Sunday 16 April 2023

Imlie 16th April 2023 Written Episode Update: Imlie Tracks Down Chini


Imlie 16th April 2023 Written Episode, Written Update on

Devika asks Imlie to join them for breakfast. Imlie says she is not hungry. Devika asks if she is tensed that Atharva didn’t return home since last night. Rudra says he must be with friends. Devika says she will scold Atharva for troubling his daughter and asks Imlie to have breakfast. Imlie leaves without having breakfast. She visits courier company where staff says they have many employees who wear their company’s cap and its difficult to find out whose cap it is. She walks out of company sadly and calls Atharva thinking he must have calmed down by now. Atharva doesn’t pick call repeatedly. Imlie thinks how to inform him that someone purposefully is trying to create misunderstanding between them and prays god for help. She notices Anu walking nearby and follows her to a jewelry shop where Anu asks salesgirl to show an expensive kada for her granddaughter. Salesgirl asks size. Anu notices a hand and says its exactly her Chi baby’s wrist size. She gets tensed seeing Imlie. Imlie asks why she is buying kada for Chini who is in jail. Anu nervously walks away saying she will be released some day, yelling at the salesgirl.

Anu calls Chini and informs her that Imlie found her when she was at a jewelry shop, but she somehow convince Imlie that Chini is still in jail. Chini panics and says Imlie will find out and send her back to jail again. She threatens Dhairya that if she goes to jail, she will reveal his truth to Imlie. Dhairya asks Chini to pack her bags to shift her to a safe place as Imlie will go to jail first to check if she is there. Imlie reaches Chini’s house in disguise thinking Chini will think she has gone to jail, but she will track down Chini here. Chini hurriedly packs her bags when she hears door bell and asks Dhairya to check via CCTV camera. Dhairya checks and says some salesgirl. Imlie tells maid that her madam had come to their jewelry shop today, so she got some new designs for her. Maid lets her in and asks her to wait. Imlie searches for Chini’s clue in whole house. Dhairya calls Chini and tells her that he is waiting at the back door.

Imlie gets pharmacist call who sends CCTV footage. She opens footage when she slips and drops her phone which slides into Chini’s room. Chini panics and walks out via back door. She notices Imlie on the door and rushes out. Imlie rushes towards window and notices Chini leaving in a car. She recalls Chini’s crimes before her going into jail and after getting out and thinks she should find out who was with her in car. Ranas get worried for Atharva when he doesn’t return even by afternoon. Diya and Keya blame Imlie for Atharva leaving house. Shivani shuts their mouth. Devika asks Ginni to call Atharva’s friends. Rudra enters and says there is no need for that as he had already checked with Atharva’s friends. Devika asks where is her son then. Atharva walks in calling her. Devika asks where was he. Rudra says he knew Atharva would be in his peace house, his studio. Ripu asks if he liked Atharva’s studio. Rudra says its a temple of art and even he felt peace there. He thanks Atharva for giving him peace of mind. Atharva says Rudra introduced him to music first and hugs him.

Chini yells at Dhairya and asks him to drive fast. Dhairya warns her that she doesn’t have any choice and wars her to sit silently until they reach a safe place. Imlie thinks she needs to follow Chini and catch her. Anu catches her and says she will get her arrested for tresspassing her house. Imlie tricks her with her heavy dialogues and escapes.

Precap: Dhairya enters Rana house with his bags. Atharva asks Dhairya who gave him permission to enter his house. Imlie says outsiders should take permission and not dear ones. Atharva asks if she is supporting Dhairya even after knowing truth. Imlie says she will not let someone else also suffer like her mother. Atharva warns her that he will not let his family shatter. Imlie says even she doesn’t want to break his family but can’t forgo her rules. Voiceover says differences are growing, will it bring a new storm.

Update Credit to: MA

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