Monday, 6 June 2022

Mithai 6th June 2022 Written Episode Update: Mithai tries to reunite Sid with the family


Mithai 6th June 2022 Written Episode, Written Update on

Scene 1
Mithai comes to Dadu and says Sid will come to talk to you about going abroad. I don’t understand why Sid stays away from his family, he gets so angry when he talks to his father. why is he like this? Did something happen between them? Dadu says Sid always saw his parents fight, Girish didn’t love Aarti so Sid always saw his mother as a sad woman. He started hating his father for not giving happiness to his mother. Mithai says my parents always loved me. Dadu says we can fill our voids and wounds with love. Mithai says if Girish heals Sid’s wounds then he won’t go to Singapore, this is Difficult but I will find a way.

Rohan is worried about Kirti and tells Rajeev that I have to do something. Rajeev says just marry Karishma and you will learn to love her. Rohan says I will talk to Kirti. Rajeev says don’t even think about doing anything, today is your mehndi so jsut get ready.

All family members are at the mehndi venue. Dadu says I don’t feel good. Dadi says you are just worried about Karishma. Gunjan arrives there with her family. Abha welcomes them. Mithai and Indu come there. All family members sit together. Mithai thinks where is Sid? Gitika asks Mithai and Indu to sit with the family. Shubham takes Indu and makes her sit down with him, Mithai smiles. Dadu tells Mithai that my sons don’t even talk to each other, Sid is still locked in his room. Mithai says don’t be hopeless, just leave everything up to me. Dadu goes to sit down. Mithai says I have to bring this family together.

Kirti is crying in her room. Karishma comes there and asks how is she looking? Kirti says you are looking like the best bride. Karishma says come with me, Kirti says I don’t feel fine.

Mithai is about to enter Sid’s rokm but stops her. Sid comes there in a towel, she looks away and says come downstairs. Sid says I have to go to the passport office so don’t tell anyone. Mithai says Karishma is your sister so be with her if you are going to leave.

Karishma and Kirti arrive at the mehndi function, Rohan looks at Kirti and smiles. Abha says Karishma shouldn’t have brought Kirti with her. Gunjan blesses Karishma. Girish is handling business stuff, Abhishek asks him to come and have a photo together. Girish taunts that you called me now? Abhishek says don’t be miffed. All family members stand together. Gunjan asks where is Sid? He doesn’t care about his sister? Sid comes there and says why wouldn’t I be here? All smile seeing him. All take a family photo together. Mithai smiles.

The episode ends.

Update Credit to: Atiba

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