Wednesday, 30 November 2022

Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai 30th November 2022 Written Episode Update: Tiwari’s Decision to Adopt Vibuti.


Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai 30th November 2022 Written Episode, Written Update on

Anu is sitting at her home and says that her hand is itching and thinks that she might get some money, then she realises there is no chance of that. Just then, Tiwari show sup and says that there are some chances, if she sees closely. Anu tells him to come in. Tiwari comes in and sits with Anu. Anu asks Tiwari which chance is he talking about. Tiwari tells her that he will help her in getting money. Anu asks, how? Tiwari tells her that he needs an useless object from her house. Anu asks, what object? Tiwari replies, the most useless thing and he will give 10k for it. Anu again asks, what object? Tiwari says, Vibhu. Anu asks Tiwari that why does he need Vibhu? Tiwari tells her that he wants to adopt Vibhu for a week. Anu gets confused. Tiwari explains her why does he need him. Anu asks if he is going to give of his property to this useless and degraded object? Tiwari says, yes. Anu asks Tiwari if he wants to leave? Tiwari asks Anu if she’s angry. Anu says its too low. Tiwari says that he will give 1lakh. Anu asks Tiwari, how much does his property worth. Tiwari replies, around 8 crore. Anu asks, how much percent will he give? Tiwari says he will give 5 percent. Anu asks, 7 percent? Tiwari says that he cannot give that. Anu says that she will have to convince Vibhu, and it will take a lot of work, so might need 10 percent of his property. Tiwari agrees on 7 percent.

Anu, David and Vibhu are having dinner at dining table. Anu asks Vibhu if he found any job? Vibhu asks Anu why is she suddenly asking about his job? Anu tells him this question has lasted 12 years, but he haven’t took it serenely. David asks Anu that what is she talking about? Vibhu asks Anu if should die, if he got no job? Anu tells Vibhu that she got a work for him. Vibhu laughs. Anu tells Vibhu that she got a proposal for him. Vibhu asks Anu if she has again traded him for something? Anu denies, and tells Vibhu that Tiwari wants to adopt him and make him his son. Vibhu and David gets shocked. David asks Anu if Vibhu is going to be Tiwari’s son? Anu says, yes and Tiwari will also pay for that. David that Vibhu will never do that. Anu says Vibhu is nothing doing here as well. Vibhu tells Anu that he will never do that. Anu says that Vibhu that he will do that. Vibhu gets up and leaves. Anu starts staring at David. David asks her that why she staring at him? Anu tells him that he have to convince Vibhu. David tells her that he will never do it. Anu tells David that Tiwari is giving 7 percent of his property and he can have 2 percent of it. David flips and says that Vibhu will do it!

Vibhu is disheartened and standing outdoors. David comes out and asks Vibhu what is he doing? Vibhu tells David that Anu is trying to destroy the reputation of their family. David tells Vibhu that their family is already destroyed. Vibhu says that she doesn’t need him. David tells Vibhu that she’s trying to rebuild it. Vibhu says that David also talking like Anu. David tells him that he’s trying to save their families reputation. Vibhu asks him, by selling his him, and asks him if he is also sold? David slaps Vibhu and tells him that it’s going to help him a lot and all of his bank accounts are frozen. Vibhu says that he will never do it. David says that he has to do it. Anu shows up and tells David to take Vibhu inside. David and Vibhu starts fighting. Anu comes out and takes Vibhu with him.

Tiwari and Saxena are sitting together. Tiwari tells Saxena that he is going to give his property to his son, so that he can save his property and after 1 week he wants his property back. Saxena says that he’s a good lawyer and tells him that he understood everything. Angoori brings tea for Tiwari. Angoori tells Tiwari that it’s not fair, after 1 week he shouldn’t take his property back. Tiwari tells Angoori that he cannot do that. Angoori says that they will be going to take care of their son, so they can do it. Saxena says that Angoori is also right. Tiwari slaps Saxena, and tells him to do whatever he is saying.

Vibhu is tied up to a chair in a store room. Anu and David walks in. Anu tells David to remove the cloth from his mouth. Vibhu asks Anu that why is she doing this? Anu brings tea for Vibhu and Vibhu gets tempted because he was hungry for the whole night. Anu asks Vibhu, if he is ready? Vibhu denies. Anu tells David to drink the tea. Vibhu says that he will do anything she says, but on condition.

Tiwari is sitting in his home. Angoori is very excited and getting things ready. Saxena comes in. Tiwari asks Saxena if he wrote everything in his file? Saxena says that he do this everyday, and advocate Saxena never forgets anything. Tiwari says that he is worried about his property. Anu, David and Vibhu shows up. Tiwari and Angoori gets excited and welcomes them.

Tommy asks Rusa if she wants to see something interesting? Rusa says, yes. Tommy tells Teeka and Tillu to slap each other. Teeka and Tillu starts slapping each other. Tommy spills green mint sauce on his shoes and tells Rusa that now Teeka and Tillu will lick his shoes to clean them. Tommy tells them to hurry up. Teeka and Tillu starts licking his shoes. Teeka starts crying after licking his shoe. Tommy tells them to eat his leftover and leaves. MasterJi , Prem and Dr. Gupta shows up and starts disrespecting Tillu and Teeka.

PreCap: None

Update Credit to: Tanaya

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