Monday 26 December 2022

Bigg Boss 16 25th December 2022 Written Episode Update: Abdu comes back


Bigg Boss 16 25th December 2022 Written Episode, Written Update on

Day 83
12:30 AM
Priyanka cries hugging Ankit. He says it’s okay. She says they could do a nomination. This isn’t fair She cries. Ankit says to be strong. She says I am strong but no, please. She cries. Stan says Nimrit doesn’t act diplomatically. She says how would we look outside? Sajid comes. Priyanka says please one minute I don’t want anyone here. He says it’s about 7 weeks. Tina fights with Sajid. He says I thought last 24 hours. Tina says general 24 hours. Priyanka cries. Ankit says don’t do this. Tina says we were active. Sajid says feel free to nominate me. Priyanka cries and sobs. Shalin gives her water. She says I am not prepared. Ankit says it’s just a game. It’s fine. Priyanka cries. Shalin gives her a coat. Tina comes as well. He says to have water. Archana says everyone wanted him to go then why call me heartless? Shiv and Nimrit wanted her to go. We wanted her to play on her own. Tina says to wear the jacket. Archana says shame on us that he stayed here for 12 weeks. Soundarya says we did it all on our own.

Ankit hugs Priyanka and says be strong. He says it’s their decision. It’s fine. Archana dances outside. Archana sings sad songs outside. Priyanka makes a wish on Ankit’s eyelashes. Bigg Boss asks what did you wish? She says stop him. He says Ankit come out. Sajid says it’s a matter of weeks. Bigg Boss says is he not seeing Priyanka in the finale. Priyanka laughs. Archana says she wasn’t herself. She loves him. He loves it too. People lose their minds in love. She will be strong. Shiv says it’s a game. Don’t be so heartless. Stan says you’re doing too much. Archana says you were also dancing when I went. You danced. Shiv says I never did anything like that. Sajid says do you go to funerals and dance? You can’t be so inhumane.

12:45 AM
Archana says it will be Priyanka’s first day here tomorrow. Her game would start now. Ankit gives his bracelet to Priyanka. He says don’t get emotional. She says okay take it back. Ankit says I was saying why do you wanna keep my memories? She says what else would I keep? Ankit says don’t get emotional. It’s a game. Priyanka says you hurt me. He hugs her and says you are overreacting. Vikas hugs Ankit. He says take care of Priyanka. Priyanka hugs him. She says go. He says this isn’t a place to be emotional. He says don’t cry. She says only you can make me cry. He says play your game. This is the first thing you’re doing for yourself. You have to win.

1 AM
Sajid hugs Ankit. He meets everyone. Archana says we have to do formalities. Ankit hugs her too. Priyanka hugs him. The gate isn’t open. Priyanka says you’re in such a hurry. Have fun. Ankit says don’t bother her too much. The gate opens. Ankit says bye to everyone. He leaves. Priyanka says take care. I won’t come back fast. Shiv hugs Sajid. Tina asks Priyanka are you okay? Shalin and Tina hug her. Shiv hugs her too. Stan says see Shiv. Nimirt says do you have any loyalty? 30 seconds since he left. Shalin says, Ankit bye.. He hugs Priyanka. Priyanka laughs. Sreejita says Priyanka Archana wants to hug you. Priyanka says she’s happy. Archana says I freed you. Priyanka says I didn’t need you to. I was free. Archana hugs her.

1:30 AM
Priyanka says she was saying I freed her. Tina says whoever gets nominated dances. She was dancing today. She has no humanity. I wish we were friends earlier. Shalin says no one can tie him. Soundarya says she will have to come back to us. Tina says I am affected by Ankit going. Sreejita says to Archana do you wanna be friends with her again? She says I will see.

Nimrit says who are we to decide who would go? Shiv and Stan laugh. Vikas says to Priyanka the moment Ankit left Sajid said let’s nominate another person. Priyanka says I am not scared. Tina says they have Sumbul and Stna too but they protect them. Sreejita says Pruaynka took Vikas’s name. She couldn’t take Shalin’s name. Soundarya says she will see how fake Shalin is.

Day 83
8 AM
Everyone wakes up and sings the anthem. Archana fights and says I won’t clean the washroom. Sreejita says make Vikas do it. Vikas says she can’t make me do anything. You fox. Sreejita says no one is scared of you. Sreejita says you dust particle no one can time for you. He says to be original. She says go and do your push-ups. Shalin says to Priyanka I’ve given my 100%. She never valued me. don’t tell her. It’s between me and you. Stan says I wrote a song for Boba, where are you. He raps for Vikas and Tina.

