Tuesday 15 November 2022

Horror or revenge? – Part 2 (Trip fun..)


hello readers.. here is the next episode. If you dint understand any thing from story.. please do ask me in the comment box..



Sirat:yes..revenge. actually you don’t the real truth which happened before 3 years ago..

Ridhima: what truth?

Ranveer:truth about the reason for naira’s condition and our lives..

Ridhima gets shocked..

Ridhima: before 3 years..i saw naira was lying in pool of blood and took her to hospital and then you both came suddenly and told that someone called you and told naira met with accident and so you rushed from Delhi..

Sirat: it was all lie to hide the truth because the truth is horrible. We told that we both live in delhi but that’s a lie.. we were just married that time and we were living with naira only.

Ridhima: what about your in laws? And what’s the truth?

Ranveer: we will tell about our truth after sometime when right time comes but i will tell you about naira’s truth..

Sirat: i and Ranveer loved each other but Ranveer’s papa and his brothers were against us..so we eloped and married.

Ranveer:then we went to my so called house but my father chased us away..so we both were living along with naira for sometime..

Sirat:then one day.. Ranveer’s papa and his brothers did something to our lives which i will tell you later and pushed naira down the hills..

Ranveer:we both saved her somehow from getting injured and made her lie on the ground as we couldn’t do anything other than that..and that’s when you passed by the way and saw naira and took her to hospital..

Ridhima gets hell shocked hearing this..

Ridhima:but i dint see you both that time..i saw you both only after naira’s surgery is done..where were you both?

Sirat: we saw that you took care of her nicely. So went to punish the culprits but..they fleed away..

Ranveer:then we thought first to make our naira fine and then punish those culprits. So we started to live with her and asked you for help by lying the real cause and you agreed and stayed with us..

Sirat: naira have forgotten what happened that day due to shock and nerve damage..so we waited for her recovery to take revenge but still she isn’t getting her memory. So we thought to take revenge..

Ridhima:it’s very bad. I will surely help you in this revenge..they deserve to get punished.

Ranveer:yes..you stayed away from family and took care of our naira and maintained this castle rent and guests too..

Ridhima:it’s my duty to help my friend. I will stay till naira recovers completely and you guys finsih taking revenge..

Sirat hugs Ridhima..

Sirat:thank you so much..

Ridhima:arrey.. please don’t thank me. It’s a friend’s duty to help when she is in trouble..so iam helping thus it.


suddenly ahaana enters suprising goenka’s Chauhan’s and kartik’s friends..


Ahaana: actually..i completed my work earlier..so thought to attend kartik’s party.

Kartik:that’s so nice of you that you came..you came late but it’s okay.

Ahaana gifts him a headphones..

Ahaana: happy birthday kartik..

Kartik:thank you so much..

Mahir:ok..guys..it’s time to reveal my gift..

Bela:thank god..you dint create any other scene…ok tell fast..i can’t wait to know it.

Mahir:guys..i have booked rooms in star castle in nearby hills for a trip. We dint enjoy such trips..so thought of making a trip. It’s my gift for kartik and everyone too..

Bela:wow..you got some good sense after longer time..

Mahir: don’t feel jealous my dear bela as you couldn’t give a precious gift like Me..

Everyone laughs at their cute fights and they all get happy for the trip..

Vansh:thank you for this mahir..you did nice job as trip is necessary for us to enjoy ourselves.

Everyone thnks him too..

Mahir:arrey..stop it. I did as a friend so don’t thank me as if i did a magical work.

Bela:yes..yes..he is right. He dint do any magical works..so don’t thank him like that.

Mahir:jealous bela..

Bela:attention seeker mahir..

Everyone laughs and karan comes between them..

Karan: you both proved that none can fight like you. So stop fighting now and let’s go and pack our things for the trip.

Kabir:yes..karan is right. Lets go and get ready..

Everyone goes to their respective rooms and houses to get ready for the trip..


Ridhima :sirat.. actually the rooms have been booked by some guests. They will come in some hours..

