Kundali Bhagya 3rd May 2022 Written Episode, Written Update on
Preeta is slowly walking out of the police station, she is really depressed, Karan is also thrashing the entire cell in anger, he hits the rods while also throwing the food bowls. Preeta walking to the car thinks when she asked karan if he thought she sent him here, he replies he knows that she is the one behind it all. Karan also thrashes the vase, Preeta thinks he said she on the first day revealed she only came back for the money and property, in short to rule the Luthra industries. Preeta standing beside the car thinks that she is not going to let this hatred and anger come in her desire to prove him innocent but when he will be released, she will finally talk with him once and for all.
In the morning Rakhi is preparing a plate when Karina instructs Ganesh to serve the breakfast and also she asks Rakhi if she is serving the food for Mahesh bhai, Karina informs that she has just come back after feeding him fruits and the nurse said he would have the breakfast after an hour so Rakhi must sit with them to have the breakfast, Rakhi sits down while Ganesh starts preparing the breakfast, Dadi seeing Preeta says she is not hungry, Karina also asks Ganesh to serve the food in her room, even Kritika says that she will have the breakfast with her in the room, Rakhi is looking at Preeta when Karina forces her to come with her to the room where they are going to have the breakfast. Ganesh asks Preeta what will she want to eat, Preeta replies she is just sitting here when he offers her tea so she agrees, maddy immediately calls Preeta asking her to come to Bandra because he is following Sandesh. Preeta rushes out of the house, Sameer sees her so follows wondering what is she planning to do.
Maddy is sitting outside the stadium in the car when Prithvi steps out of the car while wearing a hoodie, he reaches the stadium when the guard instructs him to either go inside or out of the stadium, Prithvi gets frustrated shouting at the guard when he sees Sandesh so goes after him, the guard thinks he has seen the man somewhere so recalls he is the fan of Karan sir and wear the t shirt with his name. Maddy also reaches the stadium when the guard gives him the same warning so he walks inside the stadium. Prithvi and Sandesh sit in the café, a waiter asks them to change their seat since this table is already booked, Sandesh replies he knows there is no such law here, but the waiter points to Maddy who is standing on the other side, he takes prithvi and Sandesh to the other table, Maddy seeing him wonders who is the person with Sandesh in the hoodie.
Prithvi questions what was the need to call him as they could have talked on the phone, Sandesh replies that something really strange is happening because someone has really deep pockets and is gathering the proofs against them from the police, he explains that no one is able to get the proof until they are revealed in the court but he has even got the photo which Prithvi clicked, prithvi asks if he got mad as it cannot happen but Sandesh replies he even found out that someone is trying to get the information of his house.
Preeta reaches the stadium when she walks inside, the guard wishes her so she explains she needs to go inside, he asks if she is the wife of Karan sir, then questions if something is about to happen inside, she doesnot understand when he reveals that even his fan has arrived who wears the t shirt of his name. Preeta recalls how Maddy informed that this man is always following karan, she rushes inside when Sameer also gets out of the car, he is following Preeta.
Prithvi gives Sandesh the phone asking him to put the bank details when he is going to transfer the amount which he will use to leave this country, this will make sure that they are not able to contact another, he asks him to hurry up, Maddy stands beside Preeta signaling at Sandesh, he exclaims that the person with the Hoodie is related but he feels he is the mastermind, he asks for one hour which he will use to gather his information. Preeta gets a call and turns while Prithvi manages to see her because of the waiter, Preeta rushes to stop Sandeep and asks him to sit down, she reveals she know what he has done and just wants to inquire about the name of the person, Sameer also reaches the café and sits on the other side.
Sameer wonders what is she talking to him about, Preeta replies that he calls himself to be the fan of karan but would know her, but she feels he is not the fan yet a lot of his die hard fans are saddened, she knows that karan was trapped and so he is going to tell her who hired him. Sandeep explains that he lied that he did not know her but he knows she is his wife, Sandeep says Karan took the money at which angers Preeta, she replies she ahs a photo of him giving the money so he should not lie, Sandesh runs away. Preeta thinks that Maddy said he suspected the person in the hoodie. She wonders where did he go, She receives a call from Shristhi and informs that she is at the Edison club. Sameer starts following Preeta.
Sandesh explains that Prithvi is really smart and he hid at the last moment, Prithvi mentions because he is smart and Sandesh is not, she rushes to ask Sandesh about the person in the hoodie, but he at first denies it all but is then says she is mistaken, Preeta gives him a blank paper mentioning that his niece would know about it, she leaves in anger when thinks that the person who is in the hoodie would come to get the paper, she manages to see his hand but Sandesh warns Prithvi so they both run away, Preeta manages to take his hoodie, she runs to follow him in the auto.
Shrishti pulls Sameer who questions her what is she trying to do in the club, Shristhi questions if he would believe her anything that she says, if she tells him that her sister is trying to protect all those who are against her including the person who she is trying to save, Sameer replies that her sister would not be able to protect karan at all.
Karan replies he doesnot think he is against anyone, he asks the lawyer if he is taking any step to find out the reality of the person who is behind it all, the lawyer replies that he is doing all he can when karan questions if he found anything regarding Preeta.
Sandesh immediately gets in the auto with Prithvi, he explains that Preeta is a little bit smart from him since she used a simple paper to get to him, Prithvi replies she is not that smart as they are still free, Sandesh replies that he is being trapped as they have gotten his photos, Prithvi replies this was the plan from the start that he is going to take photos with karan to trap him and then leave the country, he questions why is he still here to which Sandesh replies that his tickets are booked for the day after tomorrow and he is getting all the news about what is going on in the police station. Preeta following them thinks that she is going to take the last step to find out his truth.
Karan informs the lawyer how he doesnot know who would benefit from it all but if they are to suspect anyone then it is Preeta.
Shristhi questions why do the Luthra’s not agree if anyone talks sense, Sameer replies they were not able to find the deceivers till now, Shristhi warns him to not say anything against her family, he blames them for cheating the Luthra’s. she questions how did they cheat by saving them from Prithvi who used to treat them even worse as slaves. Sameer leaves in anger while Shristhi follows him.
Prithvi instructs him to stop the auto, getting out he warns Sandesh to never show his face. Preeta rushes to prithvi and she sees his face, prithvi gets shocked when she replies that it is him because of whom Karan got locked up in jail. Prithvi is left shocked.
Update Credit to: Sona
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