Sunday, 10 April 2022

Rain beauty RiKara SS Part 3


Gauri:No Omkara…no….

Omkara was shocked as he was completely sure of getting a positive reply from her.

OMKARA:Gauri…why?I have any fault?Then please tell.I will correct myself.

GAURI:No.You are perfect.But…


GAURI:But I love some one else.

GAURI:But I love some one else

He was shocked.

GAURI:I am in love with…Rudra.

Omkara felt that his head was spinning:Rudra?



Omkara entered Rudra’s room.

Rudra:Arre yaar…did you talk to Gauri?

Omkara’s tear drops fell on his hand.

RUDRA:Omkara…your presence used to make me happy.But your tears which fell on my hand burnt my hand.

Omkara burst into tears:She does’nt love me.


Omkara was crying.

RUDRA:Don’t cry over such a silly thing.There are so many girls who are mad about your music.You will get one among them.

OMKARA:It’s not easy to fall in love with anyone.

OMKARA:It's not easy to fall in love with anyone

Rudra was helpless.

OMKARA:I know that you joked to console me.

He wiped his tears.

OMKARA:It’s ok.I will not cry.

Omkara tried hard to smile.

OMKARA:But I need to smile.Because I should be happy that my best friend is loved by someone who is very nice.

Rudra gave him a confused look.

OMKARA:Gauri is in love with you Rudra.She told me that.

Rudra was shocked.He could’nt believe what he heard.

Omkara left the room.



Gauri entered Rudra’s room with a glass of milk.

GAURI:Drink this.You will feel fresh.

Rudra stared at her.Gauri felt nervous.

GAURI:Rudra,why are you staring at me like this as if I am a criminal?

RUDRA:You are a criminal Gauri.

Gauri was shocked.The glass fell down from her hand as her hand shivered.

RUDRA:You lied to Omkara that you love me.You rejected his innocent love.So you are a criminal.


RUDRA:Gauri…tell me…why did you lie to Omkara?I know that you don’t love me.It’s not easy to understand whether someone loves me or not.But it’s not tough to understand that I am not loved by you.I can understand that from your eyes.To avoid Omkara you cooked up that you love me.Right?

Gauri was silent.She dared to speak.

GAURI:I am sorry Rudra.

Rudra smiled:Finally through your silence you admitted that you don’t love me.Right Gauri?

Gauri decided not to face him and concentrated on cleaning the floor

Gauri decided not to face him and concentrated on cleaning the floor.

RUDRA:Gauri…you can ignore me.But don’t ignore Omkara’s feelings.He thinks that you rejected him because of me.You should at least tell him the truth.Please…it’s my request.

Gauri ran out crying.Rudra was upset.



A rainy day…

Gauri went near Omkara.

GAURI:Omkara…I am sorry.

OMKARA:Why should you be sorry?You just told me the truth

OMKARA:Why should you be sorry?You just told me the truth.

GAURI:No.Till now what ever I told you was far away from the truth.

Till now what ever I told you was far away from truth

Omkara was shocked.

The post Rain beauty RiKara SS Part 3 appeared first on Telly Updates.

4/10/2022 02:11:00 pmFilmSchoolWTFNo comments

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