Sirat:how many people?

Ridhima:8 youngsters..

Sirat:ohh..if it’s youngsters..then they would have planned for a trip. Anyways..allot the room in second floor.

Ridhima:sure. And i want to ask you something..why are you not coming in front of guests? You always ask me to say that i and naira are only here to them..why?

Sirat gets worried..

Sirat in mind:if i come in front of guests..then you and naira will find about my and Ranveer’s truth. Iam sorry for hiding this Ridhima..but i will tell you when right time comes.

Sirat:i will tell you on right time Ridhima..



The younsters get into the jeep after getting ready and getting blessings and they start traveling singing and doing funs..

Karan:i wish..if that castle is haunted..it will be super fun as i like playing with ghosts..

Preeta: you always dream which never happens.. even if the ghost is there..it won’t play with you..it just kills you mr.karan.

Karan: no..it can’t. I have handled the dangerous ghosts atself then why other silly ghosts will dare to kill me?

Preeta:what? Which ghost?


Preeta gets irritated while everyone laughs..

Preeta:you..i wont spare you..

She beats karan and they all enjoy seeing their cute Tom and Jerry fight while mahir comes closer to bela without anyone’s knowledge..

Mahir Whispers: give me a kiss..

Bela gives an angry look and..

Bela whispers:are you an idiot? Did you hit your head somewhere? You know right where we are..so stop your work.

Mahir:see..you proved that you suck in romance. Everyone are so busy in their works but you..

Bela looks here and there and she finds everyone talking and using phones and she immediately gives a peck on mahir’s cheeks suprising him..

Bela:what did you tell..i suck at romance huh? See..how i darely kissed you. If you have such guts then kiss me..

Mahir sees everyone busy and comes close to kiss but kartik who was riding the jeep notices through mirror and..

Kartik: what’s going on mahir?

Mahir and bela gets shocked and mahir moves away immediately..


Kartik:i know you were trying to pull her hairs like you do in college..am i right?

Bela and mahir gets relaxed as kartik dint find the truth..

Mahir:haan..haan..you rightly said kartik. I like to pull her hairs..so i was trying to..

Everyone laughs and..

Kartik:bela..see he accepted. Now you give him a nice slap like you do in college..i miss those moments.

Bela giggles and slaps him while mahir blinks blank and everyone laughs..

Mahir:i will teach you a good lesson when we reach there Bela.

Bela:lets see..

Mahir smiles seeing bela and bela too smiles and suddenly kartik puts a break and ahaana falls on Kabir..

They meet with an eyelock and smile..

Vansh:wow..kartik..you did good job. By putting break this love birds have gone break in their romance..

Kabir and ahaana gets embarassed and they move aside..

Kabir:vansh bhai.. nowadays you too became naughty like kartik. When you fall in love..that time i will see you..

Kartik:Kabir.. don’t worry. Who knows..maybe vansh bhai may find his love in this trip also..

Vansh: shut up kartik. Even you may have that fate..

Kartik laughs..

Kartik:bhai..but iam not interested in love..so it’s not possible for me.

Karan: interest is not needed to fall in love kartik. When your heart finds its match then it will fall in love itself kartik..even your interest can’t stop it. So get ready kartik..

Kartik:mr.love guru..you give tons of love advaises but you also be aware of it..you can also find anyone in this trip.

Karan:that’s not needed as iam already in love..

Everyone gets shocked..

Rishabh:with whom? You never told us..

Karan:i fell in love with myself..i want to live myself happily..

Everyone laughs and preeta hits him..

Preeta: your jokes are so bad.. please shut up.

They all have good Fun while they travel and finally they reach the castle in the hills and everyone gets down the jeep and sees the castle..

Karan: it’s best suitable for honeymoon..

Preeta:why? Are you going to bring your wife here when you get married?

Karan: ofcourse..it’s very beautiful.. isn’t it?

Preeta:if my husband brings me here for honeymoon then i will thrash him..

Karan: because you are not a human..

Preeta gets angry..

Preeta:how dare you?

