Monday, 13 June 2022

Radha Mohan 13th June 2022 Written Episode Update: Radha decides to keep the Varth for Mohan jee


Radha Mohan 13th June 2022 Written Episode, Written Update on

Damini assures she wants to keep the Varth for Mohan, Kadambari exclaims her Mohan has really nice fate that she is becoming his wife, she advises how they must wake up before sunrise to eat something so she leaves. Damini’s mother with a smile thinks there is not any better way to take things from her mother in law but she must not be worried since she has everything in her wardrobe, Damini exclaims she is going to keep this Varth with full intent as if they get their desired husband while keeping Varth then she is surely going to do it, just then the lights start to flicker and Damini sees he photo of her with Mohan start ss spinning frantically which scares her mother who exclaims she has come back, Tulsi appears in front of the photo causing it to break, Tulsi says she can keep all the varth she desires but those who have something hidden in their heart never get the good luck, Damini threatens Tulsi saying she would surely get married to Mohan, Tulsi mentions she can do whatever she feels like but would not be able to get married to Mohan since she has to pay for all the things that she did to Mohan and her daughter, Tulsi leaves when Damini’s mother exclaims that they need to find something for Tulsi as she has become really dangerous. Pandit jee also said that Damini doesnot have the line for Mohan, Damini replies they would surely get a way to stop Tulsi and Radha since now no one can come between her desires to marry Mohan neither dead nor alive.

Radha is in her room when she gets a call from her Dadi who exclaims that she is also going to keep the varth tomorrow, Radha assures with excitement but then Dadi advises her to not tell anyone that she keeps the varth for Mohan, Radha asks why must she hide as it is nothing wrong, Dadi says this varth is ither kept by wives for their husband or the fiancé, Tulsi is amazed to hear that Radha is keeping this varth for Mohan, Radha replies that she only keeps this varth but because of her respect for Mohan, but then Dadi sends her a text exclaiming she has made her swear on her life to not tell anyone, Dadi exclaims that Bihari jee considers it to be true so she must not tell anyone, Tulsi smiling exclaims she wishes Mohan should get the life partner as Radha but it might not be possible as there is a big age difference, but she loves Mohan while Damini just wants to attain Mohan at any cost.

Damini is with the Guru maa who mentions that she can wipe off the lines and even the Kundali can be changed but the Sindoor she is talking about can change her fate, Guru maa questions if she knows why there is not her name with Mohan, Damini doesnot know when Guru maa explains because no wife would want her husband to marry someone else and the Sindoor is still in the house with which Mohan filled the Mang of Tulsi, Guru maa explains tomorrow she must use various things to attain her goals, she must not let the Varth break even if she dies as only Mohan should be the one to break her fast after which no one would be able to break their relation. Damini assures she would keep it, Guru maa then also informs her about the Mantar, Damini appreciates her.

Radha is in her room thinking Mohan jee should not get to know she is keeping the varth, Mohan knocks on the door when he exclaims that she has also made this room as a Mandir and now he feels there would be pooja in this room, Radha replies it is not like that but she has not gone anywhere without the Bihari jee, Mohan questions why is she trying to exercise so much, he tries to take the bag but both of them are pulling it from the corner, Mohan falls down the floor seeing which Radha gets shocked exclaiming that her bag broke, Mohan gets shocked saying this was the extent of her respect as he fell but she only cares for her bag, Radha assures it is not the case but this was the only bag that she had, Mohan hands her the strap exclaiming Rahul says ever since she came into this house a new drama happens every day, Radha assures she doesnot do anything on purpose but it happens without her desire. Mohan starts explaining how change is good because he got angry when she was about to take out the photo of Tulsi but now, he feels it was for the good, Radha gets confused so requests Mohan to say it clearly as she cannot understand anything, he asks her to keep doing what she feels like as it is for the good. Tulsi agrees with Mohan when Radha mentions she can fix the bag, this is the problem is with them because they do not try and she doesnot leave anything just as with Gungun who was really angry with her but now, she invited her into the room. Mohan leaves.

Kadambari is having the breakfast with Damini and everyone exclaiming she is really opportune to have Damini as she is keeping this varth for Mohan but it is her prayer that she should keep it next year as the wife of Mohan, she even praises Ketki because they have got a really nice son in law.

Radha walks down the stairs exclaiming that she must eat something before everyone wakes up, she is shocked to see they all are already eating at the table, Damini feels as if there is someone standing behind the pillar when her mother exclaims if it is Tulsi, Damini requests her to not talk like this, Radha standing thinks she is feeling really hungry and cannot even let anyone know she is keeping this varth for Mohan jee because of her Dadi’s vow, she must go to eat something in the kitchen.

Damini is with her mother in the room who assures she has prepared everything for her and she must not keep this varth in real, Damini however replies she would do everything for Mohan and did she forget what Guru maa said, Damini recalls how Guru maa said that she must keep the varth and then try to find the Sindoor of Tulsi that is hidden in the house, she must throw it at the right time after which Tulsi would be thrown out with the next sunrise, Damini exclaimed she doesnot know where it is, Guru maa said she would not be able to as she needs a girl who is pious in her heart, her eyes would have any such evil thought only that girl will have the ability to throw the Sindoor out of the house. Damini exclaims she must find that girl before the clock reaches 6 pm, as this is the only chance, they have to oust Tulsi from this house, she is worried as she needs to find that girl meanwhile Radha is in the kitchen searching for food, which she can eat before the sunrise.

Update Credit to: Sona

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