shanky comes there too. Harvindar glares at him but Harman asks where is Rajveer? The doctor comes there and says Rajveer was attacked and someone threw powder in his eyes but Harvindar brought him here in time, he is okay now. He asks Ajooni to take care of him and his eyes need to be protected, he leaves. Ravindra hugs Harvindar and says you won my heart, when did you meet Rajveer? Harvindar says I came to surprise you all but I saw some goons attacking Rajveer so I saved him. Ravindra asks if he can recognize any of the goons? Harvindar looks at Shanky and recalls seeing him there. He tells Ravindra that they were wearing masks so he can’t recognize them. Ravindra says I will find out.

Shanky is sitting outside the hospital and recalls Harvindar lying. Harvindar comes there and says you must be thinking why I didn’t expose you in front of Ravindra? He would have killed you if I told him. Rajveer might be his step son but he would give the throne to him which I can’t let happen. Shanky is surprised. Harvindar says since my childhood, I was always compared to Rajveer and always taunted that I can’t be like him. Shanky says you did all this because you want the throne? Harvindar says Ravindra won’t give me the throne but I don’t want Rajveer to have it either. Shanky says how will I get the throne? Harvindar says I am on your side, Bebe can’t get you the throne so you need my help. Shanky asks how? Harvindar says I saved Rajveer’s life and now Ravindra will listen to me so I will pitch you to him. Shanky shakes hand with him. Harvindar thinks I dreamt of that throne since childhood so I would never allow Shanky to have it, I just have to put Rajveer down in Ravindra’s eyes and then I will take care of this Shanky. Harvindar tells Shanky to keep following him. Shanky nods.

PRECAP – Amrit tells Rajveer and Ajooni thar Ravindra is egoistic so he might try to get Meher married to Shanky to save his honor. Rajveer says no, I won’t let them destroy Meher’s life till I am alive.

Update Credit to: Atiba

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