She starts beating him while karan screams..

Karan:ouchh..leave me..its paining..

Bela stops their fight..

Bela: preeta..first let’s go in. You both can fight later on orelse we should spend the night here only..

Finally they all go and ring the bell while sirat Ranveer and Riddhima hears it..

Sirat:i guess those guests have came. Ridhima go and allot rooms and give keys..I’ll stay inside the room till they go upstairs as no one should see me..


Sirat and Ranveer goes inside the room and they watch secretly while Ridhima opens the door and welcomes the guest..

Ridhima: so you all are the guests who have booked in morning?

Mahir:yes..i only booked for us. So please allot us our rooms..

Ridhma takes 4 keys and gives to them and..

Ridhima:your rooms are alloted in second floor from no.206 to 210. Two persons can stay in single room..

Sirat and Ranveer watches them through room door and gets shocked..

Ranveer:s..sirat..our be..betrayers..my..my so called brothers..

Sirat:so they are the guests here. And they brought their friends too to enjoy..

Suddenly ranveer gets angry he tightens his wrist hold and he was about to go to them but sirat stops him..

Sirat:Ranveer.. what are you doing?

Ranveer: going to kill them for what they did to us and naira..

Sirat:we will kill them Ranveer but not this way. If we kill them directly then they won’t see the pain. We should give them pain and then death..

Ranveer calms down his anger..

Ranveer:you are right..we have to make them cry in pain..

Sirat:we have to thank god for sending them here. It’s easy now to punish the culprits..

The youngsters gets the keys and they go upstairs except kartik who was walking slowly seeing phone and suddenly naira comes out from her room shouting ridhima’s name..


Suddenly she hits kartik and was about to fall but he holds her and both meets with an eyelock and kartik gets mesmerized seeing her..

After sometime naira pushes him away..

Naira:het..who the hell are you? What are you doing here?

Kartik keeps on staring her mesmerized and he doesn’t hear anything as he is lost in her..

Naira:hello..iam asking you only..

He doesn’t respond so naira jerks him making him come out..


Naira:what haan? I asked who are you?

Kartik:woh..iam a guest here. Along with my friends we came here and i got room keys too from the owner..

Naira:ohh.. so you are guest.. acha. But iam the owner here and this castle is mine.. and the person who gave you keys is my friend Ridhima who stays along with me here.


Naira: and where are your friends?

Kartik:they went upstairs..i was walking slowly so i dint go along with them and suddenly you hit me..

Naira angrily: what?

Kartik:iam sorry..i mean i hit you and…

Naira:it’s okay leave it. But iam warning you one thing.. don’t stare me like that how you stated me before sometime..if you do so then I’ll kill your eyes.. remember that.

Kartik (under breath): already you killed my eyes..uhff..

Naira: what?

Kartik:no.. nothing..

Naira: acha.. then go and do your works..

Both goes while kartik goes smiling by looking back at her..

Then naira goes to Ridhima..

Naira: how many days these guests are going to stay?

Ridhima:they Booked for one week..


Naira in mind: i feel this man is eyeing on me. I should be careful of him for one week..

Ridhima:why did you ask suddenly?

Naira: simply. Acha..i will go and eat dinner..you come there along with sirat and Ranveer jiju.


Naira goes to eat while Ridhima goes to a room where sirat and Ranveer are there..

Ridhima:guests have went to their rooms. Ok please tell me why are you not coming in front of any guests?

Sirat and Ranveer gets worried..

Sirat in mind:it’s because if we come in front any other persons then you and naira will know our hidden secret. I don’t want you both to know it and especially naira as she will get affected if she knows it. We will tell you alone when right time comes.

Sirat:iam sorry Ridhima for hiding this matter..but we will tell you when right time comes.


PRECAP:- Rishabh screams. Kartik saves naira. Vansh misunderstands Ridhima..

The post Horror or revenge? – Part 2 (Trip fun..) appeared first on Telly Updates.

11/15/2022 08:11:00 amFilmSchoolWTFNo comments