Wednesday, 12 October 2022

Parineeti 11th October 2022 Written Episode Update: Pari to sit in Neeti’s place


Parineeti 11th October 2022 Written Episode, Written Update on

Scene 1
Gurinder says I will keep Neeti happy. Pammi says if you cared about Pari’s sadness, you would have understood. Neeti comes. She serves the food. Gurinder says serve me first. Neeti serves everyone. Pari says Neeti makes really good halwa. Chandrika says no one can cook better than you. Rajiv says it’s my favorite. Neeti says I love it. Amit says the same choices. Neeti says we are made for each other. Pari leaves. Neeti says in heart once I find the guy Rajiv is cheating on Pari will I will hit her face. Simi says it’s so good. She serves Pami. Pami says everyone likes it, it’s okay. She leaves. Neeti says she’s mad at me. Why?

Neeti gets ready. Rajiv says so much makeup? She says Pari should I reduce it? He says I was joking. Neeti fights with him. Pari says let me see the guests. Neeti says Pari you’re handling everything so well like you know everything well. Rajiv makes Neeti wear chunri. Neeti takes selfies with both of them. Pari is teary. Neeti asks Pari to take her photo with Sanju. Pari takes their photo. Pari drops the phone. She says sorry. She goes out and cries. Rajiv is sad for Pari. Neeti takes photos with Rajiv.

Scene 2
Pari gets everything ready for the function. Chandrika says why are you doing all this? Pretending to be happy? PAri says I wanted Neeti to be happy. Chandrika says you’re giving your husband, home, and room to her for her happiness. You have sacrificed everything for her. Rajiv doesn’t deserve to be trusted. He doesn’t deserve Neeti either. He can cheat again. He has blackened his face. Pari leaves. She welcomes all the guests, Pari sees a woman who was there at her much dikhayi too. Pari hides. Pari says if she sees Neeti she will say the truth. Pami welcomes all the women. A woman says Pami there are functions and celebrations here every day. They talk about a guy who said Surejita’s son cheated on his wife. His mother is so ashamed. Pami says they will all make fun of me like this too.

Pari is worried. She tells Chandrika about the woman who saw her with Rajiv. She says if she sees Neeti she will say everything. She will tell Neeti. Our plan would be ruined. Chandrika says we have to do something. Pari says I won’t let Neeti know the truth no matter what I’ve to do.

Scene 3
Pari comes to Neeti’ss room. Neeti says where were you? Neeti hugs her and says I am so nervous. I hope nothing goes wrong. pari says you were my brave girl. Everything will be perfect. Neeti says you’re always with me. You take away all my stress. Now I am ready to go. Simi says let’s go Neeti. Neeti asks do I look okay? Pari says yes. Pari says I need to talk to my mom. You go, I am coming. Neeti goes with Simi.

Tao Ji asks Pami why did you leave the ritual? She says why didn’t you come? He says I can’t see Pari is so much pain. SHe might have a reason but I’ve no reason to tolerate all this against her. Pami says and you want me to be happy downstairs? I can’t do that. Tao Ji says I know you feel for Pari but if we are not there people will talk. After a while, we will send Rajiv to another house.

Chandrika and Pari are worried. Amit says we have to find a solution. If the truth is out Tai Ji’s name would be ruined. She might tell Neeti everything. Pari says we have to save Neeti and her child. Amit says do we have a similar dress? You will sit there in Neeti’s place. We will delay Neeti going there for a while. Pari says I can’t sit with Rajiv. Amit says we have no other option. Please. I know it’s not easy. Pari says only for Neeti and this house, we will. Chandrika says I’ve a similar dress. Pari is worried.

Episode ends

Precap: Rajeev says, I feel bad for Pari, she is so lonely and even if she finds someone who loves her she will never trust him. Rajeev is dancing with Pari in muh dikhayi. Gurinder says, I saw two girls in bridal wear, who is the real bride? Neeti sees Pari and Rajeev together.

Update Credit to: Atiba

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