Thursday, 2 June 2022

Mithai 2nd June 2022 Written Episode Update: Sid is confused about leaving for abroad


Mithai 2nd June 2022 Written Episode, Written Update on

Scene 1
Rohan is waiting for Kirti in the hotel and calls her but she cuts the call and says I can’t go to meet him. Rohan keeps calling her, she takes the call. Rohan asks Kirti to come and meet him. Kirti says what will I tell the family? I can’t come there Rohan. Mithai is walking by and hears Kirti talking to Rohan. Kirti sees Mithai. Mithai recalls Sid asking her to not create any issue. Mithai tells Kirti that I won’t ask what you were doing but if you love Rohan then you shouldn’t hide it. Karishma is so happy about this marriage so don’t you think you and Rohan are doing wrong with Karishma? It will create a big problem in her life later on so think about it.

Girish is getting the house decorated. Apeksha arrives there and asks about Sid. Dadu says he will be in Singapore soon. Apeksha says I have to get his visa. She leaves.

Rohan tells his mom Gunjan that I think my marriage is being rushed. I didn’t get time to understand Karishma. His father says you will get time to understand her after marriage. Gunjan says we have already decided on a date so we can’t postpone it, you had enough time to know Karishma. Rohan leaves from there.

Rohan tells Rajeev that he will talk to Karishma and try to clear things.

Sid is working out when Apeksha comes there. She thinks he will be mine soon once we leave from here.

Dadu tells Mithai that Apeksha is here to get Sid’s passport, if he gets the visa then he will leave. Mithai says what’s a passport? He shows the photo to her. Mithai says I won’t let Apeksha take his passport. Indu comes there and asks what’s going on? Mithai says nothing and thinks I can’t tell her what I am doing. I have to stop Sid from going from here.

Apeksha tells Sid that I have to get your passport for our visas. Sid recalls Dadu’s words and says I am not sure about it. Apeksha says you are not close to your family, think practically as it’s a big opportunity.

Scene 2
Rohan comes to Dadu’s house, Kirti hides from him. Rohan tells Abha that I had to come for some visa paperwork. Karishma comes there and takes selfies with him while he is looking around for Kirti.

Sid looks at his mother’s photo and says if she was here then I wouldn’t even think about leaving from here. He recalls all the family issues and thinks I can’t stay here.

Karishma tells Rohan that I am excited to live in the US. Rohan says we don’t even know each other fully. Karishma says I know enough, I want to move abroad with you soon. Rohan asks for water. Karishma goes from there.

Sid gives his passport to Apeksha. Mithai comes there with juice and says I made it for everyone, it’s healthy. Sid says I don’t want it. Mithai says Apeksha will try. She takes the passport from her and throws juice on her. She says I mistakenly slipped. Apeksha goes to clean herself. Mithai steals Sid’s passport.

Kirti is hiding from Rohan, he follows her.

Mithai brings Sid’s passport to Dadu, he says don’t give it to me, if he knows that I have it then he will be angry, keep it in your room as he won’t check your room.

The episode ends.

Update Credit to: Atiba

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