Saturday, 28 January 2023

Dheere Dheere Se 27th January 2023 Written Episode Update


Dheere Dheere Se 27th January 2023 Written Episode, Written Update on

Bhawana brings things out of the house. She then notices two men keeping an eye on the Srivastav’s house but after seeing her they both leaves with motorcycle. She says weird then goes inside. Bhawana sees Malini is locking the door. She asks why she is doing this. Malini tells that her things in the room kept outside and asks her to take it to her new room because Bhanu called the worker’s tomorrow to make arrangements for Abhishek’s marriage preparation. She also says that she noticed Bhawana cleaned her room so it will be easy for her to take this things to her new room and she and Aanchal can sleep extra time in the morning.

Bhawana says to Malini about Aanchal’s documents but Malini asks her to take it next day because she is feeling sleepy then goes inside. Bhawana gets upset. She takes few things and says herself all her energies drained out so she will do all the works tomorrow. Malini tells Bhanu that she made Bhawana shift to her new room today itself. Let her struggle and suffer today itself for what she has done. Bhanu says to Malini that she may have punished Bhawana for her act but he wants to punish Raghav who insulted them infront of the society. He takes an oath which upsets Malini but Bhanu remains stubborn.

The next day Bhawana sees the same two masked men who takes photos of Raghav and his house. She wonders why they are doing all this. She decides to take their photo but Aanchal calls her which alerts the men so they leaves the place hurriedly. Bhawana tries to get Raghav’s attention to inform him what she saw but he was busy on the call so she goes inside. Aanchal scolds Bhawana for shifting the things all alone in an entire night and asks she didn’t have proper sleep right. Bhawana recalls Malini’s words and tells she has taken rest then asks Aanchal to get ready for school.

When she returns their new room will look pleasant for them to stay. Aanchal warns her to not to any work until she returns from school and says they both together will clean and arrange the things in it’s place. She then gets upset not finding her uniform but tells Bhawana she will manage to find on her own. Other side Bakshi’s rival’s men shows him a photos of Raghav and his house and says they learned each and everything about Raghav. Bakshi’s rival scolds his men. He then takes a photo in his hand and says no one can stop him from harming Raghav now.

Bhanu is cleaning his tempo also keeps an eye on the Srivastav’s house. Brij Mohan and Gaurav gets into the car followed by Raghav. Raghav receives a call so he is busy talking to that person. Bhanu recalls Raghav slapping Amit then takes a wrench in his hand and goes behind Raghav to attack him. Just then Bhawana calls out to him so Bhanu leaves the place. He then scolds Bhawana and the latter informs him someone is calling him continuously. Bhanu answers the call and gets happy hearing whatever the person on the other line says.

After disconnecting the call Bhanu says Bhawana’s intervention gave him new idea to take revenge on Raghav. Other side Bakshi’s rival’s men warns him to not to trust Bhanu who can turn the table and they may have to face the consequences but his boss says nothing such won’t happen. Bhanu will get arrested for whatever happens with Raghav and smirks. Bhawana wonders whether to inform Raghav about the two masked men and takes his contact in her phone. Just then Malini arrives there and scolds her for using phone like Aarushi and asks her to do some work. Bhawana agrees. She also gets relieved that her phone went dead before Malini notices its Raghav’s contact.

Bhanu meets Bakshi’s rival. The latter asks him to join hands with him to punish Raghav and forwards his hand but Bhanu refuses to agree and demands the reason behind him wants to take revenge on Raghav. Bakshi’s rival informs that Raghav is both of their enemy so if they join hands both of them will get benefit. Bhanu agrees which makes the latter happy. Other side Bhawana sees Raghav reached home. She rushes out and signs at him that she wants to talk to him. Raghav and Bhawana goes aside. Bhawana pretends to check the plants and tells Raghav about the masked men and taking photos. Raghav thanks her for giving information and asks her not to worry because it’s normal in a lawyer’s life. Bhawana taunts him which upsets Raghav. Raghav and Bhawana gets into an argument over who is right and wrong in Raghav Amit’s fight. They both gets hurt by one another’s words.

Precap: Bhanu brings the shagun things home. Aarav gets scared so he ruins the things. Bhawana tries to remove the stain from the cloth. She worries Abhishek may get upset but Aanchal worries about Bhanu and Malini’s reaction if they learns about this.

The post Dheere Dheere Se 27th January 2023 Written Episode Update appeared first on Telly Updates.

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