Sunday, 5 February 2023

Radha Mohan 5th February 2023 Writte Episode Update: Gungun scolds Mohan for hurting Radha


Radha Mohan 5th February 2023 Written Episode, Written Update on

Mohan says to Radha I’m fool that I asked mom to let you live here but I didn’t have any idea you are planning to steal everything. Radha says enough put a stop to your speech, I consider you as my god but this doesn’t give you right to disrespect me. Mohan says then what about Damini and her mom. Radha says I showed them truth. Mohan says to Radha you also came here as guest and now trying to be owner, you should talk with respect to everyone, you are becoming bad influence for Gungun, don’t make her like you. Radha says what about you, she won’t learn same thing from you. Radha says Gungun is our daughter and she is the only link who will be connection between us for life long. Mohan get’s angr shouts shutup and push glass. One of the glass piece cuts Radha’s hand and her hand start bleeding.

Gungun standing at door shouts Mohan. Everyone in shock. Gungun see Radha bleeding she rush to her looks at her and says to Mohan how dare you hurt Radha. Gungun looks at Radha says come sit I’ll apply ointment. She make her sit and bring first aid box for her. Radha says no need to worry it’s not paining. Gungun wipes blood and tie bandage. Kadambari says give it to me Gungun I’ll do. Gungun says no. Mohan try to walk to Gungun. Gungun says to Mohan stay away from my mother Mohan. Radha scolds her says we had a word that you won’t call your father by his name. Gungun says but he is not my father, I started him calling papa because I thought he is good man but a person who harm some other person they are bad so from now on he is Mohan not papa. Radha says listen to me this wound is not on person it happen by mistake. Gungun says do you remember when Kalash hit you on your head that time too Mohan ask doctor to leave, I thought he was angry on you so no worries but today he hit you. Mohan says it was by mistake. Gungun says you always hurt everyone then give them pain and kill them just like my mother. Everyone in shock after listening Gungun. Gungun says some you will do with my Radha. Mohan get’s emotional says what are you saying, do you think I killed your mother. Gungun says yes, Radha told me me that you didn’t killed her but the way you are behaving with Radha I think you must have killed her. Tulsi says to Gungun you are wrong my child he did nothing.
Damini says you were eager to bring them together and clear out differences but you ruined yoyr plan. Radha says to Gungun he did nothing on purpose I’m fine don’t be hard on him. Gungun says he is bad man, you love him that’s why you cannot see truth, he can only harm people not love them. Mohan says try to listen me. Gungun says no, you are bad and stay away from Radha, if you try to hurt her next time I’ll leave you, same way like my mom left you. Radha says enough your father didn’t harm anyone. Gungun walk away. Radha try to call her. Mohan says to Radha stay away from my daughter no need to make her understand anything, you made us her enemy, you know Gungun use to hate then me and Gungun became friends because of you, she started calling me papa and then you took her away from me, earlier she use to listen everyone but now she only listen and think about you. By taking her you took everything from me and I’ll never forgive you for this and he walks away.
Kadambari ask Radha will you be able to handle responsibility of this house, on your first day you broke father and daughter relation how will you handle other. Ketki says to Kadambari she only know how to break someone relation. Kaveri insult Radha. Vishwanath says to Radha we never thought my friend Rameshwar will give birth to such a cunning person like you. Damini walks to her says what happen you were saying I’m guest and I should leave soon but everyone hates you I think you will before me and I think your relation won’t last for 7 days. Radha says shutup. Tulsi says I warned you about hurdles but don’t loose strength. Damini says to Radha I’ll make you cry a lot.

Radha and Mohan in room. Mohan ask her to stop and says you told parents fighting with eachother is bad influence for kids so you won’t go anywhere we will do a fresh start of our new life. Damini in shock after hearing what Mohan said to Radha.

Update Credit to: Tanaya

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