Tuesday, 6 December 2022

Meet 6th December 2022 Written Episode Update: Meet saves the Ahlawat’s life


Meet 6th December 2022 Written Episode, Written Update on TellyUpdates.com

Neelam says to Meet give him injection and save everyone. Meet traps her and put injection on her neck says you love to play with people’s life now ask your goons to out there gun down or else I’ll give you this injection. Neelam ask them to put there guns down. Ahlawat make them hostage. Meet give injection to Doctor and ask him to get antibodie soon. Doctor call hospital and ask them to bring antidote. Meet says to Neelam to you lost and my love won. Neelam says this is you misunderstanding that you can save Meet Ahlawat from this antidote but time will tell you everything. Meet says that’s my fath and I have faith in my love nobody can seprate us apart. Police walks in and arrest everyone. Babita rush to Raj and ask how are you. Raj says I’m fine. Meet says to Meet Ahlawat open your eyes we finally got the poision we can get antidote now. Meet Ahlawat not responding. Doctor ask to shift him to room. Neelam laughing loudly at there faces says you can try a million times but still I’ll win. Babita walks to Neelam give her tight slap says because of you I accused Meet, Raj give you all the rights, everyone loved you but still you hurt my whole family mentally and physically, she slaps her again. Meet says you were making fun of mental patient, she slaps her multiple times for her actions. Neelam fall down. Raj ask Meet to calm down says give her to Police they will punish her. Police take everyone away. Babita hugs Meet. Everyone gets emotional and hug eachother. Nurse walk in says here are the antidotes.

Meet Ahlawat loosing breath. Everyone scared downstairs. Doctor walks to them says antidote didn’t reach us on time patient is not responding no improvement from his side now only god can save him. Meet remembers Neelam telling her about antidote, she rush to Meet Ahlawat in his room. Everyone walks in. Meet crying take to wake him up says wish me it’s our anniversary, she sit beside him and talk, she make him remember the time they spent together. Babita ask him to open eyes and says if you won’t do it I’ll kill myself, she says to everyone nothing will happen to him, hod won’t tale him away from me, she rush outside and fall infront of temple, she beg infront of god for her son’s life. Ragini Masum and Sunaina walks to Babita and pray for Meet Ahlawat. Meet walks to temple, she take sindoor and diya in her hand and pray for him, she says you have to save my Meet Ahlawat, please save him.
Ram tell doctor he is reacting. Doctor checks him and start treating him, he give him injection.
Meet’s hand start shaking. Hoshiyar rush to Meet says Meet Ahlawat’s senses are back. Meet falls down after listening everyone gets scared. Babita says god listened to our prayers. Meet get up and rush towards Meet Ahlawat. Everyone walks in. Raj says we saw how powerful is true love, because of your love he is back it’s all because of your blessings, he kiss her on her forehead says it’s all because of you. Meet sit beside him and kiss on his forehead.

Ram says to Ragini you are trying to ruin my name, an article is been printed about me in newspaper now Ishani will jot live in this house. Ishani shouts enough I heard a lot. Meet try to convince Ram says she has supported you a lot if she is quite then there must be a big reason. Ragini says there’s a bid reason.

Update Credit to: Tanaya

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