3 PM
Stan says I am jumping outside. Kick me out, please. Tina says Shalin was so rude to me. He abused me and charged at me. Tina says then he keeps saying sorry and it becomes complicated. I can’t sit alone all day. I don’t know how to behave. I am stuck. I just want to be cordial. He’s very manipulative. He plays the victim card.

5:15 PM
Archana says I was a guy in the last life. I used to live in the village. My friend didn’t like me. He made me an alcoholic. I got drunk and couldn’t go to my bride at my wedding. I got a curse, that’s why I didn’t find love in this life. Soundarya says okay. Sajid says to Tina you panic too fast. You want people to like you. She says yes. You’re sweet and then you get very rude too. You get nominated and you fight after that. You went to Stan to talk. Tina says I am not scared of nomination. He says we all know. Sajid says people know you as Tina Dutta. People think you’re a mastermind and you’re not.

8:45 PM
Sumbul says Tina says is saying Ankit’s chicken is hers. Sajid says tell her we will take what we want. Sumbul says Shalin is also saving her chicken.

12:15 AM
Shalin says they’re taking the chicken. Tina says we didn’t get the chicken. Sajid says take form here. She says I can’t take it from the plate. It’s so unfair. Priyanka says they’re bullying at this point. Nimrit says did Ankit dedicate his chicken to her? Sajid comes and says I feel bad. It’s not my fault. She says there’s no solution. Sreejita says Shalin take it. Tina says what should I eat.

1:30 AM
Sajid says Sumbul sit with us. For Fahmaan. Do you have his T-shirt? She says yes. Sajid says do you love her?? She says yes as a friend. Sajid says so is he like a big brother? She says you can say that. She says I also have my dad’s t-shirt. She says he came as my brother when Sania was admitted. Sajid laughs.

Day 85
9:45 AM
Soundarya says when will we have breakfast? Tina says I am not well. My back is hurting. She asks everyone to cook their breakfast. Archana says are we crazy? Soundarya says don’t do this. Shalin hugs Tina. She says thank you. Sajid says who will I talk to about this? Ankit had knowledge. Priyanka says yes. He loves movies. Sajid says he’s meant for big things. Priyanka says I have a different routine here now.

11 AM
Soundarya says Shalin gets so mad at me. He gets complex. He shows how his upbringing is. Archana says he threatened me. Soundarya says he threatened me as well. I will tell him who I am. I will expose him. Archana says he’s a liar. Soundarya says he couldn’t establish in 18 hours. He’s done nothing. We don’t even know you. Archana says exactly. Soundarya says he’s a fraud.

Shalin says I can’t read rice. Shalin asks Sumbul if she can make roti and rice. She says okay. Nirmit says to let her talk to him if she wants. Sajid says yeah fine. Sajid says to Sumbul love is blind. Saajid says she doesn’t know how to trust people. She’s idiotic. I was like this when I was 20. Sumbul leaves. Stan says let her do what she wants..

Shekhar comes for the Christmas show. He says I am confused like Shalin. He says merry Christmas. You had all the battles here. He says let’s read the card for you. This card of a desi girl is for Shiv. He reads the poem. He asks Nimrit which contest reminds you of who from your family? He asks chalak bhabhi. She says, Priyanka. Priyanka says I don’t need to target you., He asks who is an unwanted cousin. She says Shalin. He asks who is the annoying neighbor. She says, Archana. Archana says I can’t control. He says the next card is wet, it’s Sumbul. So many tears. He says the next card is for Stan. Please ask your fans not to kidnap me. Sunny sent this for you. Shalin this is 2.5KG MC Stan. He can turn you into jewelry. He says the next card is for Archana from a man who loves Archana’s voice. He says the card is for Priyanka from Ankit. The song channa mereya plays. Priyanka gets teary. He says to cheer up. He says the next card is for Shalin. Never run after a bus, train, and a girl. He sings the chicken song for him. He says I will meet you all next year. Make the most of it. I love you. He leaves.

6:15 PM
Vikas acts how Shalin walks He says I don’t walk like that. Nimmrit says he’s burned like Priyanka. Tina says Shiv is trying to act smart and become friends with Archana. Priyanka says I am not even targeting them. Tina says he wants to. Shiv says he will make sure you’re nominated every week. Vikas tells Archana Shiv hit a guy in Bigg Boss Marathi but he forgave him. Archana says he didn’t forgive me. How can he be so mean? Vikas says when I asked him have you never hit anyone? He stays silent. He says Shiv provokes you purposefully. He and Sajid plan everything. Archana says don’t attach my name to him. He’s not my friend.

Soundarya says shiv got the girl today. Archana. Vikas says he uses your words against you. He’s very clever. Archana says I will talk about it. Vikas says I will stand with you. Archana says they’re using me. He says to get your vote.

