Meet 28th May 2022 Written Episode, Written Update on
Meet with Isha in market. Isha says to Meet I came here because I want to talk yo you, I want to talk to you about your relation with Meet Ahlawat only you two give me strength and hope. Meet says we will talk later about this now let’s focus on going to panipuri. Meet thinks I wish Meet Ahlawat be there on time.
Meet Ahlawat with Deep. Deep says to him you must be upset with me. Meet Ahlawat says I called you to meet as friend and won’t talk about past because I don’t want to see that. Deep says let’s talk about past because things should be clear between us. Meet Ahlawat says we will talk about this later. Meet Ahlawat thinks Meet will be there and says to Deep come let’s go and have panipuri like old days.
Meet and Meet Ahlawat give order for panipuri together and looks at eachother. Deep and Isha see eachother. Meet Ahlawat ask what are you doing here. Meet says I’m here but when did you start liking panipuri you use to go in 5 star hotel and ask panipuri vendor to cancel sweet water. Deep greets her. Meet greet him back and ask is he troubling you. Meet Ahlawat says our car broke down so we were looking for mechanic. Meet says so you came here to see mechanic. Meet Ahlawat and Meet purposely argue. Meet ask him to say please only then I’ll help you. Meet Ahlawat says please and she gets ready. Meet Ahlawat ask Deep to stay with Isha. Meet says it will take time and ask Deep to drop Isha and they leave.
Deep and Isha together. Deep ask her how are you. Isha says I’m good how are you. A man bumps into Isha, Deeps get angry but Isha calm him down. Isha says come let’s go aside. Isha says to Deep you didn’t change Deep. Deep says no I didn’t change and not my feelings too. Isha says but I changed a lot and you should not wait for me. Deep says take your time but we both decided to be together so don’t talk about changing path, atleast be friends and walk together, nothing more I want.
Deep and Isha together. Meet Ahlawat says to Meet finally they will be together I hope everything goes well. Meet says Deep is a good guy and taunts Meet Ahlawat on divoece. Meet Ahlawat taunt her her on second marriage. Meet says that reminds me of the guy coming to see me, so please drop me home. Meet Ahlawat says that’s not possible because car is broken down. Meet says guve me toolkit and I’ll check. Meet Ahlawat says it’s below my seat. Meet go in car to check he close door from outside and sit inside from other gate and lock car. Meet ask how did car get locked. Meet Ahlawat says I told you there is something wrong with car. Meet says okay then where are the key. Meet Ahlawat look for key and says I don’t have it I think so I lost. Meet says it’s not something small that it drop feom your pocket and you don’t have any idea. Meet Ahlawat remembers hiding car keys below him and says why are you shouting at me I told you I don’t have. Meet says I need to go home look for keys. Meet Ahlawat acts to find key and thinks look for the key SI Meet you must have find so many clues in your job but your hands cannot reach for the car keys and I won’t let you go anywhere before 4. He says to Meet I can’t find keys. Meet says okay I’ll call Isha. Meet Ahlawat says yes call her but we came here to solve her problem and you want her to solve our problem. Meet says call key maker you have his number. Meet Ahlawat says right and thinks I know you will say this but I won’t let you go he puts phone on speaker and make her listen that his number is out of coverage. Meet says what I’ll do now I’m stuck here. Meet Ahlawat says don’t worry I’ll do something and thinks I’m sorry but you won’t be able to go home at time. Meet remove headrest and says I’ll break the glass. Meet Ahlawat thinks how did I miss the point that she is not normal. Meet about to his mirror, Meet Ahlawat stop her. Meet see Raj. Raj unlock car. Meet get out of car and thanks Raj and tell the story. Raj says did you lost key in purpose. Meet Ahlawat says make excuses. Raj says I’m your dad I know very well about your expression and says to Meet he didn’t want you to meet that guy so he did this. Meet ask him is that true. He didn’t answer. Raj says see he is telling lie that’s why he is unanswerable now, he scolds him says what do you want from her, you don’t want to live with her then why are you worried if she live with someone else, let her live her life what is your problem. Meet Ahlawat thinks I want to live with her that’s why I don’t her to meet them. He apologies to Raj. Raj ask Meet to get home quickly boy’s family will be there soon. Meet Ahlawat start walking with them he ask him to stay away from house until they are home because I don’t want this proposal to ruin because of you. Meet leaves thinking I feel bad seeing your upset face but I have to go to make you realise things.
Meet sits in car and leaves wity Raj. Meet says to him I knew Meet Ahlawat would do something like this, Raj says I knew ge would do this and where did he loose keys, Meet says he hid it beneath his seat, both laugh.
Meet Ahlawat hiding and seeing who the guy is. Raj introduces everyone to Dr. Aarav, Meet Ahlawat sees him and says he looks very stylish, Meet doesn’t like guys like him and so he will ve rejected in 2 min.
Meet Ahlawat gets annoyed seeing the guy hasn’t come out yet. He sees Meet talking to Aarav and giggling with him, he touches Meet’s hair. Meet Ahlawat says how is she laughing with him, and look she is so dressed this means she is ready for second marriage and how can she like a guy like him and why is she laughing so much what are they talking, if this continues he will take away Meet
Aarav walks out and sees Meet Ahlawat near his car and asks what he wants. Meet Ahlawat says can you cure it, I am Ahlawat’s neighbour and you must be here to check Meet, she is so pretty and nice but once she has fits it’s over, she has it 3 times a week, people run from her on those days but other days she is fine, we tried everything but nothing worked and if you aren’t here to check her why are you here. He says I was here to marry her, Meet Ahlawat says forget whatever I said and I know you will manage. Aarav says thanks for saving my life and leaves. Meet Ahlawat says he will never return now.
Pre cap: Meet tells everyone that, Aarav had called her and is ready to marry her and asked when can they get engaged.
Update Credit to: Tanaya
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