Meet 11th June 2022 Written Episode, Written Update on
Meet walking downstairs and thinks what is happening. Babita ask servant about Italian flower vase. Meet Ahlawat tap Meet and ask what is happening. Meet saya I don’t know do you know. He says I have bo idea. Babita walks to Meet and Meet Ahlawat and ask are you guys ready and did you see Deepak. Meet says no but what is the occasion. Babita says today is your baby shower, it’s been so long since we celebrated baby shower and you have no idea how happy and excited I am and ask them to come with her. Meet Ahlawat says I have a call from office you carry on I’ll come.
Babita take her to her room and says to her today is your do so you have to look good, here are the jewellery choose whatever you like and make sure you are comfortable. Sunaina walks in with greet tea, she looks at jewellery and says it’s so beautiful can I also wear one of the jewellery. Babita says yes except this one because Meet will be wearing this. Sunaina feel jealous. Meet says this will look good on her. Babita says this is Ancestral necklace my which a mother in law gives to her daughter in law for baby shower, so it’s your occasion and I gave this to you. Meet suggest another jewellery to Sunaina. Babita says this look beautiful on you Sunaina you can take this. Sunaina walk away. Babita says don’t worry about her I’ll handle it but you understood what I was saying to you. Meet says yes but now I feel like having tea. Babita say’s okay in kitchen you will find chef making sweets so ask him whatever you want to have in sweet now go.
Meet walks in kitchen looks at her favourite sweet and thanks the chef. Chef this is my job I know how to do it and these are the speciality of the occasion. Meet ask him to make something else. Chef get’s angry in her demand and start cribbing. Meet Ahlawat start scolding him and make him stand and see Raj. Meet Ahlawat get’s scared and start apologising him. Raj says don’t worry I was kidding. Meet ask why are you making sweet. Raj says these are special gift from a father to her daughter. Meet can I taste one now. Meet Ahlawat says wait a minute you can have it but keep your stomach empty. Meet have one and says this is so sweet and tasty why don’t we open a sweet shop along with our pharmaceutical business and name it Ahlawat Sweet Shop. Raj says you enjoy now I have to make more. Masum and Sunaina hear them talking. Masum says to Sunaina I know you are feeling bad because everyone is pampering Meet. Ram calls everyone in hall.
Everyone in hall. Ram says today is the best day we have one more good news, Deep’s mom has accepted Isha’s proposal. Everyone gets happy. Ram says they will come soon to meet. Ragini pray for her relationship and her life. Tej walks in and says to Raj I have personally invited everyone from your guest list. Tej says to Meet I went to your home too, your mother was coming with me but dadi was making ladoo so she stayed. Raj says. very lucky. Meet get’s happy. Babita says do everyone know what you all have to do in baby shower. Ragini says I’ll help Meet get ready. Masum says I’ll handle gift. Hoshiyar says I’ll help my wife. Meet Ahlawat says then I’ll assist my pregnant wife and everyone tells there responsibility. Babita ask now what I’ll do. Raj says you just get ready and make everyone proud and be like a beautiful grandmother m Ram Lakhan says we will tske care of photography. Ragini ask Sunaina what you will do. Sunaina says I’ll perform for Meet. Masum thinks what happen to Sunaina.
Sunaina walking towards her room. Masum stop her and ask what happen to you, you were jealous from her and now you will do a special performance for her. Sunaina says what is wrong in that it’s her special day.
Meet and Meet Ahlawat in room. Meet says to him I felt Sunaina is not happy. Meet Ahlawat says I try to make things clear between Tej and Sunaina but they are not ready to listen in case of Ram Lakhan, what can we do. Meet says I’m scared for both of them, we should do something so that they both get together with eachother.
Sunaina says to Masum, me and Meet can never be together and it’s high time I show her what I feel. Masum ask what I didn’t understood. Sunaina says then help me and we will bring her down and will show her, her true reality. Masum says anytime and she walks away. Masum says this is going to be fun.
Meet get’s ready for her baby shower and praises Ragini for making her look beautiful and she scolds her baby. Meet Ahlawat walks in with food and ask why are you scolding my baby. Meet says stop this give us food we are feeling hungry. Meet Ahlawat take his plate back. Meet and Meet Ahlawat start having fun time with eachother and talk about baby. Meet Ahlawat ask her to play a game of sweet. Meet says I don’t want to play. Meet Ahlawat says okay so I’ll decide our baby’s future. Meet says how you will decide. Meet Ahlawat says I have already decided our baby will be businessman or businesswoman. Meet says our baby will be a professional car or bike racer. They both start arguing with eachother for baby’s future. Meet walks to eat and start eating. Meet Ahlawat says I ask you to eat one but you are eating both at one time what is this. Meet says I want to have both that’s why. He says ket me also eat. Meet run away with sweet. Meet Ahlawat kiss her on her cheeks to stop her.
Babita and Ragini welcome guests. Duggu walks to them, he greet guests and says I’m event manager and I’ll show you your seat. Deep walks in and greet Ragini and Babita. Isha also walks to them. Babita ask Deep where is your mom she was also coming? Deep says she hurt her leg so doctor advised her to take bed rest. Babita says okay take care of her and after baby shower we will visit your house. Isha and Deep walk inside. Babita ask Ragini is Meet ready. Ragini says yes and both of them will come downstair soon. Sunaina and Masum standing nearby listening everything. Masum says to Sunaina did you listen how Meet is rhe centre of attraction. Sunaina says don’t worry it’s for sometime.
Deep and Isha did announcement for Meet and Meet Ahlawat. Both of them walk downstairs and celebration begins. Isha and Deep explains everyone about the game, Ragini and Babita will judge it. Everyone gets excited and participate in game. Sunaina make fun of Tej. Babita and Ragini says Hoshiyar is the winner. Hoshiyar mocks Masum on having a new baby. Masum says please forgive me.
Update Credit to: Tanaya
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