Meet 9th June 2022 Written Episode, Written Update on
Shanty’s friend traps Meet Ahlawat. Shanty walks to him says uf husband will call then she will pickup surely, let me check if she had halwa or not, he take out his phone and he get call from Meet, Shanty walk away with phone but Meet Ahlawat kick his hand and the call is answered. Meet tells that paramji is Shanty are you listening me. Meet hear Shanty saying beat him and Meet Ahlawat shouts is pain.
Meet get’s scared and think about suraksha rekha and says I’m sorry Meet Ahlawat if I didn’t cross then I’ll loose you, you are scared for our kid so nothing will happen I promise and she step out of her room.
Shanty about to hit Meet Ahlawat with kalash but Meet stop him from hitting Meet Ahlawat and shouts don’t worry I’m here. She fight her way and make everyone run away. Meet says now I have to handle Shanty he is real villain, she hear from her kid throw stick behind her which hit Shanty. Meet praises her kid and says you are a fighter. Meet handle the other two guy too who were at her home. Shanty get up and says good it was a nice game, you must have saved you family many times but you are forgetting ine thing you are pregnant and weak, you won’t be able to save your husband and kid today.
Masum says to Babita I swear mom I saw Meet going out with stick and Ragini told me Meet Ahlawat have made surakha rekha for Meet so that se don’t go out but still she went out. Babita says I don’t believe she can do this. Masum and Babita walk in room and calls Meet. Masum says now you believe me she is out like every time. Babita call police station and says please give phone to Meet it’s her mother in law speaking. Constable says sorry but she is not here. Babita says can you tell me where she is. He says I don’t know. Constable says I don’t know anything and tells about her about Shanty and says she must have gone to find him. Babita says track her location and tell me where Meet is. Masum says to Babita we try to make her understand many things but still she went out. Babita get’s the location and says today Meet have to answer me every question and if our kid got hurt she have to pay for that and ask Masum to go with her.
Babita and Masum in market see Meet crying and see blood stains on ground. Babita pray to god. Masum says I think so her bravery turned out to be heavy on our family. Babita walks to Meet make her stand and ask why did you do, why are you punishing my grandchild for your behaviour, why did you went behind Shanty and if Meet Ahlawat get to know about you he will never forgive you. Meet Ahlawat walks in injured. Babita ask him what happen. Meet ask him are you alright. He walks to Meet and says I asked you not to cross that line but you always did whatever feel good to you, so I’ll also do what my heart desires. He hold her hand kiss it. Masum ask what are you doing. He says I’m doing what my heart feel like, if she didn’t have broken my promise then your brother must be dead and tell what happen to him with Shanty, he explains it was Shanty and his friend living in house as devotees of Guruji, every incident happened in our house were done by Shanty and today they attacked me but Meet came on time help me with taking care of her kid , she came with full protection, you know when she was fighting with them I saw a wife and a mon in her it was like a power is fighting Shanty and his goons and tell Meet how he saw her fighting and praises her. Meet Ahlawat remembers how she hit everyone, defeated Shanty and saved her husband. He says when I woke up doctor told me about my injuries and I requested constable to take me to Meet. They both hug eachother. Babita ask how is kid. Meet walk to her says he is alright and kicking me inside. Babita fells it too.
Everyone in Ahlawat mansion. Ragini doing pooja of Meet. Babita says thank god everyone is face. Tej praises Meet for her bravery. Sunaina says I also want to share something. Babita ask Meet I didn’t understand why you were crying when we came there. Raj says because that was emotional moment for Meet because she served the promise of her father and says to Raj you are forgetting that you commissioner is my good friend, he called me told me everything. Meet says to Raj please don’t say anything more. Raj says I cannot stop now because I want everyone to know truth especially infront of Babita. Babita ask what is the matter. Raj ask Meet to tell truth.
Sunaina throws tantrums infront of everyone and says Meet is not ready to give her child to me. Masum says to Meet why can’t you give your baby. Meet says to her I will repeat thousand time, I’m not giving my baby to Sunaina because she can never be a good mother.
Update Credit to: Tanaya
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