Wednesday 26 October 2022

Anupama 26th October 2022 Written Episode Update: Barkha Exposes Adhik At The Shahs


Anupama 26th October 2022 Written Episode, Written Update on

Anupama attends her class. Teacher asks everyone to introduce themselves. A newly married couple introduce themselves and describe how they fell in love at office and got married within 6 months and their dream of starting a marketing business after leaving their job. Anupama praises them for having courage to leaving their well paying job and thinking of starting a business. Everyone clap for them. Another student Chetain Sangoi introduces himself that he has a grocery shop, has done BCom, the need for upgrading small business to compete with big multinational companies, and his dream of keeping his father’s business alive via learning different financial courses. Everyone clap for him next. Other students also introduce themselves. Anuj waits for Anupama outside college and hopes her first day goes well.

Barkha exposes Adhik at the Shahs. Barkha asks if she telling truth. Kavya asks how can she thin of using Pakhi to control Anupama, its disgusted. Leela says these kinds of heinous acts are not accepted. Vanraj asks if she herself was planning all this, what happened suddenly that she came to expose her own brother here. Barkha says she thought of using Pakhi for some time, but didn’t think that Pakhi would be trapped her whole life; she herself has a daughter and doesn’t want this happening to her daughter. Leela asks if she didn’t think about her daughter when she was trying to misuse Pakhi. Vanraj asks if she felt so guilty that she came here instead of informing Anupama. Barkha says she already informed Anupama.

Teacher asks next student to introduce herself. An old woman stands, jokes a bit, and describes that she used to help her husband in his business and once he passed away, her children asked her to enroll herself in a financial course to help her understand their business more. Everynoe clap for her. Teacher asks Anupama next to introduce herself. Anupama feels nervous. Barkha says she informed everything to Anupama. Leela as usual yells at Anupama that she has time to get ready and attend college, but not to inform them a truth. Barkha says been she is surprised seeing Anupama’s silence, Adhik revealed whole truth to Anuj, she doesn’t trust Adhik at all as she knows him since childhood and he is not interested in marriage at all and can’t fall in Pakhi’s love in just 1-2 meetings.

Kavya thanks her for informing them truth and says they will take any decision only after speaking to Anuj and Anupama. Barkha says she knows Adhik’s lifestyle in USA; he likes parties, girlfriends, elite class girls, and he can’t love a simple girl like Pakhi. Anupama nervously gulps water and repeats surri surri surri/sorry. Teacher asks her to take her own time and says they need to learn to be comfortable and its okay to be not okay; sometimes getting nervous makes them human and asks her to introduce herself now. Barkha asks Shahs when Adhik cannot be loyal to his sister, how can he be loyal to others. Hasmukh says even she is not loyal to her brother. Barkha says she is informing them so that they can take Pakhi’s life’s decision after much thought. Samar says she is doing this so that no one can blame her in the future. Barkha says exactly, she can’t take Adhik’s guarantee and they shouldn’t blame her later.

Pakhi panics hearing Barkha and says she should be ashamed to character assassinate her own brother. Barkha says she was just revealing truth. Pakhi Adhik had revealed his past, present, future plans, etc. Leela says she means a thief won’t be a thief if he reveals truth. Pakhi says Adhik is honest. Vanraj asks why she is behind Adhik even after knowing the truth. Pakhi says whatever they say, she will marry only Adhik as she knows he has reformed himself and loves only her. Vanraj orders her to go in and let him speak to Anuj and Anupama first. Anupama introduces herself and says she and her father wanted her to study well, but after her father’s untimely death, she couldn’t study further. She says young kids take things for granted, but it was a dream for her; she wanted to continue her studies after marriage, but couldn’t recalling Leela and Vanraj discouraging her. She continues how her responsibilities increased once her children were born and she couldn’t her studies. She describes how her children and husband humiliated based on her studies, how she got separated from her husband due to her fate and how her inspiration and her dream man Anuj Kapadia entered her life.

Barkha leaves. Leela says they wanted to get Pakhi married to Adhik as they spent time alone in a hotel room, but after knowing truth, how will they risk Pakhi’s life. Hasmukh asks her to calm down. Vanraj asjs why didn’t Anuj and Anupama inform them truth. Kavya says she had asked them to forget all the problems for 3-4 days and focus on their first diwali together. Anupama continues that she was in a relationship for 26 and considered him as her life, but when she met Anuj and experienced his love, she realized what really love is and how toxic her previous relationship was. She says now she has a small family with a little daughter whose name is also Anu, her husband found about this course and dropped her to college and she is sure he is waiting somewhere out for her and praying for her.

Pakhi via video calls Adhik and informs what Barkha did. Adhik also panics hearing that. Pakhi says she wants to marry him at any cost and wants to meet him. Adhik reminds Vanraj doesn’t want them to meet for some time. Pakhi gets adamant. Anupama describes how a woman should find time out of her responsibilities and fulfill their dreams. A student says she is right that men don’t value women’s time. Anupama says women themselves don’t value time and should get them skilled and educated as only education and skills will help them in a long run. Everyone clap for her. Vanraj calls Anupama while she is busy in class.

Precap: Vanraj calls Anupama and says he wants to talk to her about Pakhi. Anupama says he should handle it as she wants to study and its her right. Anuj fulfills his dream of romancing Anupama in college.

Update Credit to: MA

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