Archana says Shiv and I can be friends but never be best friends or boyfriends. Soundarya says Sajid never said that. Vikas tells Priyanka and Tina he told Archana about the show when Shiv hit t a guy. Soundarya says why is he telling this to you now? She says for a reality check.

8 Pm
Archana asks Shiv you bit and hit a guy in Marathi Bigg Boss? he says I held his neck in a task. He throttled me and I had to bite. Bigg Boss asked us both. Archana says Bigg Boss gave him a chance and he forgave you. You did the opposite in my situation. Bigg Boss says you don’t need to justify that Shiv. Come to the living room. Bigg Boss says people expect a lot from wild cards. Our wild cards are living off of an old show. He asks Vikas who was nominated by Shiv’s Marathi boss. Why did Shivani go? He says I didn’t watch that. Bigg Boss asks why did Shiv slap Abhijeet? He says I don’t know. Bigg Boss says it didn’t happen. He says my target isn’t Shiv. He says Archana you got it now? He didn’t watch the show and he’s telling you things off half knowledge. Archana says you’re right. Bigg Boss says you’re all here. Not in past. Archana sats yes I am done. Vikas says I’ve not broken any rule but I had to take off his mask. Sajid says to Archana don’t let people use you. Shiv is a nice girl. Archana says it was half information. Vikas says his mask will fall off. Shiv says he can’t digest. He’s trying something but it isn’t working.

Vikas says I don’t care what they thing. Sreejita says he called Shalin a slave and now he’s their friend. Vikas says it’s something that happened. Priyanka says but it’s past. Sajid says I know how to read people. I know how Shiv is.

8:30 PM
Archana says they think I get fooled. I listen to people and do what I want.

9 PM
Chota bhaijan plays. Everyone rushes to the door. Abdu walks in. Nimrit and Shiv hug Abdu. He hugs Shiv and says I missed you, my brother. Everyone welcomes him back. He asks where is Ankit? Shalin says he’s gone. Abdu says what no. I will miss him. Abdu hugs Shiv and says you’re the best. Is hot, and it was fun. He hugs Archana. He says I missed you. Sreejita says you have gotten hotter. Soundarya says we missed you. Shiv says go meet Nimrit. He hugs her.

Nimrit says he’s ignoring me. Sajid says me too a little. He did meet, but I couldn’t feel the Abdu warmth. Either his team has asked him o maintain distance from us. Does he say what benefit would I take? Nimrit says I am getting the cold shoulder. Abdu sits with Stan and Shiv. They tell him how Ankit left. Sajid says nice knowing your brother. Good luck. He says, good luck bro. Sajid says you have gone cold. He says I miss you every day. He says your team asked you to keep a distance? He says no. Nimrit says I feel the same. Abdus as that’s not the case. Nirmit says no one cared when you went. I don’t know why you’re upset. He says I am not. Nimrit says you met everyone but us. We know you very well. Sajid says take your time. Nimrit and Sajid leave. Abdu, Stan, and Shiv dance.

9:30 PM
Shiv says he just came in here. Give him time. Nirmit says he’s normal with you. He says yes with Nimrit he is cold but not you sir. Things with her got too much. Sajid says I felt it. Vikas says I will stand by what’s the truth. I didn’t target him. Nimrit says me and Sumbul are sharing a bed. Stan and Shiv are you. You will share with Sajid. Sajid says if you want. He says I would. I would hug you. Nirmit says but you were cold right. Abdu says no. It’s all good.

10:30 PM
Tina says this time is for feast and celebration. We have rose chicken, prawns, and a vegetarian feast. All the girls will get this feast. They cook every day. It’s only for you 7. Take your dishes and enjoy. They all take their food and eat. Abdu says look at Shalin. Abdu says to Priyanka this is a game you know right? She says yes. Are you good? She says I am fine.

Stan shows his mom’s letter in which she asked him to take care of Abdu. He says thank you to Stan’s mom. Soundarya and Nirmit get teary. Nimrit says you give 100% to some relationships. Abdu comes back. Nimrit says you sued to look cute in the old haircut. He says I am already cute. Nimrit says now you will show me attitude also. Nimrit says he’s cold. Sreejita says he might have had a crush. He’s trying to balance it. His team might have told him.

Episode ends

Precap-Bigg Boss sends a pet do inside. His name is Maheen. Everyone plays with him. In the nominations task, Nimrit nominates Priyanka, and Priyanka nominates her. Tina nomiantes Ssumbul. Vikas and Tina fight over groceries.

Update Credit to: Atiba

The post Bigg Boss 16 25th December 2022 Written Episode Update: Abdu comes back appeared first on Telly Updates.

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