Meet 27th June 2022 Written Episode, Written Update on
After one year in Ahlawats mansion. Raj on bed devisted. Babita looking at his condition. Meet wish good morning to Babita and ask her what happen to you why are you so off. Babita says my happiness is because of Raj, look at him how sad he is looks, sweets are ban for him but still he use to take it from me and look now I kept sweets from him but still he is sad and not talking to anyone. Meet says don’t worry he will start talking that you may come in trouble and you will tell him thatd sweets are ban, do one thing give me medicine then he will be alright. Babita says okay and forward the tray but she see nobody is standing. Ram Lakhan and Duggu go to Raj. Babita realise it was her imagination. Duggu says today we will tell you a story. Lakhan start telling story and three of them try to cheer him up. Ram says to Babita give me medicine I’ll give him to eat. Babita thinks Meet come back fast this house need you
Ragini at dining table. Babita walks to her. Ragini ask her did you se Meet’s dream again. Babita says it’s one year she ran away, still when door bell rings I think it’s and Meet and will apologies for coming late, think have changed in 1 year but only hope is constant that one day Meet sill come. Masum walks to them, says to Babita you should stop keeping hope that Meet sill come back, even Anubha anuty don’t know and curse her for her behaviour. Ragini says every time you curse Meet but she is not like that.. Masum says she lied to everyone so please sto thinking about her and start thinking about Meet Ahlawat he is all alone in his life. Babita says enough Masum no body can replace her. Masum shouts says stop waiting for her. Tej and Sunaina walks in. Tej shouts at Masum says is this the way you talk to elders, did you stop respecting people. Masum says is this you who is telling me. Tej says yes I’m the elders child of this house. Masum laugh and says you lost the right of saying anything, because of you be had to face huge loss in business, we have to sell our factories because of you, thank god Meet Ahlawat set our business in USA or else we would be on road begging because of you. Tej walk away. Masum apologie to Babita and says Meet Ahlawat is in US feom last 1 year he never came back, he is so hurt of Meet that he started hiding all his emotions to us in his business, he became a machine.
Meet Ahlawat in a meeting with his clients he sign a client for business.
Masum says to Babita he has forgotten his family, I’m just saying think of a reason to bring him back and that reason can be Chavi too, she will bring his happiness back which Meet stole from him.
Ram, Lakhan and Duggu discussing about family happiness and wish everything becomes normal. Ram says I have a plan he take Raj’s phone and tells we will message Meet Ahlawat from Raj’s phone because he is the only one who can bring happiness back in this house. Ram text Meet Ahlawat.
Meet Ahlawat receive message saying come back soon we are missing you. Meet Ahlawat ask Steffi to book a flight for him. A man ask Meet Ahlawat for a holiday to celebrate his wife’s birthday. Meet Ahlawat says you are being paid to work not to celebrate and if someone will ruin your career will be your wife.
Meet Ahlawat lands in Chandigarh. Deep at airport waiting for him, he welcome him and hugs him, he says here I bought flower for you. Meet Ahlawat see a message in bouquet saying welcome back Meet, he tear the name Meet from that and keep the rest.
Ram says to everyone Raj’s report are normal but doctor has ask to follow precautions and don’t talk anything which may hurt his feelings. Babita says to Ram can you call Meet Ahlawat and call him here because if I’ll ask him he won’t listen. Ram says okay. Isha walks to them and says to Babita, you know Meet Ahlawat is coming back finally after 1 year. Everyone gets excited.
A girl driving a bike knock down the side view mirror. Deep shouts at him. Lady apologies to him says actually I’m new on riding bike. Meet Ahlawat walks to her bike remove her rear view mirror and throw it and give her money says I’m paying more then it’s worth just take it and move. Lady ask him why did you do. Meet Ahlawat says you are a girl do those kind of work.
Masum says to everyone now that he is here we have to make his life happy and I’ll talk about Chavi to him. Babita says to Masum you won’t do that, I know my son he won’t think about any other girl except Meet. Masum says why you are still stuck in past like Meet Ahlawat, you think you know him very well.
Meet Ahlawat enter Ahlawats mansion. Duggu, Ram and Lakhan and everyone welcome him. Babita thinks I hope he has forgiven me. Isha run towards Meet Ahlawat. He stop her and says don’t call me by this name, now people know me with different name because whenever someone call me by her name I remember getting cheated that’s why everyone do not take this name. Meet Ahlawat ask Tej where is dad. Tej says dad got second attack but he is fine now. Meet Ahlawat in shock says what. Masum says she cheated everyone, he use to consider her daughter, still he misses him so het get heart attack because of his condition, only you can bring him out of his condition from last one year no festival is been celebrated even we have forgetting all the happiness but this can come back if you marry again, you need a life partner and this house need a daughter in law who can handle everything and I have already talk to Chavi. Meet Ahlawat says I don’t want anything and walk away. Babita says to Masum I told you, he won’t listen. Meet Ahlawat says on second thought call the girl.
Meet Ahlawat and everyone in Raj’s room. Doctor says I have given him medicine just take good care of him. He says I’m taking dad with me to Us, booking are done, he will stay with me and will be treated there in New York only. Tej says you are right it’s good to take him US but you know what our dad has left the hope to live, can they bring that hope back if yes take him. Meet Ahlawat says I’ll do anything to make him smile again can go to any extent. Tej says so do one thing bring Meet back. Meet Ahlawat says I won’t let that cheater be near around our house and it’s good everyone understands this, he says to Dad please get well for everyone especially for me then I’ll do as you will ask me to do. Raj says to him can you bring Meet back to home. He says if you want this then I’ll bring her back in any condition, I promise.
Meet Ahlawat in function. A man walks to him says hello PI detective at you service sir it turn out to be Hoshiyar and he welcomes him. Meet Ahlawat why did you call me here. Hoshiyar says it’s a different vibe to meet in a function. Meet Ahlawat ask where is that cheater. Hoshiyar says so much hate for a person who use to get love. He says it’s our situation because we need to cure dad fast. Hoshiyar pray to god for Raj’s health and says I’ll find her for Raj’s condition. Meet Ahlawat hear her voice says it’s her. Meet Ahlawat start looking for Meet. Meet at stage singing navratri song. Meet Ahlawat looking for her on ground.
Update Credit to: Tanaya
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