First time without my maanvi help I publish this os so please ignore my poor grammatical mistakes frds.
Thanks for the support and love. I am very happy with your response on previous os’s….your comments motivated me a lot…..keep supporting me the way all are doing….lots of love to all
It’s start from Vansh went business trip and riddhima Miss him lots.
She gets Vansh’s call. Vansh says your smile shows you have forgiven me, sorry I had to leave for that deal, I will be home soon. She smiles and silently listen.
He says you got a chance to enjoy bachelor time again, do you miss someone. She says you aren’t here, I have a right on this room. He says you are trying to divert your mind, like you are playing with your ring now. She asks did you fix camera. He says no, when person wants to see someone by the eyes of heart, he can see and hear voice, you also try and recall the person who is close to your heart, I promise you won’t need to open eyes, I have to go, I will call later, enjoy your bachelor time. She says I wish I could say this room is nothing without you. She misses him and thinks of him.
After u r all know Sejal arrive and she know everything then kabir kidnapped her….he meet riddhima at the time vansh arrive.
( But small change serial track vansh not seen ridbhir but my os vansh seen ridbhir)
After seeing a riddhbir vansh blood boiled and then silently listen a conversation
3 hours later
Vansh enter a VR manison in main door ( bcz Vansh’s wants to meet first her sweetheart so he enter back gate but after seeing riddhbir together vansh angry went there someplace)… All the raisinghaniya’s present and saw vansh arrive then they hugged vansh…. riddhima also happy seeing vansh but vansh ignore her and he says there is a special dinner at our house today, Sejal would be coming. Dadi says you did good, I will prepare the menu. Vansh says the dinner will be interesting, many secrets will come out. He goes upstairs. Riddhima thinks how vansh know about Sejal and y he ignoring me it’s mean he knows about me Sejal told everything to him, he leave me…no no riddhima u r overthinking he so tired that’s y he behaves first u to ask u know Sejal arrive.
Riansh’s room
Riddhima ask vansh y u ignore me and how do you know Sejal, sejal with u na then y u didn’t not tell me u know how much I worried for sejal… I thought she kidnapped and am Miss so much
Vansh: oh really riddhima u miss only your frds not me
Riddhima: no it’s not like that vansh… I really miss you lots vansh and sejal is my frd but u r my vo…vo
Vansh: for what riddhima
R: she blushed and say nothing leave it… Now u came na am happy
V: sweetheart u know I hate betrayal and but some one hid me biggest truth but today all truth r come out so u just wait for tonight sweetheart saying he gifted dress for riddhima and leaving
Riddhima thinking he say sweetheart it’s mean he angry with me
Kabir place
Kabir: mom don’t worry about Sejal. She is with me but y vansh say sejal with him but one thinks is conform Vansh play some game
Anupriya: yes my son. U take care if vansh get to know about we r murdered by uma Vansh ka mom he definitely killed me and u
Kabir: mom he never no about this matter…
Anupriya: what about riddhima
Kabir: is my love, my Jaan… just joking mom u know na I never loved her before I use only for my mission so I acting and manipulating saying he laughed evily but mom one thing I don’t know when vansh touch riddhima I feel burning in my heart after I realised I love her very much
Anupriya: but I don’t like a girl Kabir
Kabir: u don’t like r not I don’t care after my mission complete I married her definitely and tonight I come VR mansion saying he cut the call
VR mansion decorated beautifully… All the family are r present in hall expect riansh, Kabir also present but disguise herself like servent. Just a minute Riansh also arrive with hand by hand together

Dadi: vansh decoration r really beautiful I don’t think anything arrange only for Sejal any spl reason behind this vansh
Vansh: yes dadi so spl some evil r out and happiness r in….
What u mean vansh saying dadi
Nothing dadi just enjoy the party but riddhima understand vansh hid something….1/2 hour over riddhima ask vansh were is Sejal.
Sabar sweetheart sabar saying vansh… Then suddenly all the lights r off.. videos Play on screen. Anupriya truth is out
All the raisinghaniya’s shocked
Vansh say to dadi is the one killed my mom but we r trust so blindly I give my mom place to her but she not deserve our love… u two r killed my mom and Ragini but u both r didn’t know about one think that is Ragini alive yea I hidden bcz she know who killed my mom… Today I found the truth tears fall from vansh face dadi wiped it and near to Anupriya slapped her and u killed my bahu saying slapped again and again ask were is your beloved son kabir
I don’t know saying Anupriya
But I know….a voice came from behind. All r turn and looking at the person
Riddhima: Sejal u here saying she hugged and crying
Sejal: riddhu first I will end kabir chapter after we talk saying she went servent ka kabir and remove the disguise. Now kabir caught
At the time dadi fall unconscious so all r take a room expect riansh, Sejal, anubir.
How this possible how u arrive
Vansh: so sad na kabir your planned r failed. U know Kabir first I don’t know were is Sejal after u and your mom conversation I know it.
Kabir went to riddhima and say I know u love me riddhu it’s all fake he is mafiya and murder u know na how much I love u and cupped a riddhima face seeing all vansh angre go to riddhima and shout kabir… Now She is my wife MR. Kabir
Police arrived
Kabir doesn’t listen again cupped a face and say u trust me na riddhima and manipulating but this time riddhima is not our riddhima she is riddhima vansh rai Singhania….she slapped kabir and shout get out my way Mr. Kabir am not your lover and a kind information I don’t love u am miss riddhima Vansh Rai Singhania… inspector sir please arrest him immediately.
Police arrested Anubir
Riansh looking at eachother and then riddhima decided to leave a mansion suddenly two arms took a riddhima in bridal side and she know who is…. yes our vansh and went a room
Riansh room
Vansh close the door. He placed riddhima on bed then silence for 5 minutes
Vansh was the first person break the silence and say riddhima I know u love kabir and spying on me, kabir manipulating u that’s y u married me I also feel this pain riddhima and trust me riddhima once upon a time I love Ragini after she betrayal me then I never loved anyone after u entry I fall in love with…. Yes riddhima I love you…past is past now u decide u stay with me or leaving me but I always be with u.
Immediately riddhima hugged vansh and say sry vansh sry please forgive am not worthy and royal for u and not perfect life partner for u vansh… U know vansh am orphan I craving for family at the time kabir came my Life I thought he is perfect so I also have family and then today I know he evil intention, manipulated me using me for a cheap mission… Yes I married u bcz of her mission and so called fake love but after our marriage I don’t know when I fall with u yes I also love u vansh love u so much. so I decided to tell kabir that I don’t want to Play this mission and I Love vansh. she was about saying something further but suddenly a soft lips touched a rosy lips they continue the kiss about 5 minutes.
After they break the kiss vansh say I know all riddhima morning u and kabir conversation are i heard…. That time I really broken so I leaving… After 2 hours I came to meet u bcz I want a answer y u betrayal me… At the time I heard anupir plan.
Riddhima u so innocent and pure soul when I see you I feel my mother with u forget past enjoy our present don’t worry be smile sweetheart …but riddhima crying
vansh have a idea so he tickled riddhima tummy then they fall on bed… Vansh care for riddhu hair and then he kiss a ear, nose, cheeks and finally lips.
Consumate the marriage
*The end*
Please once again ignore my grammatical mistakes frds. Next update Angry bird loves last part.. now a days am vist TU what I do bcz of my project wrk, assignment,seminar so many wrk this is my final year just 6 months my yr completed I try to comment all your updates frds u really good writer and my readers also very very cute and good. Lot’s of love
Big thanks for maanvi she helping lots and lots of love u
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